Monday, January 4, 2010

Light Blue And Dark Brown Makes


just three days ago, finished in 2009 and, as in previous years, we take the opportunity to take stock of the annual campaign to publicly thank the many aid received in the form of data of various kinds, which have enabled us to move forward in the paleontological knowledge of Iberian folklore.

reports have been received from many people, so that we could be very strange to have forgotten to mention any of them or have committed any inadvertent error in referring their education, expertise or charges, if such an event happen, we ask to people that I forgive the lapses or errors and we make them know, so that once properly informed, we can quickly remedy the mistakes.

Thanks to all those people who have generously donated some of their time and much of their knowledge, because without your help many things would not have been able to make known and published in the pages of this "unique" Notebook.

Thanks also to readers who have gone through this blog, and anonymous readers, and especially to those who have left helpful comments and stimulating.

A @ @ s and other s, @ s tod @ s vosotr, in gratitude, I wish you good fortune and your effort throws at you a Happy New Year.

list of people who, during the course of 2009 have made some contribution to the Cultural Paleontology Project and Iberian Etnopaleontología:

- Couce Alonso, Francisco , geologist and merchant of Fossils and Minerals, in Madrid. Secretary of the Professional Association of Naturalists.
- Alvarez Fernandez, Esteban , prehistory, archaeologist, professor at the University of Cantabria, Santander
- Anastacio, Laura, Portuguese invigorate the Museum geologist Dr. Joaquim Manso da Câmara Municipal da Nazaré (Portugal)
- Anonymous , Cultural Association of Torremocha Virgen del Rosario del Pinar (Guadalajara)
- Argente Sanchez, Jose Fco . lecturer and writer, specialist Mallorca popular imagination
- Bespin Serrano, José Manuel , La Voz de Alcaine, Teruel
- Blanch Marín, Ernesto, Councillor ayuntameinto of Morella (Castellón)
- Calle García, Alfonso , writer, Cuenca lecturer and writer, president of the Federation of Associations "Guadiela Basin"
- Lalueza Cardiel, Jesus , paleontologist, director of the Paleontological Museum Sobrarbe in Lamata (Huesca), a member of the Board of Sobrarbe Geopark.
- Carvalho, Carlos N., geologist, footprints it, director and coordinator of Naturtejo da Meseta Meridional Geopark - UNESCO European and Global Geopark
- Casaña Martínez, José Rafael, collector of fossils, cultural activist of the Cultural Association "The Alcublas" in Alcublas (Valencia)
- Costs Rodriguez, Antoni , Professor of INEFC-Lleida (Catalonia) Specialist Games & Sports-Traditional Folk.
- David "Oscafosil" fossil collector
Huesca - Fernández Martínez, Esperanza , Professor of Paleontology at the University of León
- Forner Valls Henry , amateur paleontologist, and functions of the Government of Valencia to Castellon de la Plana.
- Gallemí Paulet, James , paleontologist, curator of paleontology at the Museum of Geology, Museum of Natural Science
- Gasulla Asensio, Jose Miguel , paleontologist, director of the Museum "Time of Dinosaurs," Morella (Castellón),
- Ramos Garcia, Diego A. , paleontology, the Paleontological Association Cultural Murciana
- Gibert Atienza, George M. of , paleontologist, professor at the University of Barcelona
- Gil, Juan Montes "Jugimo." geologist and geo-archaeological cacereño of Cañamero (Cáceres)
- Gurrea Cánovas, Isidre , collector and amateur paleontologist, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b
- Gutiérrez-Marco, Juan Carlos , CSIC research geologist, specializing in Gondwana
- Izquierdo Montero, Luis Angel , a paleontologist at the museum's scientific team Dinosaur Salas de los Infantes, Foundation for the Study of Dinosaurs in Castilla y León
- Lavega Bourgeois, Pere , Professor of INEFC-Lleida (Catalonia) Specialist Sports And Popular Traditional Games.
- Liñán Guijarro, Eladio , palaeontologist, Professor of Paleontology at the University of Zaragoza, director of the Paleontological Museum of the University of Zaragoza
- Llorens Lopez, Jesus malacology Castellón
- Martinez, Mercedes , secretary of the Cultural Association "Amigos de Alcocer, Alcocer (Guadalajara)
- More Gornal, William, paleontologist Mallorca, Balearic Museum of Natural Sciences in Sóller (Mallorca)
- Montero Cebrián, Rosa , Administrator, Abengibre (Albacete)
- Nagore Lain, Franchi, Philology, Associate Professor at the University of Zaragoza
- Olive Mora, Ana , librarian, Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses in Huesca.
- Otero Roselló, Joan , employer Tortosa
- uploads Tormo, Patrick , linguist and polemicist valenciano
- Quintana Cardona, JM , paleontologist Menorca, titled Study of
- Río Martínez, Bizen or of , historian, writer, lecturer and writer Huesca, a specialist in Genealogy and Heraldry, Aragon
- Omeñaca Ruiz, José Ignacio paleontologist MUJA dinosauriólogo the team member of the UNIZAR
- Santidrian Cas, Ernesto , collector of fossils and minerals, a member Highlights of the Basque Association of Mineralogy and Paleontology "Harridunak" Vitoria-Gasteiz (Álava)
- Sanz García, Jose Luis , Professor of Paleontology at the Autonomous University of Madrid
- Dolader Serrano, Alberto , journalist , writer and lecturer Zaragoza, specialist Aragon
popular imagination - Servera Nicolau, Jaume , geologist, professor at the University of the Balearic Islands
- Terrado Paul, Xavier , philologist, toponomísta, professor at the Universitat de Lleida, Group Studied
- Valério, Manuel, amateur paleontologist, Portuguese businessman, owner of "ARDOSIA Valério & Figueiredo" Canelas (Arouca) promoter of the project "Geological interpretação Center Canelas (CCC), awarded the" Merit Tourist Região de Turismo Rota da Luz.
- Vinyals Miró, Miquel , telecommunications engineer, team of Sallent d'Organyà (Lleida)


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