Sunday, October 25, 2009

Green Green 13 Erolutions Uncensored

recreational uses, popular and traditional Iberian fossil (1)

For Heraclius Astudillo Pombo, DMACS, UDL.


Throughout history, fossils have not only attracted the attention of adults, have also attracted the attention of children who lived in close proximity to fossil deposits. With the logical consequence, that in some cases, certain fossils were incorporated into their leisure activities, in a selective manner, since only integrated into the repertoire of games and entertainment for children, those types of fossils that due to certain special morphological properties, adapted better to certain recreational uses. The specimens chosen went to get the true account of children's toys, used in some traditional games. At other times also were used as "bargaining chips" in those games in which players could win or lose any items of property, depending on the success or failure to provide him with his skill and good or bad luck, because it was of game modes in which to participate, players must wager objects in each game that was played.

All the cases of recreational use of fossils to be presented in this section, belong to a historical past not too distant in time, as a large majority of them still practice it, assiduously, until the middle of the twentieth century . However, at present, where we enjoyed the conditions and suffer the consequences of living in an industrialized society, highly technical and overly influenced by advertising, it is likely that traditional recreational uses of the fossils show, may seem to readers of urban, relatively young, as a kind games and children's games, drawn from the remotest prehistory Hispanic. Although in some cases may be partly right and prubas as there is evidence enough to believe in some cases and in others to show that many modern games can have an ancient origin, since some historical documents refer to games very similar or identical, charged by children for hundreds or thousands of years.

Roman coin, minted in 256 in Ephesus (Ionia), representing one side laureate bust of the young emperor Valerian II, and the other two boys playing with marbles, (" tali "in Latin and" astragaloi "in Greek), behind (above) of them, has made a statue dedicated to the worship of the goddess Artemis Ephesia, particular situation allows us to think in a more religious and entertaining, Type in some oracular ritual.


All recreational uses, popular and traditional, fossil show in this section aims to demonstrate the extraordinary ability to improvise child in the past, when conditions of geographic isolation and lack of family financial resources, prevented the offspring of the popular classes, enjoy toys, craft or industrial production. In these austere circumstances, the lack of material was cleverly supplied by the creative capacity of the children themselves, who could add to their games, many of the existing natural elements in their own geographical environment, including fossil either integrating them directly, using them raw, or after some simple transformation procedure to modify any of the natural, original, to get them to adapt better to their function or handling play or to make them more attractive or more easily identified by their owners. Illustration

customs, unknown artist, depicting two children playing a game ball to after school, watched closely by a third party who acts as an apprentice. For the costume and setting, we can assume that has been a recreational situation, prior to 1960, in a rural setting.

Image: aje.php

Maybe, many of the popular names assigned locally, certain fossils which unique social function was solely or primarily recreational, the name will be imposed by their child users, as initially it was for only people in the community that was useful to provide certain types of "special stones" that only served to play with a particular name to identify them. Over time, these same names would have been child development extended and generalized by finishing among the adult population of the town.

Fossils used as toys in different English traditional games.

- The " bastonets " Sallent d'Organyà (Lleida)

Lleida in the town of Sallent d'Organyà also known as Nargó and Sellent Sallent de l'Alt Urgell, located in the region of l'Alt Urgell, Lleida province, once the children gathered and collected, by the environs of the population a long cylindrical pebbles, which they called " bastonets (cast. sticks), then used as building material in their games of representation of rural activities of adults: woodpiles, fences and livestock fence, milestones, columns and pillars,.

actually face was intact, but blunt, of Jurassic belemnites.

Appearance of " bastonets " used once, for the children of Sallent d'Organyà (Lleida), in their games.


- The "bowls " Tona (Barcelona).

Barcelona in the town of Tona in the sub-Plana de Vic Osona, Barcelona province, once the children went to a gathering in the "Turo del Castell (Castle Hill cast.) One of the many hills testimony that abound in the area near the town, some spheroidal calcareous nodules, which they called "bowls (cast. balls). These nodules, but they could be included in a particular type of marl, marly of the various levels that constitute the strata of these hills of Tertiary. This type of nodules always contain within them, fragments of fossil marine sponges of different genera, often dominate, the Guettardia gender.

Although this photograph is the town of Eype, a small village in Dorset (Great Britain), serves well to illustrate the case of tertiary marl layers, with " bowls" by Tona.

The game, name unknown, was to go out and find the best "bowls", select them according to their roundness and size, optimal, and then use in a lively competition rolling downhill in a natural slope, equipped with the proper slope and obstacles, in order to demonstrate the degree of expertise of the various players. He earned the player a series of attempts or ball races, succeeded to get his "bowls, farther than everyone else.

- The " tickets " Amer (Girona).

The Amer Girona town in the region of La Selva, Girona, Catalonia, in the past, the children came to called "Serrat de les tickets" (cast. Sierrecilla of pellets), to collect a limestone pebbles more or less spherical, which called "tickets" (beads cast.). These stones were, in fact, fossils of the Eocene sea urchins of the species Ditremaster nux (Desor, 1853).

completely ignore the recreational use that was given to these little urchins fossils, but not surprised by its name, form and size could have been used as marbles, just as in other parts of the English, formerly, they used various natural objects of spherical shape, as Cantillos river, oak galls, nuts or even some kinds of nuts or acorns in a local version of the many ways that this game so popular, have practiced in every corner of the peninsula.

Appearance of two copies of Ditremaster nux, the left, in dorsal view and the right in ventral view. Ejemplsres from the Lomas de Garbi, in Villafranqueza (Alicante)

- The " bowling " Magina Albanchez (Jaén).

In the town of Jaen Mágina Albanchez in the region of the Southern Highlands or Sierra Mágina, province of Jaén, in Andalusia, once, the children gathered spherical stones that were in some place in the mountains, called El Torcal, which called " bowling." Such stones are called oncolites by geologists, were actually a type of calcareous concretions ( stromatolites) formed by bioprecipitation during the Miocene, certain type of seaweed cyanophytes.

looks a slope of the terrain, which can observe the abundant outcrop "bowling " objects to geologists, are simple oncolites stromatolitic.

Photographie: Pierre Thomas

The game began with "hunting" (search, selection and collection) of the best " bowling", which would then be used in competitions consisting, in some cases, dropping them rolling "to weight "From the top of a slope and in others, leading them with all possible force, downhill. The game won the most skilled player who succeeded more often than their gigs go as far to the point of departure.


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