Sunday, April 11, 2010

Powerpoint Blueprint Slide

to pharmaceutical genocide TRANS STOP 2012

INTERNATIONAL ... The complaint filed with the International Criminal Court (ICC), the most serious crimes committed throughout the history of mankind. The defendant (pharmaceutical industry and others) are responsible for causing serious injury or death to millions of people through the "business with disease ', war crimes and crimes against humanity. These crimes are a matter for the International Criminal Court.

of information and housed in Ibérica 2000: * "Novartis and Bridgestone" most irresponsible companies.
(Enlaces. ..)
Nestlé and Novartis have been fined in Spain.

Complaint Against Genocide and other crimes against humanity perpetrated by the pharmaceutical industry.
Dr. Matthias Rath (Germany) and others have this complaint with the International Criminal Court on behalf of all the peoples of the world. The defendants are aware that they will be held accountable for these crimes and therefore have embarked on a worldwide campaign to undermine the authority of the ICC, to be above international law and continue their crimes to the detriment of all mankind.

Therefore, this complaint should be considered by the ICC with utmost speed. Also, by this, it calls on all individuals and all governments to join this complaint with the goal of ending these crimes once and for all. This complaint contains: * Introduction

* Charges * Previous history of this complaint

* Tests crimes defendants * * The jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court on * Request final


* Genocide by killing (Article 6a) * Genocide by causing serious bodily or mental harm (Article 6b) * Genocide by deliberately inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring physical destruction (Article 6c)

Crimes Against Humanity.
The defendants are guilty of the crime of genocide, which are subject to prosecution under Article 7 of the Statute of the ICC. This includes, inter alia, the following crimes:

* Crime against humanity of murder (Article 7a)

* Crime against humanity of extermination (Article 7b)

* Crime against humanity of enslavement (Article 7c)

* Crime against humanity of imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty (Article 7e)

* Crime against humanity of other inhumane acts (Article 7k)

Summary of the confirmation of charges for crimes related to the "business with disease" of the pharmaceutical industry.

1. The accused willfully and systematically maintain cardiovascular diseases as hypertension, heart failure, diabetic complications and other diseases, besides cancer, infectious diseases like AIDS, osteoporosis and many of the most common conditions today, recognized as largely preventable by natural means. The accused have deliberately caused the unnecessary suffering and premature death of hundreds of millions of people.

2. Defendants intentionally and systematically prevent the eradication of cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases by obstructing and blocking the dissemination of information about the benefits of non-patentable natural therapies, information that could save many lives. Therefore, the defendants have deliberately caused further unnecessary suffering and premature death of hundreds of millions of people.

3. Defendants intentionally and systematically spread existing diseases and creating new diseases by manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceutical products that alleviate short-term symptoms, but have no known side effects and long-term adverse. Therefore, the defendants have deliberately caused further unnecessary suffering and premature death of hundreds of millions of people.


concrete evidence was presented showing that the defendants are responsible for maintaining and extending certain diseases intentionally, knowingly causing new ones and expanding the use of registered medicines for a disease as many as possible. To achieve these

objectives, the defendants have designed, implemented, managed and organized a business plan strategically worldwide fraud, which by its economic magnitude is unparalleled in the history of mankind.

1.1. Deliberate expansion of the disease.

following are presented concrete evidence to show that the most common diseases today are maintained and spread deliberately by the accused, despite the fact that they could have been prevented or largely eradicated effectively, saving millions of lives .

1.1.1. Coronary heart disease.

The fundamental cause of heart disease and myocardial infarction is a structural weakness and decreased function of the arterial wall, which, like scurvy develops as a result of vitamin deficiencies and other essential nutrients over time.

However, the approaches of the pharmaceutical industry about the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases caused deliberately ignore this and focus more on treating symptoms, such as reducing cholesterol levels in the blood.
intentionally avoiding a cure for that market, adverse side effects of these drugs cause new diseases. The number of deaths worldwide from cardiovascular disease as a result of these deliberate crimes of the accused, more than twelve million a year.

1.1.2. Hypertension.

The fundamental cause of hypertension is an increase in arterial wall tension due to a deficiency of essential nutrients in the smooth muscle cells of the arterial wall, causing narrowing of the artery diameter and increased blood pressure. Can be found numerous clinical studies documenting the benefits of non-patentable micronutrients, in particular the amino acid arginine and magnesium. These nutrients correct the underlying deficiency in millions of vascular wall cells, thus relaxing the walls of blood vessels, increasing its diameter and normalizing the high blood pressure.

sold drugs for the treatment of hypertension intentionally focus on the treatment of symptoms. For example, beta blockers slow the heart rate and diuretics do the same with the blood volume. These drugs prevent correct deliberately "spasms" of the blood vessel walls, which are the root cause of hypertension. Thus, while deliberately avoiding curing the disease, these drugs cause harmful side effects long term, which can cause many new diseases, and therefore new drug markets.

Worldwide, hundreds of millions of patients with hypertension remain uncured as a direct result of actions taken by the defendants, and the number of deaths from these diseases increases every day.

1.1.3. Heart failure.

The fundamental cause of heart failure is the lack of cell biocatalysts, certain vitamins, minerals, carnitine, coenzyme Q10 and other carriers bioenergy in millions of heart cells. This results in a decrease in heart rate and an accumulation of water in the body.

However, the approaches of the pharmaceutical industry about the treatment of heart failure deliberately overlook this fact and focus on the symptoms. Diuretics marketed for the treatment of heart failure not only remove the water accumulated in the body, but also purged of vitamins, minerals and other bio-soluble carriers. Thus, marketed drugs for heart failure contribute, in fact, worsen the disease and are responsible for the short life expectancy of patients with the disease, once it starts to take effect based medication diuretics.

While deliberately avoiding curing the disease, these drugs purge the body of essential nutrients, thus exacerbating the underlying cause of the disease. Worldwide, over one hundred million heart failure patients remain uncured, and eventually die prematurely as a direct result of actions taken by the defendants.

1.1.4. Arrhythmia.

The fundamental cause of the arrhythmia is the lack of micronutrients, vitamins, minerals, and other carriers ubiquinone bioenergy in millions of electrical cardiac cells. This results in a decrease in the generation or conduction of electrical impulses necessary for normal heart rate. A recent double-blind placebo study has demonstrated beyond doubt that the therapeutic use of micronutrients is an effective, safe and affordable to correct the condition underlying the arrhythmia.

However, the approaches of the pharmaceutical industry about the treatment of arrhythmia deliberately ignore this fact and focus instead on the symptoms. What the antiarrhythmic drugs marketed to treat this disease is worse in many cases, causing cardiac arrest and early death of patients.

Ten years ago, author Thomas Moore showed in his lethal Medicine that a new class of antiarrhythmic drugs in the United States alone had caused more deaths than the Vietnam War in the U.S. military. Worldwide, over one hundred million arrhythmia patients remain uncured as a direct result of these actions taken by the defendants, and the number of deaths from this disease is increasing every day.

1.1.5. Cancer.

Until recently, cancer has been considered a death sentence. Thanks the latest developments in natural health and Cellular Medicine, the situation has changed radically. Also in regard to this disease, it is now obvious that the accused have deliberately contributed to neglect and abandon the medical research on non-patentable therapies for ineffective drugs that allow the continuation of the epidemic of cancer: one of its more profitable markets. Due to the extraordinary importance of the crimes committed by the accused in relation to the epidemic of cancer, this section presents in more detail.

is a scientific fact that all cancers spread by the same mechanism: the use of collagen-digesting enzymes (collagenases, metalloproteinases). The therapeutic use of natural amino acid lysine, especially with other non-patentable micronutrients, can block these enzymes and thus prevent metastasis of cancer cells.

All types of cancer studied thus respond to this therapeutic approach, including breast, prostate, lung, skin, fibroma, synovial sarcoma and other cancers.

The only reason that this advance in medicine has not been investigated further and applied to the treatment of patients is the fact that these substances are not patentable, and therefore have low profit margins. And even more importantly, any effective treatment of any disease leads ultimately to its eradication and the destruction of a pharmaceutical market of trillions of dollars.

marketing of drugs for cancer patients has been particularly fraudulent and intentional. Under the pretext of treating cancer using the term cover of "chemotherapy," toxic substances are administered to patients, including mustard gas derivatives. The fact that these toxic agents also destroy millions of cells healthy body is raised intentionally.

Knowing this fact, deliberately took into account the following consequences: first, the cancer would continue to be a global epidemic, providing the economic basis for a steady business of the illness worth trillions of dollars, and second, the systematic application toxic agents in the form of chemotherapy would cause new diseases in patients who received those substances.

Following this strategy, the market for drugs for the treatment of serious side effects from these products including infection, inflammation, bleeding, deficiencies in the organs, etc. is even higher than the market of their products used in chemotherapy. Thus, the defendants also used their fraudulent scheme organized, to the detriment of thousands of millions of cancer patients with a single purpose: financial enrichment.

1.1.6. AIDS and other infectious diseases.

fraudulent scheme as it also applied to treatment of one of the most deadly epidemics in the history of mankind: AIDS. Decade ago, scientific studies showed that vitamin C was able to reduce the replication of HIV virus in more than 99%. Defendants know this made for more than a decade.

intentionally ignoring and avoiding this safe, affordable and not patentable, the defendants developed patented AIDS drugs with serious side effects, and because of its exorbitant patent rights unaffordable for the vast majority of people on the planet. Thus, in implementing its business plan criminal defendants are guilty of risking the lives and causing the deaths of hundreds of millions of people in Africa, South America, Asia and all other regions.

Similarly, boycotted the information that the only important measure to improve immunity against diseases infectious diseases is to eat the optimal amount of vitamins B6, B12, folic acid and other essential nutrients. It is a scientific fact that these biocatalysts in cell metabolism increases the production of white blood cells, the body's main weapon against infection.

systematically hiding this information, especially to the hundreds of millions of children and adults in the developing world, the pharmaceutical industry deliberately risking the lives of hundreds of millions of people in these areas of the world. All the defendants know that hardly anyone in these underdeveloped areas can afford to pay for drug treatments, and therefore, end up dying.

Hide this information, which could save many lives, on non-patentable natural alternatives to prevent and combat infectious diseases not only causes the death of millions of people, but also ruins the economies of many developing countries. As a direct consequence, the existing imbalance in today's global economy is becoming even dramatic, since it involves deliberately to these countries in a conflict in which they have no chance of winning.

1.1.7. Other diseases.

also today still regarded as health problems other diseases degenerative, inflammatory and infectious diseases as well as many other common only because the accused have been identified and protected as markets for their shameful "business with disease."

Tests on the marketing plans of the accused criminals


deliberate provocation of other diseases and in patients new to expand drug markets.

to expand their markets, the defendants manufactured and marketed the following groups of drugs intentionally, despite their known side effects, harmful to health. A shameful way, the defendants are deliberately causing new diseases under the pretext of combating existing.

The fact that these new diseases caused by side effects of these drugs appear many years later is used as an additional cover for this scam:

The cholesterol-lowering drugs, especially statins, and fiber are sold in mass quantities with the pretext of preventing cardiovascular disease. These drugs are known to cause cancer in doses currently administered to millions of patients around the world.

Drugs used in chemotherapy are sold supposedly to treat cancer. In reality, causing a series of serious side effects, and the most common is the appearance of new tumors. All criminal marketing plan around chemotherapy works only because the defendants have made cancer a death sentence, and even the accused has come to sell as a success when a patient undergoing chemotherapy survived a few months.

Aspirin is sold in mass quantities on the pretext of preventing heart attacks and sudden attacks, but also long been known that long-term use causes the destruction of collagen and therefore increases the risk gradually of heart and attacks, and other diseases such as ulcers stomach and gastrointestinal bleeding.

anti-inflammatory drugs used to treat pain and inflammation, as in the case of arthritis. However, many of these drugs destroy tissue, such as joints. A long-term use of these drugs aggravate health problems instead of rectifying it.

calcium antagonists are marketed in mass quantities on the pretext of treating high blood pressure and prevent heart attacks, but long term, it is known that the use of these drugs cause an increased risk of heart attacks, seizures shootings and other diseases.

Estrogen and other hormone drug compounds sold in mass quantities on the pretext of preventing osteoporosis and heart disease, but long-term use is known to cause cancer in more than 30% of women who swallow them. Particularly common forms of cancer caused by these drugs are hormone-dependent cancers such as breast or uterine cancer.

tranquilizers and antidepressants. Another mechanism by which defendants routinely extend their markets intentionally causing addiction is to increase sales. It is known that many tranquilizers and antidepressants, known as the diazepam ("Valium") cause dependence and addiction. In order to increase global sales of these drugs, the defendants even praise them in full-page ads targeted directly to the public.

Other drugs. Since the patent is a precondition for business investment in the pharmaceutical industry, typical drugs are synthetic molecules, and therefore toxic to the human body. For almost all drugs the same principle applies fraudulent business: relieving symptoms in the short term while causing other damage and gradually generate new diseases, which are the basis for new drug markets.

Expanding your market drugs for new diseases.

In committing these crimes, the defendants deliberately expand its current pharmaceutical market by inventing new states of health for those who recommend drugs that had previously recommended for other diseases.

As a first test, are presented below the following examples:

pills headache supposedly prevent heart disease. Aspirin was developed as a pain reliever for headache and pain in general and the accused are now sold in mass quantities and are advised for long-term use, even for people who are healthy, because it supposedly prevents and treats heart disease and other serious diseases.

supposedly Antibiotics fight heart disease. In order to expand the global market of antibiotics, the defendants manufactured and spread the so-called theory of bacteria "of heart attacks worldwide. Without clinical trials showing that chlamydia or other bacteria actually cause atherosclerosis or heart attacks, the defendants encouraged shamefully general use of antibiotics, even among healthy people under the pretext of preventing heart attacks.

These are just a few examples of the practices undertaken by the defendants to systematically extend the use of drugs for other diseases. In fact, this marketing plan is no exception to the rule, but the rule. The list of crimes committed in this context should be corrected and completed during the subsequent investigation.

Offences related to systematic infiltration in various sectors of society in order to facilitate the execution of these crimes.

The defendants have systematically and deliberately infiltrated the fields of medicine and health in most countries of the world in order to create relations of dependency financial and other measures to manage their 'business with disease "and commit other crimes.

medical research is not carried out with the primary objective of finding the most effective, and affordable insurance against illness, but in order to identify key disease markets and achieve the maximum benefits in the market for drug manufacturer. As part of this strategy over the past decades, the defendants systematically eliminated from the training programs of medical schools the study of natural therapies, effective but not patentable.

willfully created generations of doctors with little or no knowledge about the health benefits of these natural therapies that could save many lives. At the same time, the newly created department of pharmacology name took care of therapeutic education in medical schools. Thus, for decades, generations of doctors have become medical school into a virtual sales team trained to the "business with disease" of the pharmaceutical industry.

To hide this strategy, patented drugs were classified as "scientific" and even baptized as' drugs ethical ', while non-patentable natural therapies were discredited and branded as "unscientific."

Similarly, the defendants have systematically and intentionally infiltrated the media around the world, creating financial dependency relationships or other and spreading hoaxes and false information to conceal their criminal practices, to support their "business with disease" and commit other crimes.

Defendants have deliberately and systematically abused the political system and legislation of most nations, in order to pass laws, establish regulations and promote other measures to increase sales of drugs ineffective and dangerous, but lucrative. The defendants have abused their political influence to manipulate the legislation in a manner that allowed them to seize billions of dollars under the "health insurance" and other public and private health funds.

promoting its "fraudulent business of this disease, have taken this money from individuals, businesses and governments around the world demanding the payment of ineffective and harmful therapies. Therefore, the defendants get exorbitant profits for the pharmaceutical industry and cause unnecessary suffering and premature death of hundreds of millions of people.

Defendants have deliberately and systematically infiltrated in the European Parliament and abused him as well as other regional and international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and other national and international political bodies, to commit their crimes against humanity.

Offences related to the systematic obstruction of effective health and not patentable.

artificial To protect your business investment in disease, the defendants attempted to remove strategically access of people around the world non-patentable natural therapies. To achieve this goal, the defendants served several strategic measures:

1. Withholding information that could save lives on non-patentable natural therapies. Defendants have withheld and blocked deliberately and systematically to millions of people the basic health information that the body can not produce their own vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

Because of their lack of knowledge, almost all human beings have a lack of vitamin C and are susceptible to cardiovascular diseases, and other types of pathologies. Similarly, defendants concealed and systematically and deliberately blocked millions of people the basic health information that the body can not produce the natural amino acid lysine.

Due to the lack of information, most humans have lack of lysine and are susceptible to cancer and other diseases. Accordingly, defendants intentionally caused further unnecessary suffering and premature death of hundreds of millions of people.

2. Publicly discredit non-patentable natural therapies. Defendants have intentionally misled the public and systematically disseminating false, misleading and fabricated to discredit health therapies unpatentable in order to protect and expand their 'business with disease' based on patented drugs and commit other crimes. Accordingly, defendants deliberately caused further unnecessary suffering and premature death of hundreds of millions of people.

3. Prohibit the dissemination of health information related to non-patentable natural therapies. The accused have deliberately abused their political influence to attempt to apply national laws and international levels would essentially prohibit the dissemination of health information related preventive and therapeutic with non-patentable natural therapies. At the same time, these laws try to set arbitrary "ceilings" certainly low for the recommended amounts of these natural therapies and safe, a measure that would ban its use as natural therapeutic agents.

abusing the Codex Alimentarius Commission of the United Nations, the defendants have even tried to set these laws in all UN member countries, ie around the world.

Now that all peaceful efforts to protect the "pharmaceutical business with disease" have failed, defendants change of strategy. They are deliberately triggering an escalating international crisis, with war included, in order to create the psychological and legal preconditions to enable immediate implementation and international protectionist laws thus established the basis for the continuation of their 'business with disease "and other crimes they are accused.


The defendants are the persons listed below from business, military and political systems and different nationalities:

* George Walker Bush, President of the United States. He is the main political executor of the interests of pharmaceutical / petrochemical cartel. He is the main political responsibility for war crimes against Iraq and other crimes of this complaint.

* Anthony Charles Lynton (Tony) Blair, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. It is the political leader and performer himself, besides George Bush complicit in the crimes listed in this complaint.

* Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense. Rumsfeld was chairman of the board of directors of several biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, including drugmaker GD Searle, now part of Pharmacia. For decades, he served strategic role as organizer of the "pharmaceutical business with disease". He received several awards from the pharmaceutical industry. With George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld was one of the main instigators of the war of aggression against Iraq.

* John Ashcroft, Attorney General of the United States. It is one of the strategists of the National Security Act called one of the organizational instruments with which the defendants are systematically restricting civil rights in America. Is responsible for the protectionist laws that essentially allow the pharmaceutical industry has immunity and is not liable for their crimes in the Together.

In the pharmaceutical sector, the following companies are accused:

1. Pfizer Inc., the board chairman, Dr. Henry A. McKinnell, other executives and board of directors.

2. Merck & Co., Inc., the board chairman, Raymond V. Gilmartin, other executives and board of directors.

3. GlaxoSmithKline PLC, the Chief Executive Officer Dr Jean-Pierre Garnier, the other executives and board of directors.

4. Novartis AG, the board chairman, Dr. Daniel Vasella, the other Executives and the board of directors.

5. Amgen Inc., the Chief Executive Officer Kevin Sharer, the other executives and board of directors.

6. Astra Zeneca, the board chairman, Sir Tom McKillop, the other executives and board of directors.
7. Eli Lilly and Company, the Chief Executive Officer Sidney Taurel, the other executives and board of directors.

8. Abbott Laboratories, the Chief Executive Officer Miles D. White, the other executives and board of directors.

9. Other pharmaceutical companies, their directors executives and boards, which maintain and promote the 'investment business with disease "and other crimes.

financial groups behind these multinationals:

- Rockefeller Financial Group and members of the Rockefeller family, and benefiting from their crimes.

- Rothschild Group and all its members, and benefiting from the crimes committed from the financial standpoint.

- JP Morgan Group and all its members, and benefiting from the crimes committed from the financial standpoint.

- The Trilateral Commission and its members, an organization founded by David Rockefeller to coordinate the interests of this investment group in the three areas of the world: USA, Europe and Japan, hence the name "trilateral". Also, all individual members of this committee found guilty of participating in these crimes or benefiting from them since the financial standpoint.

- Members of other lobbyists and interest groups in the business world, in the course of further investigation will be found guilty of involvement in these crimes or they have benefited from the financial standpoint.

- JP Morgan Chase Bank, the board president, William B. Harrison Jr., and other executives and board of directors.

- Other financial institutions, its Executive Directors, the board of directors, shareholders and others, that in the course of further investigation will be found guilty of involvement in these crimes or have benefited from them from the point financially.

- Political and national and international political organizations, in the course of further investigation will be found guilty of involvement in these crimes or they have benefited from the financial standpoint.

- Members of the army have engaged, or in the course of further investigation will be found guilty of involvement in these crimes or have benefited from them from a financial standpoint.

- health executives in the pharmaceutical sector, in the course of further investigation will be found to have deliberately and systematically participated in committing these crimes or they have benefited from the financial standpoint.

- Members of the media and others in the course of further investigation will be found guilty of involvement in these crimes or they have benefited from the financial standpoint.

- Any individual, organization or entity that, in the course of further investigation, be found guilty of involvement in these crimes or they have benefited from the financial standpoint.

international treaties applicable to this report:

Along with the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court, the following international treaties and declarations are applicable to the serious charges against the defendants in this report:

1. United Nations Charter

2. Universal Declaration of Human Rights of December 8, 1948

3. Geneva Convention on Human Rights August 12, 1949

4. Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide of January 12, 1951

5. Convention on the applicability of crimes against humanity and war crimes in 1968

6. Principles of international cooperation in the identification, arrest, extradition and punishment of persons guilty of war crimes or crimes against humanity in 1973

The jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court on the defendants.

The accused committed the offense set forth in this complaint deliberately and with full knowledge of all the circumstances surrounding their actions.

crimes mentioned in this document have been committed against all humanity. The ICC in The Hague is the court, governed by international law, has the mission to solve these pressing issues.

addition, the ICC was created after World War II and the Nuremberg War Council in order to prevent another similar tragedy: possibly another world war.

1. Obligation to prosecute those bearing the charges.

Defendants can be convicted and punished by the International Criminal Court.

The Statute shall apply equally to all without distinction based on official capacity. In particular, official capacity as a person, is Chief of State or Government, a member of a government or parliament, an elected representative or government official shall in no way relieve him of criminal responsibility nor constitute a ground for reduction of sentence. (Article 27, Paragraph 1 of the Statute).

Immunities or special procedural rules which may attach to the official capacity of a person under domestic law or international law, shall not bar the Court from exercising jurisdiction over it. (Article 27, Paragraph 2 of the Statute).

2. Grounds for excluding criminal responsibility.

None of the defendants eligible for any of the grounds specified in Article 31 of the Statute on the grounds for excluding criminal responsibility.

The defendants were acting in full knowledge about the illegality of their actions. Thus, any argument that claims to the contrary shall be null and void.

also be null and void all the efforts of the accused to retroactively justify their crimes by forming 'coalitions' of opinions with other nations.

3. Jurisdiction over all members of the government and all citizens of the United States

Even those defendants who are citizens of the United States can claim immunity before the International Criminal Court only because the United States, unlike the other 90 countries around the world (ie, almost half of the members of the United Nations), it is between signatory states to the Rome Statute.

The defendants have long been devising plans to try to evade prosecution by the ICC. However, defendants are not exempted from the jurisdiction of the Court, for the simple execution of the crimes that led the acts will be tried by the ICC and is enough to be subject to a penalty under the terms of the Statute.

Whether you belong to a specific member state, since the International Criminal Court has jurisdiction over natural persons and not states, and establishes individual criminal responsibility and the enforcement of a penalty (Article 25 Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Statute).

The ICC considers unnecessary attempts by the U.S. Administration to coerce smaller nations to sign "immunity pacts" bilateral.

addition, the Security Council of the United Nations decided that the U.S. government, and therefore most of the defendants could and should decide for themselves whether the International Criminal Court had jurisdiction to take legal action against them.

This decision was made for one simple reason: they can imagine what would have happened if he had allowed the main accused in the Nuremberg trials to choose whether to be tried or not before the Council of Nuremberg.

For these reasons, the defendants, though citizens of the United States of America, are also subject to the jurisdiction of the ICC. Request


The individuals named should be brought before the International Criminal Court valid arguments specified in the complaint.

The Prosecutor of the Court International Criminal investigations should continue on the individual responsibilities of the accused.

We, the peoples of the world, these investigations continue and intensify.

Defendants should be sentenced for the following reasons: * Violation

conscious and deliberate human right to peace;

* Violation conscious and deliberate human right to life;

* Violation conscious and deliberate human right to health.

This report will be updated and completed in a constant development and revision until they finally start legal proceedings against defendants.

This report deals with the most serious crimes ever committed in the course of human history. Every day you delay the formal process in the International Criminal Court against the defendants, millions of people around the world pay with their lives and the planet gets closer and closer to the next world war. No longer be delayed.

As stated by the United States Attorney in the Nuremberg War Council against executives of the chemical and petrochemical cartel IG Farben:

If the crimes committed by the defendants did not come to light, and if they are not held accountable, will further damage in the future.

We call on all people and all governments of the world to join these allegations. The time for action has arrived.

The Hague, Netherlands - June 14, 2003.

On behalf of all the peoples of the world, Dr. Matthias Rath


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