Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Aching In Leg And Lump On Calf

Mulhacen Climb to 18.19 / 09.07

the guys in the boot, the most extreme and adventurous group of Hiking Club "The Punton" raise the roof of the Iberian peninsula. You can view photos as well as an extensive report on his blog

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bmi Data For Females In Canada

paleontology-themed Poetry (1)

For Heraclius Astudillo Pombo. DMACS, UDL.

Introduction the poetic use of fossils.

The magical influence of many fossils, especially those who are very bright, has also attracted the attention of some sensitive people, inclined toward poetic production, whether professional or amateur poets, for there is nothing strange to understand that the contemplation of such unique stones and surprising, for the Weird imitative forms they take or the thoroughness superhuman reach the detailed figures and reliefs that decorate their surfaces, could not remain indifferent, practitioners of versification. Limestone

ammonite, showing a group of them, exposed to view the effect of differential erosion and dissolution have been more effective on sedimentary limestone matrix on internal molds of pure calcite.

Stock Tony Waltham
is normal fossils have been more strongly impressed those who are naturally more sensitive than the average population, they are much more likely to be ecstatic with this kind of amazing natural objects more strongly to marvel at the mystery of fossilization or be more easily seduced by the magic perfection that show certain types of stones that are extremely interesting, to any observer that the contemplated with curiosity and attention, because of the rarity and perfection of its forms.

The luckiest poetic inspiration, enabled to express and communicate, in a brief but intense deep admiration that many humans share, to such rare productions of nature, or the vibrant emotion can provoke their aesthetic contemplation or mystical reflections that leads meditation inspired by the symbolism of their forms.

looks surprisingly realistic fossilized skeleton a fish of the species Aipichthys velifer , Cretaceous from the town of Hjoula (Lebanon) possesses rich deposits as fisheries.

And it matters that the possession of the object inspiring poetry, is the result of capricious chance, causing involuntary surprise to finders, as that is the product of a systematic search long and hard, or even that the fossil has been received, free of charge, as a reward or gift, or has been purchased, expensive, selecting and buying in a store specialized and even in cases where the fossil is not owned by the author of the verses. In any of the above situations, emotions can trigger contemplation of poetic inspiration can blossom and flow with the same intensity.

fossil coral fragment, cut and polished, ready for use as a component of jewelry, from the Miocene (Indonesia), approx. 20 MA. At first glance, natural design, can look like a fireworks display. "

The poet person, whether it's right hand, as if inept, educated or popular, and hopes to try the various impacts of their verses, on the sensitivity of the target readership or audience listener, trigger, instantly, intense emotions or fleeting evocations that arouse feelings closely lying dormant, deep thoughts that inspire or provoke knowing smiles. All this and much more, you can get a poetic text driven by fossil fuels, if the operator dominates enough, the difficult art of imagining, constructing and installing various devices of language, arranging strategically, cleverly prepared as snap traps, predisposed to be activated when touched by the comprehensive view of the reading public hearing or captured by attentive listeners.
By reading the poems paleontological we selected from that we can muster, with some difficulty and effort, we hope to show, as poetic forms and styles have changed a lot over the years, or as communicative goals of the alleged poets, can be quite varied.


Poem Taravillo Antonio Rivero (Spain, 1963), drawn from the author's blog: Snow Fire

Perhaps this poem was inspired by the author for the accidental destruction of a slab of slate ornamental pieces containing Paleozoic fossil fronds of some Carboniferous fern species .

About this plant fossils have won
the marble hall and shelves
Newton's law, the blind search, with two glasses
over-the spell
estimated at some books that I fled.
thousands or millions of years now
broom drag into the trash.

But not everything falls and is destroyed:
afternoon in which we find beauty,

the immense briefly converge
forgotten times and ours, saved
memory. Unable to break
what is printed in our soul.
drop of amber
As I still
of the minimum leaf vegetables.

Appearance a small portion of a blackboard, Paleozoic, showing part of a frond of Sphenopteris sp., a genus of ferns, common in iferior Pennsylvanian (Upper Carboniferous), about 300 million years old.


Poem Clara Janes Nadal (Spain, 1940), taken from the blog needle dizzy
This poem was inspired by the author, as she reported in his book of poems dedicated to fossils, for philosophical and poetic contemplation of a fossil ammonite, bought at a street stall the Rastro Madrid.

If sleeping outside
much sleep include ammonites

to spiral!

waking dream did not encourage

watch is endless:

transubstantiated be

in the stone is flooded ephemeral

and invests statism

by wading death.

Appearance of the two halves of a shell spiral ammonite fossil, sectioned along its equatorial plane, on the left side shows the internal septation in the right shell and the shell external relief with the typical grooves and ribs, the distribution of property used for the classification and identification of individuals, in this case seems to be Parkinsonia sp.


Clearly, this poem was inspired by the author, by the accidental destruction of an ornamental specimen in some sort of fossilized mollusk.
I have some serious doubts "palaeontology" on many statements made by the author, regarding the nature and vicissitudes of his copy of fossil gastropod destroyed, surely it is literary license, poéticamente justifiable, fear that the drama of the story and development in aportan aumentan Because the effect of contrast, the sarcastic end of the poem and the Fossil.

This snail fossil Jurassic
(Scientifically, a gastropod hundred million years ago)
was big as a fist and perfect helicoid
sexually hermaphrodite.
He lived in dense coniferous forests, humid valleys of ferns
a sea shore and warm.
Once petrified,
suffered earthquakes, frost, rivers of lava,
ocean currents, floods, hurricanes,
Calamarca, tornadoes, the impact of aerolites.
Miraculously, he came unscathed today, the snail.
a son (again anys i angelic, per cert),
com qui no vol thing, is it in a thousand esberlar- trossos

looks like a copy Trepospira sp. a gender gastropod fossil Paleozoic Included found in rocks of Devonian to Carboniferous, with a length of 286 to 408 million years.
by Heraclius