Saturday, January 1, 2011

Can U Masterbate In Water

of 2010


As in previous years, we continue with the good habit of taking advantage of the annual cycle in order to review the electronic mailbox to thank all those benefactors of this blog that during the year just ended, have been made in this blog, a modest or significant contribution of information. First, as my grandmother said, "is well born, being grateful" and second, because thanks to the solidarity of the people mentioned and the usefulness of their contributions, our draft and disseminate knowledge popular paleontology Iberian Internet started in 2007, is still progressing, growing, maturing and bearing fruit, when the 2011 is a beginning to start. For both reasons, we wish to tod @ s @ s our informants, 2010, the year 2011 that is starting again, find it completely favorable to the achievement of the objectives of all projects, important and legitimate, they have in currently underway. A tod @ s wish, by 2011, most fortunately, be it professional or personal affairs.

If an inadvertent oversight, I neglected to mention to anyone, I apologize for forgetting unforgivable and I would ask the affected best memory I claim through the mail.


- Abbey Tirado, José, Cultural Association President Arbir Malena of Moyuela (Zaragoza)
- Aguirre Enriquez, Emiliano , paleontologist, paleontologists teacher, linked to the CSIC since his retirement, Depto. Paleontology, National Museum of Natural Sciences, Madrid.
- Alfaro García, Pedro , geologist, specializing in tectonics, professor at the University of Alicante
- Anton Sanjuán, Marián , photographer, co-editor of "Ambista" Cultural Heritage Rebista
- Angles Querol, Susana, writer, publishers, booksellers and cultural activist, the Library Cazarabet in Mas de las Matas (Teruel)
- Aragonès Valls, Enric geologist , a specialist in geology Environmental researcher and writer for the History of Geology Catalan
- Muela Arias, Roberto , hiker, amateur palaeontologist and photographer, Villar de Cobeta (Guadalajara)
- Bespin Serrano, José Manuel, associate Alcaine Voice of Alcaine (Teruel)
- Munts Biosca, Josep , paleontologist, curator of paleontology at the Museum of Geology "Valenti Masachs" of EPSEM ( UPC), Manresa (Barcelona)
- Blanch Marín, Ernesto , Councilman ayuntameinto of Morella (Castellón)
- Blanco, Arturo , entrepreneur, manager of Exclusive Muriedas SL., industrial bakery company, producer of the Colungalletas, Avilés (Asturias)
- Bru
Sansano, Jaume , philologist, a name, caver, high school teacher, Elche (Alicante)
- Buendía Gómez, M ª Carmen , secretary of the Society of Friends of the Museum of Paleontology at the University of Zaragoza (SAMPUZ)
- Muñoz Calvo, Clemente , pharmacist, druggist cultural, multi-faceted visual artist, amateur paleontologist and member of Sampuz, Zaragoza
- Camps Gamundí, Isaac , geologist, editor and publisher geoscience, geological itineraries guide, educator Geoenvironmental in Terrassa (Barcelona).
- Cañigueral and Viñals, Angel, collector, exhibitor, paleontologist, professor of FP, Sarria de Ter (Girona)
- Cardoso, João Luís , prehistoriador, archaeologist and professor at the University Lisbon (Portugal)
- Grace Cerezuela, Maria José , director of library, Estadilla (Huesca)
- Cervelló i Torrella, Josep M ª , geologist, high school teacher, councilor of the Environment of the municipality of Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona), member of the Comissió of Coordinació Cartographic Catalunya
- Chazal Beach, Elena , philologist and philosopher, writer Aragonese language, the summary (Huesca)
- Concepción Suárez, Xulio , philologist, a specialist in toponymy Asturias, author of "Diccionariu etimolóxicu Asturias region names, Professor of English Language and Literature.
- Cubero Tirado, Santiago of Malena Arbir Cultural Association of Moyuela (Zaragoza)
- Buscalioni Delgado, Angela , Professor of Paleontology and Evolutionary Biology at the Autonomous University of Madrid
Díaz Gómez, Jesús , scholar and popularizer of history and geography of tourism Ameskoas, multibloguero of Larraona (Navarra)
Díaz Martínez, Ignacio , geologist, in the process of transformation dinoicnólogo , Logroño (La Rioja)
- Erdozia Mauleon, Jose Luis , philologist, Doctor's Degree in Basque, high school teacher, author Hiztegi Dialektologikoa Sakanaka (dialectological Dictionary of Burunda-Barranca-Araquil)
- Holly Fernandez, Virgilio , historian, archaeologist anthropologist, caver, patrimoniólogo, a member of the Center for
Highlanders - Fernández Martínez, Esperanza , Professor of Paleontology at the University of León
Galiana Soriano, Agustin, a biologist, of Vilajoiosa (Alicante) escritors, speaker, president de l'Associació d'Estudis de la Marina Baixa
Albizu García Jiménez, Balbino, historian, ethnographer, writer and editor amescoano (Navarra)
Garcia Pascual, Iñaki , Geologist, Project answerable Geology and Soils of Basoinsa SL., Leioa (Vizcaya)
Garcia-Ramos, Alvaro , photographer, Oviedo (Asturias)
- Gassiot i Matas Xavier, geologist, retired professor of School of Girona
- Gibert Atienza, Jordi M. , a paleontologist, specializing in paleobiology and Ichnology Mediterranean Neogene, professor dept. d'Stratigraphy, Marine Geosciences i Paleontologia, Facultat de Geologia, Universitat de Barcelona
- Farreres Gomez, Ignasi, traveler, insatiably curious, reporter unusual impenitent reader, pedagogue and Professor of Special Education, Lleida (Lleida)
- González, Juan, the Centre d'Estudis Contestans, Cocentaina (Alicante)
- González García, Daniel, responsible for the portal de l'Aragonés:
- Iturrioz del Campo, Stephen , veterinary official of the Autonomous Community of Aragon
, amateur paleontologist and member of the Society of Friends Museum of Paleontology at the University of Zaragoza (SAMPUZ)
- Urtiaga Kintana, Xabier , philologist and writer in Euskera Euskaltzaindia secretary and honorary member of the Academy of Aragon, in Bilbao (Vizcaya)
- Lucas, Lola , philosophers, psychologists, traveler, writer, photographs and many other things, Igualada (Barcelona), research fellow etnopaleontológicas in "the case of the mysterious celestial nummulites Collbàs"
- Lucas Recio, Raquel , collaborator Jiloca Study Center, Coordinator of Sports Daroca County, Instituto Aragonés Youth
- Reguero Marcos, Alfredo , geologist, professor at the University of Burgos
- Martin Forehand, Carlos , a geologist with the Department. of Geology, National Museum of Natural Sciences (CSIC), Madrid.
- More Gornals, Guillem paleontologist Balearic Campos (Mallorca), friend and companion of adventures etnopaleontológicas Balearic
- Meléndez Hevia, Guillermo , paleontologist, Department of Earth Sciences. Area of \u200b\u200bPaleontology, University of Zaragoza
Mesa López-Colmenar, José M ª , geologist, professor at the University of Seville
- Miret Pérez, Francesc , caver, archivist and historian of caving English and Catalan, Badalona (Barcelona)
- Montane
García, Pau, geologist, manager and guide of Geodiscovering, Camarasa (Lleida)
- Saura Mur, Ricardo , writer, editor, anthropologist, lecturer and "pastor" of the Diocese of Jaca
- i Tarradas Oliver Joaquim , Hikers' Centre of Banyoles (Girona)
- Suberbiola Pereda, Xabier , paleontologist, professor of Stratigraphy and Paleontology Department, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao (Vizcaya)
Pontacq Seguranyes, Joan , geographer, hiker, a name, writer and lecturer, Banyoles (Girona)
- Querol Carceller, Xavier , geologist, Professor of Research, Department of Environmental Geology. Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera (Barcelona)
- Quintana Font, Artur, philologist specializing in dialectologists variant of Catalan spoken in Aragon, Barcelona (Barcelona)
- Renard Alvarez Pau geologist profesorde Secondary, of Valencia
- Reolid Pérez, Matías , Geologist, Department of Geology at the University of Jaén
- Rivas González, Félix A ., antropólogo, de Zaragoza, especializado en arquitectura popular.
- Rivas Colás, José Luis , originario de Muel (Zaragoza)
- Roma i Casanovas, Francesc , historiador y geógrafo cultural, excursionista, escritor y muchas otras cosas, de Sant Martí de Centelles (Barcelona)
- Romanos Hernando, Fernando, dialectólogo, ensayista, conferenciante, escritor, profesor de Secundaria, de Zaragoza (Zaragoza)
- Romero Sánchez, Gregorio , paleontólogo del Servicio Heritage of the Region of Murcia, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.
- Omeñaca Ruiz, José Ignacio, paleontologist dinosauriólogo of MUJA, Colunga (Asturias), friend and "adviser dinológico"
- i Sánchez Torres, Xavier , hiker, photographer, media techniques environment, graphic design, Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona)
- Sangüesa Ortí, Carlos , historian, ethnographer, writer and lecturer, Morella (Castellón)
- Sanz García, José Louis, paleontologist, dinosauriólogo, Professor of Paleontology, lecturer, writer ... and more
- Saura Vilar, Manuel , paleontologist, Onda (Castellón), Co-Director of the Paleontological Museum of Ribesalbes and coeditor of some posters and books on echinoids, more than excellent.
- Sequeiros San Román, Leandro , a paleontologist and theologian, professor of paleontology, on leave from the University of Cordoba. and professor of the Faculty of Theology of Granada
- Dolader Serrano, Alberto , journalist, writer, traveler and lecturer, of Caspe (Zaragoza)
- Simon
Ortigosa, Sara , digital coordinator Cyberlibrary Cidacos Valle, de Enciso (La Rioja)
- Valério, Manuel , amateur paleontologist, Portuguese businessman , co-owner of "ARDOSIA Valério & Figueiredo" Canelas (Arouca) promoter of the project "Geological interpretação Center Canelas (CCC), awarded the" Tourism Merit Região de Turismo Rota da Luz.
- Valero Puebla, Vicente , Professor of Primary Valdemoro de la Sierra (Cuenca)
- Vilaró Lucia, Emilio , photographer, traveler, lecturer, electrical engineer, Director of the company Evil Electronica SL, Barcelona
Villagrasa, M ª José of Vega del Moll SA, Morella ( Castellón)
- Villuendas Salinas, Enrique , Professor of Geography and History and a contributor to "Ambista"

This rare image paleontological, we symbolize the old, swallowed by the new year, as a metaphorical idea that, for human knowledge, the past is the nutrient of the present and future.

But for those more rationalist and prosaic, the scene tell you that fossilized only a sample of a typical predator-prey relationship existing in any biological community, but in this case that happened almost 56 MA. ..


Mioplosus labracoides Eocene and Knightia

Eocene Green River Formation, Wyoming

http://historical. / common / view_item.php? Sale_No = 810091 & Lot_No = 81075 # Photo

The occurrence of an "aspiration" - one fish in the act of swallowing another - is extremely rare in the fossil record, but here is a fine example from the famed Green River Formation in Wyoming. Renowned for its abundance of high quality fish fossils, the formation has yielded over 19 species, of which the ancient perch Mioplosus was one of the predators; here a 5¼-inch example has been caught in the act of chowing down on a sprat-like Knightia; the smaller fish protrudes 7/8 of an inch from its mouth and presumably choked the larger fish to death, with the result that they are preserved together in death for all eternity. The locality is renowned for the detail of its fossils and the world-class on-site preparators are famed for their ability to render a fossil in an attractive and comprehensive manner, as here. A rare and unusual piece, the pale limestone matrix is stabilized with a plywood backing and measures 6 x 7 1/6 inches.


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