Sunday, October 3, 2010

Lifetime Fitness Membership Fee

a deputy

Mendoza in the HCD held a workshop on Adoption and amendment to the law in order to expedite the respective procedures. Participated as a panelist invited the national representative Cinthia Hotton, among other things, stated that the mother give her child during pregnancy or after childbirth do so anonymously is not your name on the adoption file. Thus the adopted child / to never find out the name of his mother. He based this on prioritizing the Right to Life before the Right to Identity. According women abort it for fear that in future the child to find or want to know about it. How is the deputy Hotton is not adopted or appropriate (anotada como hija propia) y conoce su verdadera identidad de origen y desconoce completamente la problemática. ¿Qué Vida quiere preservar condenando a un niño/a que ya sufre el abandono a la angustia de no saber sobre su madre, su familia biológica, su origen? El Aborto se previene con políticas públicas que garanticen educación y salud sexual, los métodos anticonceptivos a todos. En los países donde esto se cumple el número de abortos bajó considerablemente. La adopción es un Derecho del Niño no del adulto y la Convención de los Derechos del Niño es muy clara: “los intereses del niño deben ser considerados en primer lugar en todas las decisiones que lo afecten” and decide that the child will never know his mother's name is a violation of the Convention also states that the child is entitled to know the names of their parents. On the one hand the deputy is very Christian and I can not believe that defending Christian values \u200b\u200b about condemning others. The message seems to say women have children for those who can not conceive and do not worry, nobody will look. 3 years ago belonging to the Commission Family, Women, Minority and Youth therefore should know very well all this. Ask your mother who found the emotion felt by both parties, the peace that led to the veil of concealment and deceit. Truth Sana , Ms. Deputy, a value that belongs to all religions and you should be the first to promote it.

Palma Graciela (citizens without identity) DNI (with false) 16,496,527


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