Monday, December 28, 2009

Receiver Turns Off Loud Noise

The fossil record Iberian and Catholic saints (1)


Introduction to fossils related to the saints.

We take December to revisit the issue of those fossil lore Iberian Peninsula, had linked in the past with the Christian religion, through the Catholic calendar. And we make this choice for two reasons, first, because this month is for the Catholic faithful, one of the most important months of the annual religious cycle, as coinciding with the winter solstice and much the same way as did the pagans Roman to celebrate the rebirth of the sun course at the start of their annual cycle, also celebrated the birth of their deified emperors, Christians celebrate the birth of the human form of God, Jesus of Nazareth, which the new religion brought to the pre-Christian world obscurantist "light", is considered the central and most important character of the gospel narratives, to contribute to humanity is "enlightenment."
The second reason is that being the last month of the Catholic religious calendar, a large amount and diversity of folk traditions and para-type holiday, some motivated by the solstice and the other by the end of the production cycle, social and annual festival, spread around the ecclesiastical festivals, strictly speaking, religious.

The topic of the fossils associated with the Catholic calendar, it is no new since it started some time ago, in September 2007 when we discussed the fossil popular culture was related to James or his legendary horse presenting the various fossil Jacobean located by our research, in all regions English, presented and discussed over the eight parties that made up that chapter monograph devoted entirely to fossil Iberian lore associated with the saint was more important for its popularity and appeal to the English Catholics: Santiago, Sant Yago, St. Jaime or Sant Jaume, the patron saint of Spain and of pilgrims traveling to Holy Land or Compostela.

The "whys", more generic, the relationship between Catholic religious pantheon and the Iberian fossil record.

The extreme religiosity and popular credulity, associated with the traditional scientific or rational ignorance of most people, from pre-scientific societies Iberian past centuries, characterized by a lack of elementary knowledge scientific strategies needed to interpret in a logical and naturalist, the presence of the fossil record in certain locations, in centuries past, favored, linking certain kinds of fossils, with certain invocations of Iberian Catholic saints, and were they new establishment or simple substitute of old pagan gods, often pre-Roman origin.
If we explore the Iberian religious folklore characteristic of some rural areas where there paleontological sites, we can find that in certain localities English and Portuguese, for several centuries, certain types of fossils were closely related to certain shrines and some of the sacred images venerated in those buildings.

countryside shrines They tend to be more or less close to paleontological and in which in some cases, divine images were venerated, almost always of the suffering Christ, and in one case, the Blessed Trinity. In other sanctuaries, were worshiped images of the Virgin, usually in the form of the "mother of God", while in other cases, was venerated at different images of various saints, martyrs usually with a geographical importance status varied. But in any case, it was images that people of diverse populations distributed by the environs of the sanctuary, and honored him popular forms of worship, characterized by one or more annual pilgrimages.

Of all the types of fossil Iberian popular culture related to the s Iberian antoral Catholic, clearly different species dominated Micraster generally is M. coranginum , a very common species in the grounds of the Cretaceous. The arrangement of the ambulacral grooves of the systems in a cross which was the main symbol of the Christians, had to be a highly determining factor for linking people with a variety of sacred figures.
Image: ~ EH9K-NGT/geo/fossils_w/echinoid/Micraster_brevis.html

The reason more general to establish an association between certain sacred figures, and certain types of fossils, first, would the mere fact that the paleontological be encontransen near the shrines, in which worship of the image, a "holy" determined.
Secondly, another reason for the relationship, would be associated fossils, showing some physical property, usually morphological and sometimes color, more or less obvious and that is a landmark, which would associate them with a wonderful event, featuring the "saint" and reflected in the legendary biography, for the sacred invocation from the sanctuary exerts protective patronage of the area (See examples of emblematic cases associated with the popular tradicón the Apostle Santiago in the form of fossils was a cause of association: a scallop shell, snare tip of footprints horse, hearts, zucchini, of iron spear, etc..).

Both types of relationships of fossils with the sacred, both the proximity to the shrine as the expression of relationship with the sacred or indicative of extraordinary virtue, they would be explained in a clear, simple, emotional and simplistic, in a passage of legends for popular, etiologic and hagiographic, created "ad hoc" for some imaginative missionary priest or layman. These fantastic stories that sought to highlight the miraculous ability of the "holy" while its charitable and benevolent disposition toward humans, derive, in some cases pre-Christian myths and other regional, certain universal myths that were not always be evangelical or biblical origin.

not be ruled out in certain areas and localities, clear evidence or the possibility of Christianizing appropriate adaptive changes, designed to replace old pre-Christian cults and explanatory legends to assimilate old pagan Preexisting popular religiosity of the people who lived in those same places, officially instituted before Christianity.

In the past, was very frequent popular association of the fossil shells of marine aspect, as were those of bivalves, brachiopods and gastropods, with some saints who were associated with aquatic wonders such as stone boats that sail the sea carrying their relics, miracles sprout sources , appear lakes, etc.

Pictured fossil bivalve shell venerated, one of the most typical symbols of St. James.


The ancient custom human, aiming to involve foreign objects of unknown origin were discovered in their environment, with some of the older sacred entities, medium or younger made up their ethnic religious pantheon, particularly, in the opinion of anthropologists and psychologists, is a constant which arises from the cultural ancestral psychological need to be explained, understandably, the origin of all that exists in their environment, albeit magical and legendary, the only or the most comprehensive of the forms for the primitive-minded individuals , arational and naturalistic, pre-scientific societies successive members of the Peninsula.
also comes from the psychological need to dispose of material, related to forces or supernatural powers that provide some form of control over some disturbing developments or risks to the individual and the community. So that this state of knowledge of causes and apparent control of threats, would get to provide individuals and the community, a sense of security and peace of mind, when society lacks the intellectual and material resources that could meet the same human psychological needs , through more rational, modern science and technology.

Certain types of nummulites , medium or large and more or less flattened, and some other foraminifera with the same characteristics, all coin-like stone, are the kinds of fossils that are most commonly associated with shrines dedicated to St. Lucia and the Virgin Mary.
In the picture, gravel and gravel formed exclusively by accumulation of numerous fossilized shells nummulites, existing in a stretch of road from the chapel of Santa Anna to the passage of Cabrafiga, in the municipality of Susqueda in the region of La Selva


In our particular case, the type of items "foreign" environment that should be inculturated to be socialized and made sacred by the community, have proven to be certain types of fossils, especially favorable for this type of sociocultural assimilatory process, by its own special characteristics morphology that could be interpreted by people of primitive mentality, fabulous pre-scientific, as genuine "signs", "brands" or "signals" given by God, so that these objects express the human relationship with the sacred and for those able to recognize them.

From the perspective of popular magical-religious devotion, typically "nice" and "scapegoat", the object representative of or relating to the sacred figure (image, relic, medal, ribbon, fossil-amulet) can replace at least in part, the character portrayed (sacred figure) and also acquire, at least in part, his supernatural powers. This is possible, because there is the popular imagination, some kind of extraordinary relationship between the objects venerated and character that are related and they represent, considering this relationship as a conduit for giving intercom human needs, more specific to the nuclear-revered sacred object and revered character superhuman abilities that are related to or which represent supernatural powers which can benefit through the activities of worship, propitiatory purposes, that he surrender, daily individual and private way, or annually on a collective and public, move to the sanctuary that has been assigned, almost always, on its own miraculous choice.

In some English cities, the ancient religious traditions have been preserved to the present, but partly or wholly deconsecrated, held in the form of leisure behavior, unrelated to the beliefs and practices religious old.
In the picture, you can see a group of hikers trying to discover some of the lowercase " Estrelleta of Mare", which today still be found because it says that "bring good luck" and that after mass gathering ever devoted, and today they are rare.

In the background, you can see the building of the shrine of the "Mare de Deu de la Providence" or "Mig Camí", located in the municipality of Tortosa (Tarragona)

Image: Photography Vilaró Emili


- Barros, Carlos. 1999. "The humanization of nature in the Middle Ages" , Valladolid. Middle Ages, No. 2, pp. 169-193.
- Baucon, Andrea et alii. "Principles of Ichnoarchaeology : new frontiers for Studying past times" Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, Trento, Acta Geologica, 83, pp. 43-72.
- Frazer, James George. 2006. The Golden Bough . Mexico, Fondo de Cultura Economica
- Kunz, George Frederick. 1997.
The Magic of Jewels and Charms . Mineola, New York. Dover Publications,
- Schmitt, Jean-Claude. 1992. History superstition. Barcelona. Critical.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Jenna Jameson Piereced Nipples

The Christmas Lunch Club Photography Exhibition

A year hiking club "What Punton " has held its traditional Christmas meal, this year could not be accompanied by the usual route by Jairola of Abrucena due to rain, only a few brave souls decided to enjoy a nice walk through the valley of Abla, but this was not reason for a large number of members will enjoy an exquisite food in the bar of The Mary in Abrucena .

Friday, December 18, 2009

Sandrail Honda Engine


Video with the photographs on the pub's Cave Abla,
from 18 December to 15 January.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Final Fantasy Dawn Of Souls Rom Cheats

Calar Alto - 11/22/2009 Bacares Tetica of Route

First raid hiking club "The Punton " in the Sierra de los Filabres , a route that begins at the point the Calar Alto highest at 2178 meters above sea level, where we went the road that crosses the astronomical observatory to east until you reach a junction where a forest track appears with a sign that tells us our destiny. We follow this forest track about 15 km. slightly down and practically ignoring the paths that are appearing left and right of the track, just the end of this we find the road that goes into a climb of 250 vertical meters to the Tetica of Bacares to 2080 meters.

endpoint of our tour, an ideal place for a drink to wind up and admire the stunning views that can be seen from the balcony High Almanzora. You can see the photos here.

Police Report Insurance Claim

recreational areas of the Sierra Nevada Abla Almeria and Calar Alto Abrucena

A very interesting route to meet part of the Sierra Nevada Almería Abla Abrucena and that takes us from Abla by way of the gardens to the Mill Abrucena where we take the Ohanes Trail that leads to the Recreation Area Rowan from here we take the forest trail to reach the Source Wall, a place ideal for a high load on the road and water source.

Now we can only follow the route was left of the stage number 12 of Sulayr that comes from Polarda and leads to Recreation Area de la Roza, this part of the route runs largely by forest track sometimes Root in the pine forest bordering the p ista, the views are just so impressive and worth a walk through this area.

Roza already in just have to take the path that we find right on the road that leads to Abrucena to reach the town where you can taste the excellence of local cuisine in its many bars and restaurants . Club members, reservation required, chose to enjoy the excellent and thorough cooking Mary , in the business who runs under the square Abrucena his grilled cheese, eggs and potatoes with their secret, their mushrooms with grilled vegetables, the cod with tomato, kindness, sympathy and their countless culinary lessons gives us every time we visited, this h aciendo the hiking club is this becoming a trail- association dining.

And after a good meal accompanied by better company, there's nothing like a good ride to make the digestion and reach the Abla start and end of our route. You can see the photos here.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Could Women Breastfeed Husband

The arts and fossils (1)

For Heraclius Astudillo Pombo, DMACS, UdL


begin a new chapter to show a new type of influence exerted by the fossils of human culture, this time will be dedicated to demonstrate how through the artists and the visual arts show a type special relationships between fossils and some humans, this is a category of relationships and conceptual aesthetic nature.

Throughout the various part of this chapter, we will be showing as fossils, have also attracted the interest of artists, one of the most sensitive social sectors to everything that happens and is part of the natural and social environment. Such people are specially trained to capture sensory aspects of this class of rare objects, and to visually express the emotions that produces the contemplation of such stones, or to learn to communicate, aesthetic form, certain particular mental conceptions, which sometimes led them some comments and some reflections, made around them.

In the various art works that we will be presented throughout this chapter, you'll see, as, in many cases, what seems to have inspired or impressed by the artist have been purely formal characteristics of certain types of fossils. So that, in some cases, it is evident that what attracted you to the fossil was the uniqueness of certain geometric shapes, however, in other cases, it seems that what surprised him was the plasticity of certain forms volumetric , while in others, it seems that so charmed him was the uniqueness of certain textures or certain color contrasts, etc. On a few occasions, the artistic relationship with the fossil seems to have been much more complex, intellectually, it's own commentaries artist or title of the work, show that it has sought to establish a symbolic association with certain facts or ideas, be they more or less trascedendental (philosophical, mythical, political, scientific, ethical, esoteric, etc..) or prosaic (space, volume, shape, color, etc..), using expressive language, some of the physical characteristics of the fossils cited above, plus the necessary technical pictorial composition and chromatics.

Given the objectives of the project Cultural and Etnopaleontología Ibericas Paleontology,
in all cases, only, submit art works by artists Iberian, English, mostly for ease of location and to a lesser extent, non-Iberian works of artists but who are or have been settled in the territory or the Iberian Peninsula island territories annexed, and that at some point have represented some kind of indigenous fossil or have representation in the Iberian geology.

Considerations fossils represented in the "Pied Piper" of the artist surrealist Remedios Varo , (1908, Spain -1963, Mexico)

This pictorial, in which the author has represented various types of fossils, is a very special case compared with most of the fine art show throughout this special issue dedicated to show and discuss the various forms of fossils representing the visual arts. What makes this work so special is that we have available for review enough information about it, which refers to the alleged motivations of the artist to include fossils in this painting and meaning is supposed to have represented. This availability of information has been possible, for Remedios Varo is currently a painter widely recognized and valued internationally renowned, both conditions have made possible the generation and dissemination of utmost
all his work, so we could have many reviews written by international experts on this particular work, they have been the sources of information to contextualize the work of art.

"The Flute Player" / "The flutist" 1955. Oil on masonite, 0.75 x 0.93 m. Private Collection, Mexico City
The essayist, Carmen V. Vidal (2001), in his article "Exploring the
light: Remedios Varo " writes:
"In 1955, Remedios Varo painted an oil on masonite, titled" Pied Piper ". This work has a dimension of 75 by 93 centimeters, it employs the technique of the decal, I had learned from the Surrealists.
The female character is a space, standing and seems to emerge from a rocky outcrop, while playing a flute. On an autumn lawn, toward the center of oil, you can see a group of rocks, cut into coarse for use in a building that can be seen in the background, it is a polygonal building, whose front facade There is an entrance and inside of which leads to a staircase. This construction resembles a tower, still incomplete, which can staggered three distinct bodies. Outside there is a nebulous space that serves as background to the scene. "

Detail of" The Pied Piper ", which can be seen as a superhuman force, almost invisible, represented by a thin curved line, selecting and raising will "magically" some stones with fossils in its surface for joining írlas also "magically" in the construction of one side, a three-story tower and eight sides.

painter itself also offers a very interesting personal interpretation of this work of his, in a letter to his brother, the doctor Rodrigo Varo. Remedios Varo in which he writes:
"The Pied Piper built the octagonal tower lifting the stones with the power and momentum of the sound of his flute, the rocks are fossils.
The octagonal tower to symbolize (somewhat vaguely, I must say) the theory of octaves. (Theory very important in certain esoteric teachings). Half of the tower is drawn as transparent and only because it is imagined that the building is. "

For his part, Alan J. Friedman (2008), in " science Serenity " writes:
"The Pied Piper shows the creation of a model of the theory of evolution. Lines sketched profile of a tower, are the brainchild of scientist, the stones of the tower are the model under construction. This model is made from fossil fuels, because initially it is registered through them we can test the theory of evolution. Particular fossils look Varo chosen represent
relatively early and abundant forms of life on earth: trilobites, ammonites , ferns, fish . The tower will be very high because we are still far from the most recent forms of life, as people and cats.

Details of "The Pied Piper" in which you can see, with some visual impairment, various figures that, as Technical Characteristics, can be identified by some as potential ammonites , another as a possible trilobites and some other as potential fish or simple leaves and compound leaves and other certain types of vegetables ....

Here, as in many of his paintings, Varo uses music to symbolize an organizing principle. Its scientists do not make their models with machines or hand directly, but through music, the music is a deliberate construction organized by a table, and therefore appears as an agent to organize life in several of the images of the building designed by Varo .
The scientist's body in the piper seems to emerge from plants
landscape. Does evolution has created for scientists to understand itself and perhaps change course? "

critic art, Rafael Santos Torroella (1989), states in Article "Time never lost Remedios Varo, that " according to a witness, the fossils he has painted Remedios Varo, are like Santa Brigida Mountain near Peracaula in Gerona. "

art critic and writer, he also notes in his article that " Some of the architectural elements of the tower are characteristic of the architecture of the Girona population of
Angles, as are the arches and the building tiered tower.

Hermitage of St. Bridget, in the municipality of Amer (Girona), which gives its name to the Serrezuela limestone on which it sits and which would come, presumably, fossils that inspired one of the reasons discussed surrealist painting.

Juliana González (2008), article " world and afterlife of Remedios
Varo " writes:
"The miracle of life for the miracle of creation. The art and craft of miracle, wonder. But does not refer to creation ex nihilo "Quite the contrary. With "his breath" and force "Cell" of music that lifts ancient fossils, flutist (mage-illuminated) creates a cathedral geometrical sublime. Merge matter and spirit to bring to perfection. Man blows with plant life and mountain plants. The trees are on land and water at a time, joining parts: land-sea-sky, joining the Times in the creative act. The tops of the mountains and craters are below the miraculous event. Supreme moment of fantasy and the experience of religiosity of the artist-poet. Masterpiece. "

Details lower level wall, which can be seen
quite clearly ammonite spiral shapes are they? and more difficult to recognize, "It is a dragonfly? Is one a" fern frond? ...

historian and art critic, Sue Taylor (2001), in " Into the Mystic-Surrealist painter Remedios Varo "writes
" In The Pied Piper (1955), show a flutist Orphic, Mother of pearl face, it's enchanting some fossilized rocks that rise from the ground, covered with grass, ascending into the ether, to go joining in the construction of a ziggurat.
In this representation, we recognize the idea of \u200b\u200bharmony in the world of Ouspensky, and the old notion that music can relate and organize all that exists, both ideas are inspired by Varo artistic conceptions about art, science and Nature. "

In " The Science of Remedios Varo ", texts from The New York Times Science Forum. 2000. You can read:

Your Fancy meticulous and multivalent paintings are very famous for a long time in Mexico, where he finally made his home, and now, 37 years after his death in 1963, Ms. Remedios is beginning to receive recognition including international admiration of a social group that has not always been recognized for its artistic culture: the scientific community.

In a symposium held at the National Museum of Women in the Arts, Dr. Friedman said the many messages that scientists and engineers contains the work of Mrs. Remedios Varo. He described how the artist expressed in his paintings, in a metaphorical sense, some of the most revolutionary scientific theories and most complex of its time, since the special theory of relativity, Einstein and the theory of evolution by natural selection, Darwin, to the premise that

human beings are made of same material that are composed of stars, their bodies are built with elements generated in solar ovens for millions or billions of years.

Varo has tried to convey, especially the most profound and creative moments in the life of a scientist, those where the investigator, for the first time, dare to imagine an alternate universe, creating a new model of how things work that differs radically from previous models. What he was doing, uniquely among artists of his day, was representing these crucial moments of scientific discovery is so exciting for the scientist, realizing that this central act of scientific laimaginación, the free play of creative mind, is very similar to what artists do. "

Portrait of Remedios Varo, in their study of Mexico City towards the end of their life stage.

Ms. Remedios Varo was an avid reader of science fiction literature and some respectable popularizers of science, such as Fred Hoyle and Isaac Asimov. Through his writings acquired knowledge about cosmology, evolution and genetics. In one painting, "The Pied Piper." The musician could be seen as a substitute for Charles Darwin, which is building a tower that symbolizes the theory of evolution, ancient rocks contain fossils of trilobites, fish, ferns, and ammonites, spiral. The music served Ms. Remedios as a principle of organization and that is how is the sound of the flute is helping organize the fossil record in the construction of the mighty tower of evolution.

By way of conclusion.

After so many artistic and philosophical musings, some expressed by the artist himself and others by some scholars sympathetic to his work, in terms of choice, function, meaning and origin of the fossils that he painted in 1955 , Remedios Varo, in "The Pied Piper" being now installed permanently in Mexico, after a long and eventful journey of life, few we can add things, it is not something so obvious and so unoriginal How much imagination as have the artists show their creations when they raise or how much plastic fantasy have to apply some scholars and art critics when they comment!

Although the fossils, by position, size, abundance and detail, appear to be an important element in the design, composition and execution of the painting by Remedios Varo, note first , that at no time, the artist, explicitly mentions the theory of evolution, and suggests any specific intent on the inclusion of fossils in the rocks with his work, are the commentators of his work which give to the fossils represented a concrete and symbolic functions to a specific geographical origin and distant.

Secondly, we must also stress the unreliability that from our point of view, deserve some evidence that they are also anonymous, to witness a supposed geographical origin of Palaeozoic and Mesozoic fossils that according to that evidence, would have served as models of inspiration to the author, the creation of some the images depicted in "The Pied Piper." We refer to the hypothetical existence of a fossil called "real" should be found in the mountains of Santa Brigida, in the village of Amer Girona, if this hypothetical origin was not geologically impossible lithological and chronological reasons, as We confirmed the paleontologist James Gallemí, curator of the collection of Paleontology at the Museum of Natural Sciences of Barcelona.

Thirdly, and from our point of view, in this work, as in many other stage of the Mexican surrealist author and despite the obscure language of the dream and versatile visual metaphors used by their very nature irrational polysemic and lend themselves to many interpretations, I think in the works of Remedios Varo, allegedly scientistic as its apologists, there are many more references, implicit and explicit, to a perception of the world that is more akin to the conceptions of reality, magic and alchemy that the perspectives on natural and social situations often provide rational thought and scientific practice. Magical-alchemical vision of the world, the surrealist Remedios Varo, is expressed in his works, through the strange technological paraphernalia that installs in your scenarios, the impossible situations chosen and appearance and gestures, generally inhumane, which show the characters portrayed.

- Anonymous, 2000. "The Science Of Remedios Varo" , Excerpts from The New York Times Science Forum.
- Friedman, Alan J. 2008. " science Serenity " Remedios Varo: Catalogue raisonne. 4 th edition. 2008 Gruen, Walter (ed.) Mexico City, Ediciones Era, p. 85.
- Gallemí Paulet, Jaume. Personal communication
- Gonzalez, Juliana. 2008. " world and afterlife of Remedios Varo " in City, Ediciones Era, p. 93-94
- Santos Torroella, Rafael. 1989. "Time never lost Remedios Varo: some clues to his painting," Remedios Varo (catalog published for the first retrospective of Remedios Varo in Spain), Madrid, Spain Fundación Banco Exterior, 1989, pp. 56-57.
- Taylor, Sue. 2001. "Into the Mystic- Surrealist painter Remedios Varo" , Art in America, April.
- Varo, Remedios. 2008. "Remedios Varo comments, some of his paintings, addressed to his brother Dr. Rodrigo Varo, Remedios Varo: Catalogue raisonne. 4 th edition. 2008 Gruen, Walter (ed.) Mexico City, Ediciones Era p. 112
- Arenas Vidal, Carmen. 2001. " The exploration of light: Remedios Varo" , Clio N ° 20.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Problem With Danby Microwave

10/25/2009 - 22/11/2009 Bacares Tetica of Vereda de la Estrella

Distance: 19 km.
Duration: 5 hours.
Difficulty: Medium.
time and place of departure: 8 am, Roman Mausoleum Abla.
Recommendations: Wear appropriate footwear for the mountain, as well as some warm clothes, because the route in almost all the way runs through the 2000 meters and in the last days the temperature in the area of \u200b\u200bCalar Alto, for the time Estimated route is less than 15 º C.

estimated arrival at the Tetica of Bacares for lunch and at that time to enjoy the breathtaking views offered by the place, so they recommend bringing some snacks for the road and lunch, and drink.

is important to confirm attendance by email to or by sms to 678060883 before Thursday 19 November to manage the transport that took us to Calar Alto and we will collect in the area the Tetica of Bacares to later move back to Abla.
Non-club members must pay an amount of 8 €. those interested you can send an email to and send you instructions to enforce such reimbursement.

animae, is a perfect opportunity to explore the Sierra de los Filabres well as to visit his two highest point and enjoy breathtaking views.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Emersonbinoculars Driver


A year hiking club "The Punton " directed his steps towards the path more traveled to Sierra Nevada, La Vereda de la Estrella in the municipality of Sierra Güejar ( Granada), where we admire the deciduous trees of the ravine San Juan and the multitude of colors that give the leaves of orange, yellow and ocher.

The days allowed for this activity will be the next Sunday November 1 at 6:30 leaving from the Roman Mausoleum Abla private cars due to difficult access for minibuses by the narrowness of the road to San Juan Canyon. Fuel for vehicles run on account of the club for members and nonmembers establishing a payment of € 8. in transport and insurance.

Technical Data route:
Distance: 19 km.
Duration: 7 hours
Difficulty: Medium

recommend for this circular route suitable clothing and footwear as well as solar protection and a pair of poles, the weather forecast to day today (28/10/1909) for the area is quite promising can see here.
will eat along the way, we recommend and bring some light food and digestion easy well as water and drink some isotonic .

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Green Green 13 Erolutions Uncensored

recreational uses, popular and traditional Iberian fossil (1)

For Heraclius Astudillo Pombo, DMACS, UDL.


Throughout history, fossils have not only attracted the attention of adults, have also attracted the attention of children who lived in close proximity to fossil deposits. With the logical consequence, that in some cases, certain fossils were incorporated into their leisure activities, in a selective manner, since only integrated into the repertoire of games and entertainment for children, those types of fossils that due to certain special morphological properties, adapted better to certain recreational uses. The specimens chosen went to get the true account of children's toys, used in some traditional games. At other times also were used as "bargaining chips" in those games in which players could win or lose any items of property, depending on the success or failure to provide him with his skill and good or bad luck, because it was of game modes in which to participate, players must wager objects in each game that was played.

All the cases of recreational use of fossils to be presented in this section, belong to a historical past not too distant in time, as a large majority of them still practice it, assiduously, until the middle of the twentieth century . However, at present, where we enjoyed the conditions and suffer the consequences of living in an industrialized society, highly technical and overly influenced by advertising, it is likely that traditional recreational uses of the fossils show, may seem to readers of urban, relatively young, as a kind games and children's games, drawn from the remotest prehistory Hispanic. Although in some cases may be partly right and prubas as there is evidence enough to believe in some cases and in others to show that many modern games can have an ancient origin, since some historical documents refer to games very similar or identical, charged by children for hundreds or thousands of years.

Roman coin, minted in 256 in Ephesus (Ionia), representing one side laureate bust of the young emperor Valerian II, and the other two boys playing with marbles, (" tali "in Latin and" astragaloi "in Greek), behind (above) of them, has made a statue dedicated to the worship of the goddess Artemis Ephesia, particular situation allows us to think in a more religious and entertaining, Type in some oracular ritual.


All recreational uses, popular and traditional, fossil show in this section aims to demonstrate the extraordinary ability to improvise child in the past, when conditions of geographic isolation and lack of family financial resources, prevented the offspring of the popular classes, enjoy toys, craft or industrial production. In these austere circumstances, the lack of material was cleverly supplied by the creative capacity of the children themselves, who could add to their games, many of the existing natural elements in their own geographical environment, including fossil either integrating them directly, using them raw, or after some simple transformation procedure to modify any of the natural, original, to get them to adapt better to their function or handling play or to make them more attractive or more easily identified by their owners. Illustration

customs, unknown artist, depicting two children playing a game ball to after school, watched closely by a third party who acts as an apprentice. For the costume and setting, we can assume that has been a recreational situation, prior to 1960, in a rural setting.

Image: aje.php

Maybe, many of the popular names assigned locally, certain fossils which unique social function was solely or primarily recreational, the name will be imposed by their child users, as initially it was for only people in the community that was useful to provide certain types of "special stones" that only served to play with a particular name to identify them. Over time, these same names would have been child development extended and generalized by finishing among the adult population of the town.

Fossils used as toys in different English traditional games.

- The " bastonets " Sallent d'Organyà (Lleida)

Lleida in the town of Sallent d'Organyà also known as Nargó and Sellent Sallent de l'Alt Urgell, located in the region of l'Alt Urgell, Lleida province, once the children gathered and collected, by the environs of the population a long cylindrical pebbles, which they called " bastonets (cast. sticks), then used as building material in their games of representation of rural activities of adults: woodpiles, fences and livestock fence, milestones, columns and pillars,.

actually face was intact, but blunt, of Jurassic belemnites.

Appearance of " bastonets " used once, for the children of Sallent d'Organyà (Lleida), in their games.


- The "bowls " Tona (Barcelona).

Barcelona in the town of Tona in the sub-Plana de Vic Osona, Barcelona province, once the children went to a gathering in the "Turo del Castell (Castle Hill cast.) One of the many hills testimony that abound in the area near the town, some spheroidal calcareous nodules, which they called "bowls (cast. balls). These nodules, but they could be included in a particular type of marl, marly of the various levels that constitute the strata of these hills of Tertiary. This type of nodules always contain within them, fragments of fossil marine sponges of different genera, often dominate, the Guettardia gender.

Although this photograph is the town of Eype, a small village in Dorset (Great Britain), serves well to illustrate the case of tertiary marl layers, with " bowls" by Tona.

The game, name unknown, was to go out and find the best "bowls", select them according to their roundness and size, optimal, and then use in a lively competition rolling downhill in a natural slope, equipped with the proper slope and obstacles, in order to demonstrate the degree of expertise of the various players. He earned the player a series of attempts or ball races, succeeded to get his "bowls, farther than everyone else.

- The " tickets " Amer (Girona).

The Amer Girona town in the region of La Selva, Girona, Catalonia, in the past, the children came to called "Serrat de les tickets" (cast. Sierrecilla of pellets), to collect a limestone pebbles more or less spherical, which called "tickets" (beads cast.). These stones were, in fact, fossils of the Eocene sea urchins of the species Ditremaster nux (Desor, 1853).

completely ignore the recreational use that was given to these little urchins fossils, but not surprised by its name, form and size could have been used as marbles, just as in other parts of the English, formerly, they used various natural objects of spherical shape, as Cantillos river, oak galls, nuts or even some kinds of nuts or acorns in a local version of the many ways that this game so popular, have practiced in every corner of the peninsula.

Appearance of two copies of Ditremaster nux, the left, in dorsal view and the right in ventral view. Ejemplsres from the Lomas de Garbi, in Villafranqueza (Alicante)

- The " bowling " Magina Albanchez (Jaén).

In the town of Jaen Mágina Albanchez in the region of the Southern Highlands or Sierra Mágina, province of Jaén, in Andalusia, once, the children gathered spherical stones that were in some place in the mountains, called El Torcal, which called " bowling." Such stones are called oncolites by geologists, were actually a type of calcareous concretions ( stromatolites) formed by bioprecipitation during the Miocene, certain type of seaweed cyanophytes.

looks a slope of the terrain, which can observe the abundant outcrop "bowling " objects to geologists, are simple oncolites stromatolitic.

Photographie: Pierre Thomas

The game began with "hunting" (search, selection and collection) of the best " bowling", which would then be used in competitions consisting, in some cases, dropping them rolling "to weight "From the top of a slope and in others, leading them with all possible force, downhill. The game won the most skilled player who succeeded more often than their gigs go as far to the point of departure.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sample Letter Of Residence From Friend

Holiday Weekend ... but we celebrate the second anniversary

Appreciate @ s @ s reader of FFI,

we run the holiday month and behold, without stress, which, inevitably, is approaching the On 1 September, the day of return to the job .... But who said fear, concern or posvacacional syndrome?
Not at all, but quite the opposite! In these times of garbage work, temporary or precarious jobs, have a nice site where currar power indefinitely, is a great chance or at least a privilege ...!

also today's date, 30A, reminds me ... On the anniversary we FFI, the second now We resisted etnopaleontológicas 730 days curiosities hanging in cyberspace ... and it looks like it was yesterday when we started to "struggle against all odds" to make each month a short article etnopaleontológica disclosure, which I can show some of the most attractive, by unknown and curious, the academic research we are conducting.

So elated by the event, I decided to organize for all of us a little musical show in which the topic of reference of the songs is "work" and its relationship with some "situations, activities and motivations collateral ie that the lyrics of the songs have some kind of message related to the commemoration we celebrate today.

Hearing with the indispensable cooperation "Youtube " and special and unique contributions of three very famous musicians singers, who were unable to convincingly reject my invitation to our anniversary party.

First, is scheduled to perform the friend Merle Haggard and his band will present their memorable and inspiring performance of "Working Man Blues "

then act as "the Boss" Bruce Springsteen and his band will offer a moving and unforgettable performance of "Working on a Dream "
And today, a mature Glen Campbell to play an intimate and relaxed version of "Wichita Lineman " more or less, accompanied by the group "The Stone Temple Pilots."

I think, you do not need to remind you that you can serve you to your liking and neither the musicians nor I are going to dislike you to do your sovereign will.

Breathe deeply, relax and enjoy ... starting the concert and "with it and with a cake, we can hold out until the day after tomorrow at eight!

Sorry, but today there are some restrictions on youtube, so that if we want the Boss, acting for us, we must go and look at the studio where doing some recording at:
but I think this little effort is worth it for the pleasure of enjoying his music ...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Aching In Leg And Lump On Calf

Mulhacen Climb to 18.19 / 09.07

the guys in the boot, the most extreme and adventurous group of Hiking Club "The Punton" raise the roof of the Iberian peninsula. You can view photos as well as an extensive report on his blog

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Bmi Data For Females In Canada

paleontology-themed Poetry (1)

For Heraclius Astudillo Pombo. DMACS, UDL.

Introduction the poetic use of fossils.

The magical influence of many fossils, especially those who are very bright, has also attracted the attention of some sensitive people, inclined toward poetic production, whether professional or amateur poets, for there is nothing strange to understand that the contemplation of such unique stones and surprising, for the Weird imitative forms they take or the thoroughness superhuman reach the detailed figures and reliefs that decorate their surfaces, could not remain indifferent, practitioners of versification. Limestone

ammonite, showing a group of them, exposed to view the effect of differential erosion and dissolution have been more effective on sedimentary limestone matrix on internal molds of pure calcite.

Stock Tony Waltham
is normal fossils have been more strongly impressed those who are naturally more sensitive than the average population, they are much more likely to be ecstatic with this kind of amazing natural objects more strongly to marvel at the mystery of fossilization or be more easily seduced by the magic perfection that show certain types of stones that are extremely interesting, to any observer that the contemplated with curiosity and attention, because of the rarity and perfection of its forms.

The luckiest poetic inspiration, enabled to express and communicate, in a brief but intense deep admiration that many humans share, to such rare productions of nature, or the vibrant emotion can provoke their aesthetic contemplation or mystical reflections that leads meditation inspired by the symbolism of their forms.

looks surprisingly realistic fossilized skeleton a fish of the species Aipichthys velifer , Cretaceous from the town of Hjoula (Lebanon) possesses rich deposits as fisheries.

And it matters that the possession of the object inspiring poetry, is the result of capricious chance, causing involuntary surprise to finders, as that is the product of a systematic search long and hard, or even that the fossil has been received, free of charge, as a reward or gift, or has been purchased, expensive, selecting and buying in a store specialized and even in cases where the fossil is not owned by the author of the verses. In any of the above situations, emotions can trigger contemplation of poetic inspiration can blossom and flow with the same intensity.

fossil coral fragment, cut and polished, ready for use as a component of jewelry, from the Miocene (Indonesia), approx. 20 MA. At first glance, natural design, can look like a fireworks display. "

The poet person, whether it's right hand, as if inept, educated or popular, and hopes to try the various impacts of their verses, on the sensitivity of the target readership or audience listener, trigger, instantly, intense emotions or fleeting evocations that arouse feelings closely lying dormant, deep thoughts that inspire or provoke knowing smiles. All this and much more, you can get a poetic text driven by fossil fuels, if the operator dominates enough, the difficult art of imagining, constructing and installing various devices of language, arranging strategically, cleverly prepared as snap traps, predisposed to be activated when touched by the comprehensive view of the reading public hearing or captured by attentive listeners.
By reading the poems paleontological we selected from that we can muster, with some difficulty and effort, we hope to show, as poetic forms and styles have changed a lot over the years, or as communicative goals of the alleged poets, can be quite varied.


Poem Taravillo Antonio Rivero (Spain, 1963), drawn from the author's blog: Snow Fire

Perhaps this poem was inspired by the author for the accidental destruction of a slab of slate ornamental pieces containing Paleozoic fossil fronds of some Carboniferous fern species .

About this plant fossils have won
the marble hall and shelves
Newton's law, the blind search, with two glasses
over-the spell
estimated at some books that I fled.
thousands or millions of years now
broom drag into the trash.

But not everything falls and is destroyed:
afternoon in which we find beauty,

the immense briefly converge
forgotten times and ours, saved
memory. Unable to break
what is printed in our soul.
drop of amber
As I still
of the minimum leaf vegetables.

Appearance a small portion of a blackboard, Paleozoic, showing part of a frond of Sphenopteris sp., a genus of ferns, common in iferior Pennsylvanian (Upper Carboniferous), about 300 million years old.


Poem Clara Janes Nadal (Spain, 1940), taken from the blog needle dizzy
This poem was inspired by the author, as she reported in his book of poems dedicated to fossils, for philosophical and poetic contemplation of a fossil ammonite, bought at a street stall the Rastro Madrid.

If sleeping outside
much sleep include ammonites

to spiral!

waking dream did not encourage

watch is endless:

transubstantiated be

in the stone is flooded ephemeral

and invests statism

by wading death.

Appearance of the two halves of a shell spiral ammonite fossil, sectioned along its equatorial plane, on the left side shows the internal septation in the right shell and the shell external relief with the typical grooves and ribs, the distribution of property used for the classification and identification of individuals, in this case seems to be Parkinsonia sp.


Clearly, this poem was inspired by the author, by the accidental destruction of an ornamental specimen in some sort of fossilized mollusk.
I have some serious doubts "palaeontology" on many statements made by the author, regarding the nature and vicissitudes of his copy of fossil gastropod destroyed, surely it is literary license, poéticamente justifiable, fear that the drama of the story and development in aportan aumentan Because the effect of contrast, the sarcastic end of the poem and the Fossil.

This snail fossil Jurassic
(Scientifically, a gastropod hundred million years ago)
was big as a fist and perfect helicoid
sexually hermaphrodite.
He lived in dense coniferous forests, humid valleys of ferns
a sea shore and warm.
Once petrified,
suffered earthquakes, frost, rivers of lava,
ocean currents, floods, hurricanes,
Calamarca, tornadoes, the impact of aerolites.
Miraculously, he came unscathed today, the snail.
a son (again anys i angelic, per cert),
com qui no vol thing, is it in a thousand esberlar- trossos

looks like a copy Trepospira sp. a gender gastropod fossil Paleozoic Included found in rocks of Devonian to Carboniferous, with a length of 286 to 408 million years.
by Heraclius