Sunday, May 15, 2011

How Cough Out Phlegm Baby


I think today is my birthday.
actually taking the date as something symbolic. My ID card says he was born on May 17 in Buenos Aires City
But my ID is a lie. When I was born I was placed with a couple who opted for the faster option: to score as their own daughter. The midwife gave a birth certificate signed and sealed properly, saying it was his daughter, the details of delivery and so were the Civil Registry and I scored. It was easy just had to keep the secret for 15 years, until the suppression of crime and identity status lapse.
But they were difficult years because since I have reason suspected, asked and all those hidden got sick. Learning disabilities, behavioral, not socializing. He had inside information, genetic truth but could not decipher. Being a parent at any cost.
This of ownership still occurs, choose the fastest route and never think about the consequences. Because we say that a human is born, a baby.
There is much talk surrogacy, fertilization by donor laboratories, all designed from the perspective of the adult who wants to be a parent at all costs. What will happen when the baby grows and ask about its origin? Who is like, why or does not like certain things because during pregnancy the baby food in addition to receiving information.
only managed to find out that my biological mother is Polish or Russian (I studied the language without knowing it), I was born in La Plata and not in the Federal Capital, the year could be 1961 or 1963. From my father I know nothing.
is difficult to live in such uncertainty and feeling that one was treated as an object that is acquired at home are stressed. Supposedly my birthday today and do not know for sure how many. I am not alone and this continues to happen.
My hope is that humanize us, we do things right. That can not be parents at all costs adopting a child can not be bought, not made it at home, who loves and accepts them as is. That parenting is an act of love and not a genetic manipulation or commercial transaction. Let us be aware.
Palma Graciela (citizens without identity) DNI (with false) 16,496,527

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

European Caning Movies

Sunday May 8 "The Rowan - Cerro Guzman (1825 m.)" Abla-Ruta

A year hiking club "The Punton" organized in collaboration with the City of Abla the traditional route of the Spring Festival, this time we will go to one of the most beautiful places of the municipality of Abla.
departure time at 9:00 Abla Roman Mausoleum, where we will travel in private cars to the top of our route, Rowan Recreational Area, this route takes us along a forest trail to Cerro Guzman highest point of the Sierra Nevada de Abla, if the weather is good we were to give a superb view of the bay of Almeria and Cabo de Gata in here you can the farmhouse of Majada Moreno to take the stage path No .12 of Sulayr linking the Polarda and Roza recreational area, and take us back to our starting point.
The route distance is 11 km. and the estimated duration is 3 hours, at the end we will go to the Municipal Park of Abla Montagon where the club and the city of Abla gave us a meal. That is why I beg your assistance enjoin email to

Monday, April 18, 2011

Cell Respiration Due Tom.

Paleontology-themed poetry (4)

ASTUDILLO-POMBO, Dept. Medi Ambient i Ciències del Sol, Universitat de Lleida.

Introduction to the poetry of paleontological reasoning

As we have done before in some other rare occasions, this month we will also address an issue that is quite atypical, mostly because of its rarity usual. It is, as you could have inferred from the title of this post, to return to show some poems that, contrary to what is often customary, in the world of poetry, come to show as before, that poetry and paleontology are not incompatible.
Extreme rarity of this particular poetic theme naturalist possibly be because fossilization is a very rare and very localized and therefore infrequent contact, while other types of natural phenomena and everyday life are much more ubiquitous, why there are many more people who write or read poetry, which have experienced intense emotions and deep in experience related to the contemplation of landscape, natural or perticulares humanized or aspects thereof, such as the sky, terrain, sea, vegetation, some species of flora or fauna, or even artifacts of civilization that dot the landscape or make disappear the nature of the eye of the beholder. Therefore, it seems quite normal that very few writers and readers of poetry, are truly and deeply touched, while practicing paleontology activities or when contemplating a fossil extaordinario, for their aesthetic beauty, rarity biological or scientific importance mythical meaning. The only poet of our cultural environment, I know who has dedicated a full book of poems is fossils Clara Janes (Fossils, 1985. Poetry)

The main reason for wanting to return to the literary theme-paleontological , dedicating the April entry, is because this month has a huge literary connotation, because of their relationship and tradition with the literature in all its forms of expression, communication, production and themes.
For many decades, has been held in Europe, coinciding with the day on April 23, including several different types of anniversaries memorials, a tribute to the promotion of reading and book publishing, as well as praise of all forms of literary creation and production.

On the Iberian languages \u200b\u200band poetic production
- paleontological

Whenever the occasion collect the paleontological-poetic material, appropriate, has allowed us, we have taken the opportunity that represents the power to have this channel of communication that this section is. So we have shown some poetry, conceived and written in any of the various Iberian languages, which are used for various cultural communities of our peninsula, so far only has been possible to present poetry in Castilian and Catalan, either lack of production and / or dissemination of poetic-paleontological work in other languages \u200b\u200bor because our ability to understand non-Romance languages \u200b\u200band their extreme opacity, for a person of another cultural community, prevented us able to detect even one poem of paleontological reasoning in this language peninsular, this is the case heuskara and effect unless I euskaldun, but everything is hopeless ... when the person knows and can, want to collaborate. That is, if anyone knows some paleontological poetic productions, written in any English, we would be very grateful if you would like to send us this poetic material.

As a person trained in the life sciences, earth and cultural anthropology, I think the environmental diversity, including biodiversity, geodiversity and cultural diversity, are rich social and human heritage, common, and as such should be considered by society, including political parties and managed by public administration and not as an abnormality, to suppress a formidable threat that endangers the homogeneity and unity of the country or simply as a curiosity or oddity
must be musealised folkloric and as soon as possible, for the benefit of tourism. Therefore, we believe that any form of human culture, including scientific and literary, always, should be considered and evaluated very positively, because it is a useful property for necessary and valuable for its little or much originality . So any cultural product a Once it has been published, still belong to the author, becomes part of human heritage and belongs to tod @ s @ s that they know to appreciate it.

The theme of the month

This month, the special theme of the poetic and paleontological section of this blog, is that poetic productions shown there are works of "non-professionalized" in any both issues, they do not have thickened
economic heritage, with the practice of poetry, or that of paleontology, although both have dedicated many hours of your time and have found them very rewarding.
The authors are presenting today, addressed through his poems, on various aspects related to the fossils, fossilization or practice of paleontology, from approaches as more or less significant impact on various aspects of a philosophical, theological or geological. In one case we are able to transmit ideas and emotions through instruments or minimalist constructions and an extraordinarily synthetic, while in the other, to express themselves and communicate with the reader, the author has
needed to make use of buildings more descriptive and bulky ...


( Dedicated paleontologist the friend and lover of nature, Josep Biosca Lots, May 1987 )

Poem of Josep Sala i Feu ( Spain, 1915 to 2006) , from the book "SINGS I WALK "published in Manresa in 1990, p. 158-159 ,

In this poem mossèn Feu, sings to the fossil fauna of their land girl Bages (Barcelona) and the rewarding activity of the collector, but as priest and pastor, did not miss the opportunity to link the fossil record the parable of eternal life and the idea of \u200b\u200bGod as the beginning and end of all things.

Transmetro pruned some Missatge els Fossils,

ells that seculars trets dels primitius

his effigy still docile,

and more Vellard the story?

Fifty million years looking back,

time buried deep ocean,

testify living pioneer

successive mornings of our world.

What pleasure is extracted from the depths

land remains both llunyants!

think like, forgotten in the mountains,

waited so many years ... your hands

In Bages There is a long string

the Eocene: "Dinerets Sant Pau,

the geometric urchins, star,

ramatge end of corals and soft

Shells combed the turns

snail, pearl oysters and crabs arc ...

to think that the divine hand glimpse

Notwithstanding, this brief as gracefully those mud

When open eyes, to showcase the look

full of mystery, so evocative,

think my dream imagines

belluguegen like that alive.

And when I hear, splendid Message:

rest if both a single animal

will live much we made image

of the One who is life and resurrection.

Fossil apparently lasting

when everyone seems only a moment,

of future real life

que ens promet Déu, tu n’ets signe eloqüent!

Imagenes, ambas, extraídas de "Introduction to Isle of Wight Geology", by Dr. Ian West" representado una selección de moluscos, de la fauna eocena, de una zona del Reino Unido

Life of stones

Poem Clemente Muñoz Calvo ( Spain, 1964 ) surplus and active pharmaceutical versatile artist.

With this poem its initial written, in mid-1990, has gone through various phases audiovisual Clemente Calvo, seems to encourage us to feel the vertigo of time geological and capture the true essence of Paleontology, understanding of life in the past, through its scientific reconstruction.

living stones also

And just for your life

can live the worlds inhabited


echo those havens

speak of the eternal.

's life

stones under the floor throbs

And listen carefully to his heartbeat

concentrate on a fossil

We take the pulse of the universe.

To be faithful to the original photo illustration, by Clemente Calvo, who accompanied the same poem, when it was published in the Bulletin of the College of Pharmacists of Zaragoza, HEADLIGHT No. 65, October 2000, we have chosen this image formally very different, but in our view, very similar conceptually. The spiral step the center of the shell of an ammonite, a metaphor for the spiral staircase that allows Paleontologists deepening knowledge of geologic time, associated with the conditions and circumstances in which experienced former living agencies as we now find fossil record.

Image: on-a-bottom-of-texture-de-cer-mico.jpg