Sunday, June 14, 2009

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On different and strange names of fossils (2).

DMACS-UdL Astudillo Pombo.

pebbles About the Virgin and rolls petrified .

As we said in the first part of this article, vulgar or popular names of fossils, ie those that had been created by the common people were given only a few types of fossils, among the few or many types that exist in a territory named only those types of fossils that for various reasons they came to spark the interest of the indigenous population, leaving the rest, without receiving a particular name to identify them. Therefore, the types of fossils endowed with common names imposed by the common people "were never many, even in regions rich in fossils. Also popular names used to being very restricted geographically, for various reasons, principal was that in the past, most people traveled very little outside the boundaries of their own region, especially because most communities were almost completely inward-looking and not exceed the limits required district and secondarily by the deterrent effect that exercised by the few and bad roads, available until mid-twentieth century, or the presence of bandits and highwaymen of previous centuries, but also by low incomes that do not allow use of means of transport for long journeys rather than to the wealthy classes, so many of the popular names of fossils, not having been "exported or imported, out of their villages origiarias were local or regional use only.

The successive emigration and reforestation that have taken place in the Iberian peninsula, along history, after several invasions and wars of conquest or of successive transformations certain economic and industrial regions reflects the history of Spain, were carried to and fro, the names of many things, including the names of some fossils with vulgar name. So, after the introduction and diffusion of the new dominant culture with its distinctive language and vocabulary, the new names introduced, sometimes not applied to the same types of fossils, but to more or less similar, giving rise to confusion or improper, but also led to the extinction or transformation of primitive language, possibly, the progressive loss of old names, typical of losing culture that had lost power political and social prestige, this could be the case with certain names "residual" other "opaque" or somehow "corrupt", used in some areas of the Basque Country and Navarre or other areas of Aragon, Catalonia, Valencia and Murcia.

Moreover when communications began to improve and was subsequently extended by the mainland, as the rural culture, curator of paleontology local lexicon, was in sharp economic and social decline, which led to these circumstances was the gradual emigration into the most dynamic cities and regions, promoting the abandonment adaptive to the new urban culture of all the cultural baggage former migrants who were carriers.


1 - The small size and low abundance of fossils, as sufficient cause to have common names not widely disseminated.

Sometimes the reason for the extreme localism of many common names, come from the fact that the fossil deposits were highly localized, because the outcrops of very small size, readily poorly communicated or difficult to access, but mainly because of scarcity and the meager size of the copies of such fossils, was hardly visible to the naked eye, due to its small size, so that the fossils of this type could be completely unknown outside their own locality or region of origin, unless associated with a supra-major mythic component.

fossil examples of this type, among some others, present the "pebbles of the Virgin of Inodejo in the town of Soria and The Forge " Estrelleta (cast. stars) also called" Creveta " (small crosses cast. ) of the" Mother of God "or of " Mig-Camí " in the town of Tortosa Tarragona.

human attention to fossils from as low visibility, due to its small size and scarcity, probably due to the circumstance of lying in the vicinity of Marian shrines and also by the being "pebbles especiales", no sólo por su rareza sino que estaban misteriosamente "signadas" (señaladas) con una "marca característica", en este caso particular, con la figura o forma de una estrella de cinco puntas.

Debemos recordar que , entre los católicos, la Virgen María, ha sido conocida con multitud de sobrenombres metafóricos, tales como " Stella Maris " (Estrella del Mar), "Stella matutina" (Lucero del alba), esta denominación podría ser la causa de la vinculación de estas curiosas piedrecitas estrelladas con la Virgen María, vinculación que desde una "mentalidad magico-religiosa" les automatically confer any special virtue.

But we can speculate that perhaps earlier, long before Christianity, the presence of the trademark star, had been interpreted by the practitioners of ancient pagan religions as a sign of the sacred and magical " Pentalpha "or" pentangular ", the symbol representing the ideographically" mother goddess " of primitive religions. Perhaps for this reason, this kind of fossils might have been considered, since ancient times as "sacred stones and endowed with magic power, this belief would be affected to were collected for the purpose of being used as protective amulets against evil forces or to be used as components of therapeutic remedies magic.

Later, with the Christianization of the territory, the ancient goddess mother would have been replaced by a female figure equivalent functions and importance, the Mother of God or mother of Jesus, continuing the traditional use of fossil but under a new patronage.

The "stones of the Virgin" of Inodejo , displayed on a mound near the shrine in the town of Soria in The Forge, are the fossilized remains of a sea minúsculoserizos of gender Echinocyamus , Tertiary. Generally, these are internal molds of shells, some of

which have retained the design printed starry ambulacral pore system that is who provides the particular Starry mark, characteristic.

Appearance of a group of copies of internal molds of sea urchins sea \u200b\u200bof \u200b\u200bthe species Echinocyamus pusillus, Muller, 1898, from the Pliocene of Aguilas (Murcia), shown in dorsal view, ventral and lateral.

l For as " Estrelleta " or " Creveta " of the Mare or of Mig-Camí, is tiny toes in individual columnar or plate-section of stars, from ladesarticulación and dissociation "postmortem" of the stems and arms sprawling one type of Mesozoic sea lilies, the gender Isocrinus ( Pentacrinus ) neocomiensis.

appearance, rather increased, many copies of "Estrelleta" or "Creveta" Mig Camí, of various sizes. These are individual pieces, disjointed, from the decomposition of stems and arms of sea lilies Mesozoic.

Image: original photography by Josep Armengol Bonmatí


onomastic If we analyze the motivation of the common name for both types of fossil, in the case of fossil Inodejo, we can see how the first word of the popular name compound, refers to the shape and general nature of the fossil (the stone rolled) and the second to their relationship with the patron saint of Marian devotion place (the Virgin).

In case, if the Mig Camí fossil, goes something like, for saving the little difficulty that this case represents the use of Catalan language, we see as the common name refers first to the form of fossil fuels (from star or small cross) and second to the relationship with Mary (the Mother of God) or the location (of Mig Camí).

2 - Rolls petrified of different types, and geographically remote sites.

Continuing the study of popular foundation for the development of the common names of fossils, we aWe present the case of a type of fossils that do not have the problems of the previous case, since there are two types of medium-sized fossil, once before the intensive commercial collection, quite abundant in their natural reservoirs.

We have already seen that the common names used to be very descriptive, they allude to the similarity of the fossil shows how with some common object, natural or artificial, or the resemblance of its nature with that of certain materials, natural or artificial, existing in the immediate environment of the community that has given name.


not always, the formal similarity criterion or composition course or even the legendary origin applied locally, with total local basis and validity has been shown sufficiently valid as a good name ID in general use, especially when it was invented and implemented by communities of geographically remote territories, although they may be relatively close culturally, as the only criterion of similarity could be misleading, since many different fossils, from the standpoint of biological taxonomy, shapes and forms may have more or less similar , with the same type or category of objects of reference.

A good example of this type of case, would be to some fossils of a different nature which are like small loaves or rolls. In the Pyrenees of Lleida in the Pallars Jussà (Catalunya), applied the common name " bruixa Panets of (muffin or bagel cast. witch), a solitary coral fossils of the Cretaceous, the gender Cunnolites ( Cyclolites ) while in the Alicante region of the Marina Baixa (Valencia), were given the same name, the fossils of various kinds of sea urchins, the Eocene, but especially those of the species Conoclypus vilanovae.

vulgars addition to the names in certain particular locations, were also used other synonyms. such as: "panet" , "panet of stone" and "panet Moor."

Appearance of two types of muffins witch "mentioned above: top, right, the" breeches bruixa "Catalan, a copy of Cunnulites sp. , about 10 cm., and below, left the "breeches bruixa " Valencia, a couple of copies of Conoclypus vilanovae , in dorsal view (left specimen) and ventral (right copy), copies of some 8 cm. , the Lutetian (Eocene) of Agost (Alicante). Photographs of Pastor JR Aliaga


If we analyze the possible motivation onomastics in both cases, the first word of the popular name refers to the formal analogy of the fossil (of bread small) and the second to a source, supposedly legendary (petrification magic or witch).
In this case, we see that being the common name, it identifies different types of fossils and also its meaning to be a vernacular name is lost when used outside the Catalan-speaking territories (Catalonia, Valencia) where the language used for the denomination, but common descriptive, may turn out to be, in some cases, hardly understandable.
The problem is that in this case as in others, the coincidence of the popular nomenclature, only serves to create confusion, when above the county boundaries as the name in a bad way to identify objects belonging to different categories zoological , to be chosen as the reference certain aspects too anecdotal or too generic.



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