Saturday, December 25, 2010

Unblock Farmville In Feeds

paleontoibérico Christmas Greeting

En estas fechas solsticiales en que los humanos de cultura occidental o "cristiana", por tradición, nos deseamos paz, prosperidad, salud y felicidad, yo no quiero ser menos. Y me uno a ese coro de personas bienintencionadas, llenas de buenos deseos hacia sus semejantes... y además, intentaré saludar a las personas que visiten este blog, en todas las hablas regionales, peninsulares, de las que me ha sido posible find the appropriate version of the traditional phrase is typical this time of the annual cycle:

"Feli Christmas and Happy New Year" the Andalusians

"Good and Good Watch Nadal, the Aragonese

Bon Nau An Nadau and Eros",
to Aran:

" Merry Christmas and prosperu Añu Nuevu"
the Asturian

"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year"
the Castilians

"Bon Nadal i Felic Any Nou"
to Catalan Balearic Valencia and Andorra

"Easter and Añu Felicis Nuevu" to Extremadura

"Bo Nadal e Happy NewYear" to Galician

"Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year "
a los gibraltareños

Bon Nadal y Prestosu Anu Nuevu" , a los Leoneans:

"Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" , to Portuguese:

"eta Urte zoriontsuak Gabon Berri On"
, the Basques

The truly exotic and authentic note etnopaleontológica of this entry, the contribution, especially and most particularly, curious image of Christmas that tops our input has been made by the creative Michael Popp, aka "Mike Kentuckiana," a U.S. collector and collector, of Louisville, Kentucky in the United States of America. The image estárealizada using images of various types of Paleozoic fossils, originating in the U.S. state of Indiana, by digital photomontage techniques .

s To those visitors really curious, wanting to know what type of fossil is and what is its origin, then offer the explanatory text, original image created by Michael Popp which reads:

Merry Christmas to one and all! May you get lots of geological goodies this holiday season. Hope the new year brings good health and safe travels.
For the curious, this years image contains fossils from four time periods. The star, red and blue ornaments are Ordovician crinoid stem pieces of Madison , Indiana . The trunk is an unidentified criniod stem from the Silurian Waldron Shale of Clark County , Indiana . The tree body is an unidentified horn coral from the Devonian Jeffersonville Limestone of Clark County, Indiana. Last, the yellow ornaments are unidentified crinoid/blastoid stem pieces from the Mississippian Period limestones of Crawford County , Indiana . All the fossils have had their colors modified to match a real Christmas tree.

See this
April 2010 blog post on the Ordovician crinoid pieces for their identifications.

Here is a link to my 2009 Christmas Greeting : that year I used blastoid fossils for the ornaments.

Texto e imagen extraídos de:


- Michael Popp, "Kentuckiana Mike":
Merry Fossil Christmas 2010 html
- Christmas Latin 1:
- Latin Christmas 2:
- Logos :

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Cute Lower Hip Tattoos

The fossil record and folk songs (1)

Introduction to fossils, inspiring elements in popular songs.

Undoubtedly, song and poetry are two different genres, but share that both forms of expression have been designed to be recited in a rhythm, intonation and intentions very different to spoken discourse. They are also extraordinarily rich pool their effects, capable of influencing emotions and deep feelings of human receptors.
In December, the month that ends the year, time in which we often take stock of the status of many personal and collective projects, is when we have a more vivid perception of time, human scale, nothing comparable to geologic time, in which the unit of measurement is the millions of years ... The fossils are perhaps the most characteristic element that makes us awareness of time global and regional level and seniority of the ground we are standing.
scarce, to the almost absolute rarity, songs dealing with fossils, "but if any Hail" and today we begin the topic, presentádoos one of them is a song in my opinion, and I'm not an expert on the subject, I think of great formal beauty and conceptual. This is a habanera entitled " The Conch", conceived, composed and executed, far from the sea, now, by a group of musicians, called Boltaña Round who live and work, the Most time in his beloved Pyrenees in Huesca, on the ruins of an ancient sea during the Eocene, Upper Aragon, the territory in which here and there appear many fossilized evidence of the ancient marine environment, in which between 50 and 30 million years swarmed all kinds of marine organisms, typical of the geological time, some swimming or floating, others crawled or settled in their funds, constituting a multitude and diversity of marine creatures of all kinds making up complex ecological communities. Unfortunately for paleontologists and collectors, lithification of the sediment was only able to preserve a part of those who were parties mineralized, shells, shells and internal skeletons. In the Upper Aragon, the fossils most popular, being the most abundant and its deposits to be located near homes, are nummulites and shells.

Image: well-preserved fossil shells Clavilithes Parisiensis a gasteópodo marine Eocene (Lutetian), which, despite its specific name Parisiensis , you can also find the Alto Aragón January.
Copies of the photograph from Damery (Dep. Marne), France, to be exposed in the section of Paleontology Natural History Museum in Paris. The example at left a, is intact, while the right has been sectioned at the central axis, so you can see the internal structure of the shell.
original photo by Michael Popp, aka "Mike Kentuckiana"

The conch

Lyrics: Manuel Domínguez. Music: Michael Sorrentino

forgotten in a box on the false *
night I heard this roar
sea. Far
flutter of memories

the tide of time leads, brings back
and carry.

... It was you, conch,
obsession of my grandfather,
dreams that he saw the sea. He swore that he wore

the ocean inside. ... Many silences
learn to listen!.

do not know or understand your mystery
that a pastor and his grandson
we keep the sea? How

not know or believe him Grandpa, if I too am

son of a people that sings
Havana landlocked? ...

screamed laughing
-"...¡ If a fossil grandfather snail
millennia have not seen the sea! "
He became serious, and then

quietly got you into this box
y así, caracola,
te fuiste al desván.

Nunca más quiso verte,
-puso proa al olvido-,
ni pegada a su oido
te oyó cantar.
Cuando el barco naufraga,
cuando a pique va un sueño,
al timón, el primero,
se hunde su capitán.

Tú le diste sirenas,
caballitos y estrellas;
yo un puñado de arena,
...y lo llamé "realidad".
Hoy por Finally, shame on you,
also I hear sirens,
and to understand the lyrics:
"Living is not enough, we
dream!". ..

round and my window as I watch my children sleep in peace
What sea of \u200b\u200bdreams!
Sail and good wind! ...
-wave inland
song from memory, no sea
Havana .-

... Like you, conch,

sings inside a distant sea.

* False : loft

few seconds of mp3

--- Concluding remarks.

Although, initially, I got to believe the story narrating the song about the disillusionment grandfather pastor, led by unconsciousness informative teenage grandson , could be inspired by events which had occurred at some time and place concrete , Upper Aragon, I wanted to compare my hypothesis and, incidentally, satisfy my curiosity. I got in touch with Manuel Domínguez, the author of the lyrics of the song, to inquire about how right or wrong in my assumptions and informed me that "everything concerning events and characters that star in the cartoon that shows the song, though might be possible in worldof were totally fabricated, pure creation of his imagination.

Go disappointment I got! ... but what can we do? And as the Italians say "non è E vero, è ben trovato!"

Another "curiosity" of this beautiful song, which comes from "re-growth and evolution" by its author's creative, from a stanza was suppressed in a song above, entitled The Tella dolmen. This verse does not appear in the final version of the song, which initially helped conceive and eventually helped to be born, we want to show it and make it available here, it also stars a shell fossil :

Tella dolmen Under
sea in a shell resonates.
Traveling from ancient tidal
went the waves, leaving the ground.
Bell fossil stone spiral,
ancient and eternal spiral nana.
lost seas singing in it,
and later put the wind in offering
below the dolmen, the dolmen of Tella.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Calico Trailers Reviews

when will our whole movie?

President, I heard it in the act of expressing Gendarmerie who likes to watch the entire movie. There is one that the State did not want to see in its entirety: the babies were born and passed from hand to hand as objects. Yes, the film on trafficking in babies where the mother sees only "giver", intermediaries, to couples who stay with the babies and write them down as their own. Why not adopt them. But babies, their future, what happens or they feel nobody speaks. Babies who manufactures them a birth certificate, with false date (in some cases until the year), the details of delivery, all lies. We are more than 3 million players in a movie that nobody wants to see fully. Only accept one version: the cases of crimes against humanity. And the damage identity theft alike uncertainty, that white space in our lives. No need to give back to anyone, give name or obligation to us. We know our history, our true identity of origin. In his speech also referred to always operated within the framework of the Constitution and Laws. We are witness to the contrary. Madam, we are human. Stresses you Life always defend above all things. Do you know what it is to live a lie? This Fiestas my desire is to get them moved, they put in our place and in 2011 finally recognize our existence and help us. For us and for which there is no one else like us. A baby is born, wanted or not is primarily a human being must be respected: Adopt. Inappropriate. And to those that were suitable not deny the possibility of knowing our history no matter the year they were born.

Palma Graciela (citizens without identity) DNI (with false) 16,496,527

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What Takes Off Super Glue

ruling party and opposition: Christian Values \u200b\u200bsad coincidence partial

2010, ending another year where the legislature is in a real battle. Quorum or no quorum to hear complaints, accusations and insults everywhere while citizens who seek our True Identity of origin is again postponed. We are the people that were taken at birth but not listed as their own with the consequent removal of identity (we are not cases of the dictatorship) .11 years we have been claims and this time we have heard many promises given to the photo sessions and a legislator lost out there that presented any bill which we know nothing more. Mimic the national government in creating us "feel" that there is progress. The trouble is that our situation is very painful and play with our feelings by creating us false expectations. They force us to do our utmost internet desperately leaving the sight of all our searches with the risks involved. Because the idea is that it meets the national and international agreements which state that you must repair the damage done everything possible to regain our true origin always within a framework of confidentiality to us and to our biological parents. Because we need not be "the news of the month." We are nothing more nor less than human we do not know when or where we were born, our medical history, nothing. The reality is that in today's Argentina NOT EXIST no single place to take care of our searches are complete and not allow us to form a genetic database. Today, the Right to Identity is a right restricted to an elite. It is striking that both the ruling and opposition agree on ignore. It's the only thing that they agree.

Palma Graciela (citizens without identity) DNI (with false) 16,496,527

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Lifetime Fitness Membership Fee

a deputy

Mendoza in the HCD held a workshop on Adoption and amendment to the law in order to expedite the respective procedures. Participated as a panelist invited the national representative Cinthia Hotton, among other things, stated that the mother give her child during pregnancy or after childbirth do so anonymously is not your name on the adoption file. Thus the adopted child / to never find out the name of his mother. He based this on prioritizing the Right to Life before the Right to Identity. According women abort it for fear that in future the child to find or want to know about it. How is the deputy Hotton is not adopted or appropriate (anotada como hija propia) y conoce su verdadera identidad de origen y desconoce completamente la problemática. ¿Qué Vida quiere preservar condenando a un niño/a que ya sufre el abandono a la angustia de no saber sobre su madre, su familia biológica, su origen? El Aborto se previene con políticas públicas que garanticen educación y salud sexual, los métodos anticonceptivos a todos. En los países donde esto se cumple el número de abortos bajó considerablemente. La adopción es un Derecho del Niño no del adulto y la Convención de los Derechos del Niño es muy clara: “los intereses del niño deben ser considerados en primer lugar en todas las decisiones que lo afecten” and decide that the child will never know his mother's name is a violation of the Convention also states that the child is entitled to know the names of their parents. On the one hand the deputy is very Christian and I can not believe that defending Christian values \u200b\u200b about condemning others. The message seems to say women have children for those who can not conceive and do not worry, nobody will look. 3 years ago belonging to the Commission Family, Women, Minority and Youth therefore should know very well all this. Ask your mother who found the emotion felt by both parties, the peace that led to the veil of concealment and deceit. Truth Sana , Ms. Deputy, a value that belongs to all religions and you should be the first to promote it.

Palma Graciela (citizens without identity) DNI (with false) 16,496,527

Monday, September 27, 2010

How Can Congratulate Friend Marriage

Closed 29 S. by general strikes in Spain

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sample No Wedding Gifts

Report psychiatric abuse or damage caused by psychiatric drugs and psychiatrists

Vulnerable people who have sought help from psychiatrists and psychologists have been falsely diagnosed and required to submit, inadvertently, often harmful psychiatric methods. Thousands and thousands have died. Moreover, psychotropic drugs feed a psychiatric industry 330 billion dollars, without a cure, while The cost in human lives is even greater, and these drugs now kill about 42,000 people each year, injuring many more. CCHR investigates these and other psychiatric abuses. We can help you with your evidence and reports of criminal psychiatric practices.
Attention: If you know of someone, even a child who has been abused or has been damaged by a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a worker in the mental health field or a psychiatric drug, please contact us.

How To Register A Watercraft In Ontario

psicotrópicos.Información-CARE and

Click here: de-ADHD-hiperactividad.pdf
More information:

guía para padres sobre el síndrome de déficit de atención e hiperactividad


Download this guide for parents PDF (1.28 MB).


In a report of ten pages one of the most widely read health magazines in Spain, Juan Melgarejo, President of CCHR for Catalonia exposes the abuse and psychiatric practice scams being perpetrated in the public and private mental health. Far from being an isolated voice of complaint, the director of the magazine, Jose Antonio Campoy, strongly supports this position by the publisher of this same number and added to the long list of opinion leaders who denounced the psychiatric fraud.

Download article in PDF

Monday, September 6, 2010

Straight Shotacon Read Online

COMPLAINT pharmaceutical and biotech lobby the Government ZP


Cristina Garmendia, Minister of Science and Innovation was to enter the government of Zapatero, president of the English Association of Biotechnology Enterprises (Asebio) , the largest GM food lobby and biotech drugs in Spain (which are other lobbies such as the Foundation or the largest multinational antam GM of the world: Monsanto

Soon they fulfilled the worst expectations on health and environment with the new government of Zapatero. The play of the disappearance of Cristina Narbona and the Ministry of Environment as it was in his day, or more accurately, the absorption by the Ministry of Agriculture (this particular chemical, industrial and assignments to GM food lobby ) of the Environment portfolio in the now renamed Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs, has been much discussed.
is interpreted, and the facts begin to confirm, in an attempt to end a critical political voice and that of Narbonne itself, and a ministry that could be an obstacle to the current model developmental, environmentally unsustainable and therefore unhealthy practicing the Government. Posts
to run a second term, won the first with a "social" policy, the PSOE are opting to give it a more market profile, more PROEMPRESA the new Executive. Narbonne bothered, in many cases was getting his pro Ecology is a Ministry, and this is necessarily contrary to logic pro-market government, any government in Europe today. Narbonne
bothered and "charge" of the result of an entire Ministry, the Environment, would be too shocking, it has come to agriculture, while leaving the name and "hiding" the more market line of Agriculture, which continues to run Elena Espinosa. Although no longer looks in his statement "Agriculture" This ministry has a tradition of favoring large companies over small and medium-sized farms, to encourage intensive industrialization and toxic chemicals from the field, and is currently the guarantor of the interests of big biotechnology industry, ie GM foods (Spain is the country with the largest area of \u200b\u200bGM crops in Europe).
The new Ministry of Environment, Rural and Marine Affairs Minister Elena Espinosa seguirá apoyando la inclusión en nuestros platos de productos transgénicos y por lo tanto poniendo en peligro nuestra salud y la del entorno. Y tendrá en sus manos toda la parte de Medio Ambiente que antes no gestionó y que Narbona llevaba con un aceptable resultado.
Pero el lobby pro transgénicos no sólo controlará buena parte de las decisiones de Agricultura, como viene haciéndolo durante los últimos lustros; el Gobierno ZP ha colocado a Cristina Garmendia al frente del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. En el libro Conspiraciones tóxicas, explicamos con numerosos ejemplos el fenómeno de las “puertas giratorias” (trasvase de ejecutivos del public to the private sector or vice versa). This is again a textbook case. Garmendia was to enter the government of Zapatero, president of the English Association of Biotechnology Enterprises (Asebio), the largest GM food lobby and biotech drugs in Spain (which are other lobbies such as the Foundation or the largest multinational antam GM in the world: Monsanto or Pioneer), and also brings much of the biotechnology pharmaceutical industry (Bayer, Merck, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Roche, Schering Plough, Esteve-directing Farmaindustria-or-creators Gilead Sciences Tamiflu / Bird Flu-).
This business until a few days ago, in 2000 founded Genetrix, a private company in the biotechnology sector. Garmendia, do not waste your time and also is president of the Foundation Inbiomed that publicly funded, is dedicated to genetic research farmasanitarios purposes.
The Ministry of Science and Innovation is key to the pharmaceutical industry. Thus, one of the medical journals which acts as spokesman for the same, has reported that its establishment "has been very well received by the industry." Large laboratories Garmendia see one of his men: "be a good support to avoid excessive legislative developments harmful to the sector, "argues that publication.
Presidente del Gobierno de España
Prime Minister of Spain
Keep in mind that half the previous legislature, the Ministry of Health underwent a radical change. Minister Elena Salgado, who like many media specializing in health issues have not liked anything published Farmaindustria, was moved to the Ministry of Public Administration. In their place came the current Minister Bernat Soria, very much in pharmaceuticals. As published Post Pharmacist: "The minister Bernat Soria wanted to make this term in the momentum of the pharmaceutical industry English, 'even addressing the possibility of a change in patent law,' "Farmaindustria true philosopher's stone. Cristina Garmendia
If you want to take forward the draft-law change is now their competition after the new powers of his ministry, will have to have the Ministry of Industry, which also has legislative powers on patent issues. The above article recalled that "at the forefront of industry will in the coming years, Miguel Sebastian, a friend and political protector of Cristina Garmendia and figure to rise to his friendship with Rodriguez Zapatero."
If I have not miscounted industries Biotech (made by GM and pharmaceutical pro) have four ministers and four ministers at their disposal: Agriculture, Health, Innovation and Industry. And have seen its authority undermined the Environment.
Some things, as I say, begin to change, at worst, of course. For just one example. Last weekend TVE broadcast a report on GM food. As an account in a letter to the program that aired a person who has worked in the Ministry of Agriculture and has witnessed the ups and downs of pro GM lobbyists in it, was removed (due to technical problems) the only intervention critical voice to the issue of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO's) applied to agriculture, Juan Felipe Carrasco, of Greenpeace.
were also used images of Amazon deforestation for the cultivation of genetically modified soybeans just to the contrary, to explain the benefits of these bodies that are not needed and could only bring benefits to very few private companies. Will changing the editorial line of public television to the rhythm of the proposed changes in government corporations ZP?
For Miguel Jara

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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sore Glands After Drinking

cultural Paleontology in the field of Spanish and Portuguese cuisine (1) Uses

by Heraclius ASTUDILLO-POMBO, Dept. MACS, UdL

Introduction to some forms of food relationship between fossils and human.

Although fossils have not been used traditionally as food, and be less attractive to the palate, excessive mineral consistency, there are some who once relatively recientes y gracias a la química moderna, sirvieron de materia prima para sintetizar, el pasado siglo, diversas substancias de uso alimentario, estos son los llamados fósiles químicos, de tipo orgánico que son la excepción a la regla general .

Pero debemos recordar que la ingestión de dispersiones o disoluciones de fósiles calcíticos, previamente, reducidos a polvo o de "inmersiones", infusiones y decociones, de fósiles , hasta el siglo XVIII, fue una práctica común en la medicina culta y popular de Europa, incluida la península ibérica.

Es clear that this use of fossil fuels, was much more related to the medical field of mineral nature, a conventional form of lithotherapy connected to the master formulas designed for the treatment or prevention of a wide range of ailments, from ancient and pre-scientific pharmacopoeia , or as ingredients, essential in the preparation of certain traditional remedies, folk medicine.

Representation of a former apothecary at the simple "office" of his pharmacy, spraying in mortar bronze a natural ingredient that might well be a fossil calcite, to prepare a specific remedy for a particular task. By their expression of vigilance, it seems that is waiting for the client / patient appears, from one moment to another, through the door, enreabierta, which faces the street.

must also remember that certain fossils were used since the Middle Ages to the Age of Enlightenment, in indirect relationship with the food, for the alleged virtues possessed certain prodigious stones that were able to react as sensors and neutralizing poisons, hidden , food and drink consumed in the banquet of very prominent people. People who by their status as rulers, high social position and predatory use of power, used to have, not unreasonably, terror syndrome, permanent, die from the poisoning of the succulent meats or select beverages they consumed, they were aware that they had many enemies, bitter and wicked enough, to hire professional poisoners. In addition, quite often, is beset by successors knew spurred by the desire for power, suffered a burning desire to happen, in a hurry, and induced death was the fastest. Also, experience, directly or indirectly, with such events, encouraged the prudent prevention of such accidents were relatively common in certain historical periods more or less turns. In relation to everything mentioned above, remember that enjoyed popularity in the palaces of Europe and of course our peninsula p certain stones rodigiosas that not only warned of the presence of poisons, but even so neutralized, such as the "tongues of vipers" or "tongues of St. Paul, the" stone frog "or" snake eyes "and" unicorn horns ", to name only some of the best-known common names of some fossils that we now know were fossilized fish teeth, mammoth defenses and other things.

A "linguario", "portalenguas" or "tree of languages," gold and silver contraption holding gemstones in the top fifteen teeth Shark fossils, petrified snake languages \u200b\u200bconsidered miraculous. This type of ornate and costly amulets, was used as a centerpiece guard against all kinds of poisons and poisoning, in princely banquets throughout Europe.

Image: "Natternzungen-Kredenz" 1450, from the collections of the Museum of Vienna (Austria)

But this time, we will not deal with some aspects of paleontology as archaic, and learned amazing, but in showing our @ s Readers, dining and paleontological aspects also intriguing, but much safer, modern and prosaic. This chapter will try to show the influence of Iberian fossil record, the dinomania and globalization market have infected a human level so widespread and common as is the cuisine, influencing food habits and customs that include, from the most ordinary type to those of a more festive. This relationship
paleontological-modern food is much more frequent, intense and varied, its impact on the customs relating to food, in the case of child consumers not in the case of adult consumers. The route of incidence of new tools, products or formal aspects, is conducted through products such as industrial or craft bakery, prepared for consumption at special events, or daily breakfast, desserts and snacks or as substitutes for earlier in the form of unsavory "sweets." As we anticipated in the previous paragraph, paleontological-food relations in the world of adults are less frequent, intense and varied, but we can not dismiss them entirely, because they are present in certain types of desserts ceremonies (Easter cakes) or summer (ice cream) and, more generally, related to the consumption of beverages, whether nonalcoholic fluid intake liquids or spirits.

The "Dinomona" Coll de Nargó (Lleida, Catalonia)

Lleida in the village of Coll de Nargó (Alt Urgell, Lleida), the master baker and chocolatier Fusté Ernest Reig, owner of the furnace Reig and cakes at Easter year 2008, began to make a " mona de Pasqua" very special, known in the region and in regional media, as the "Dinomona" .

The development of this unique monkey, was done in order to be raffled among the neighbors of the population, to benefit the ADAUA (Association of Friends dels Dinosaures de l'Alt Urgell), so that profits in the raffle could be devoted to activities related to research, preservation and promotion of the site can be visited dinosauriológico in the "Mirador del Cretàcic ."

With the spectacular development of this work and, almost, monumental-chocolate confectionery, was intended not only to continue gastrofestiva a tradition popular catalana, multicentennial and raise funds to enable dinológicas activities, but also and above all, to commemorate some events paleonyológicos, in which he was implicated ADAUA.

In 2008, the Dinomona question of holding a gastronomic art form and the existence in the township, a valuable paleontological site of great scientific value because they contain numerous nests of dinosaur eggs fossilized footprints and some bones of different individuals belonging to the last species of dinosaurs that inhabited this part of the world in the late Cretaceous. The monkey consisted of a set of chocolate eggs, natural size, representing, inside, young titanosaur in various attitudes, shortly after breaking the shell of an egg.

The "Dinomona 08", was "cute" Easter 2008, representing a Titanosauria clutch (group of sauropod dinosaurs) at the precise time of hatching of offspring . In the picture you can see the teacher Fusté Ernest Reig, the pastisseria Reig, Coll de Nargó, making the touch-7 titanosaur eggs, black chocolate, in some cases and milk chocolate in others inside which have represented less active pup-colored, covered with white chocolate and the most advanced, dark, or chocolate truffle coated with milk. have been modeled on the existing recreation in the "Museu dels Dinosaures . LimitK / T"

Image:ícies/Societat/Un+mestre+pastisser+de+Coll+de+Nargó+crea+la+ ' Dinomona '

In 2009, the Dinomona was to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the journey undertaken by some members of the ADAUA to United States to participate in the excavation of remains of dinosaur genera and Triceratops Tyrannosaurus . This time the "Dinomona" consisted of a skull profile full Tyrannosaurus rex, chocolate made with black, 150 cm . long and 100 cm. high, placed on a display support vertical.

The "Dinomona 09" or "cute" Easter, 2009, represented the profile or silhouette of a Tyrannosaurus rex skull (figure who is also the emblem and logo ADAUA group), natural size, made in black chocolate. In the picture we see the master baker Fusté Ernest Reig, the pastisseria Reig, Coll de Nargó, putting the finishing touches on his magnum opus.

Image:ícies/Societat/L 'draws ADAU + + A + + de + Tyrannosaurus skull + rex + in + chocolate

could also acquire the bakery Reig, some elements "dinochocolateros", alluding to the subject, for use as components Decorative in the "cute" traditionally performed in the homes of the people and its region.

"Easter Egg dinológico ", bought in the Bakery Reig, Coll de Nargó, representing a titanosaur farming, about to hatch soon after hatching it, placed on a piece of cake. The titanosaurito, even in the fetal position, has made with white chocolate and egg shell that contains it, with "black chocolate"


Friday, August 20, 2010

Reptiles Vs Mammals At 10 Degrees Celsius

National Census: HERE WE ARE!

October 27 will be held throughout the Argentine territory where the national census for the first time be able to determine the number of homosexual couples, the use of computers in Argentine households and the number of African descent. What citizens seek our true identity of origin, but we were not annotated as adopted children of their own (appropriate)? No, the State that is not interested. They refuse to acknowledge the existence of a problem that continues to add victims daily as baby trafficking act with impunity. They refuse to accept that we are more than 3 million people who seek our truth that we was stolen at birth with the complicity of the state. As Scioli's government during his first year in office said that "30 people not going to mobilize the state." For them the right to identity is that we all have an ID card. "Phony data? I propose that in this Census citizens who seek our True Identity Source say the truth (also required by law): that we are appropriate to our personal data are not true. Let us not be excluded. It is our chance to say WE ARE HERE!
Palma Graciela (citizens without identity) DNI (with false) 16,496,527

Monday, August 16, 2010

Ski Socks For Large Calves

Composition. Topic: Adoption

passed gay marriage issue was time for adoption. Meetings, debates, marches, no doubt we will see much movement. This is a topic long overdue and has been an election year. Gone are the subject of the table will Mirtha Legrand and other radio, television, all media, where ever, unfortunately, children are invited. At adopted and that we were not, the appropriate. We also have a say in our experience, no? No, it seems not. It is a sensitive issue because we must not forget the role of baby trafficking in this because it is the cause of most of the obstacles to the adoption. Wonder what is going to start discussing? From what perspective? Because I never tire of hearing " want to be fathers," "have the right to take" "I need to give love to a child." All these expressions are based on the selfishness of adults and Adoption is a Child's Right . It is the child who is entitled to be adopted to a family if you do not have either by being orphaned or because it is not wanted by anyone in his biological family. All this means you have to think of the Highest Good Child, a child with a painful history loaded with a biological identity must be respected (not you should change the name to adopt), which will require restraint, patience and much love for granted. But in the name of love is anything like buying a child. Those same people who said they want to adopt ended up buying a human being, recorded it as your own child but everyone says that adopted it. A crime. And if you discover you try to justify that adoptions are slow. The willingness to adopt should not never consider buying a child. Call It Love to the selfishness of parenthood at any cost. We do not hurry, let us be wise and listen to those who truly know the subject. For many recite and create true authorities on the subject when they are not. Do not repeat the mistakes of the past. I beg you like that baby went, sold and booked as an own child. We are more than 3 million mistakes. Do not make this a political campaign.
Palma Graciela (citizens without identity) DNI (with false) 16,496,527

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dares Stripping Games

If your Doctor recommends vaccinating your hij @ s

August 6, 2009

Web Site TrinityATierra

Are you aware medical professionals who recommend us vaccines in consultation risk running patients? How?
Do you know the composition of vaccines and admit that these components can not cause any harm? How?

this issue I intend to provide assurance to reading your family doctor or specialist, in order to understand their knowledge, their level of responsibility and level of security on the content of this text .

Give a copy of this issue of Guarantee issued by the provider about the safety of vaccines "for his signature.

Guarantee Practitioner issued by the Security on the Vaccine

I (name and degree of medical specialization )_________________________, _____ I have a degree in medicine licensed to practice in ________________. My license number is _______________, and my professional identification number is _______________. My medical specialty is ________________________

I have a full understanding of the risks and benefits of all medications prescribed or administered to my patients. In the case of the patient (name) ___________________________ of _________años of age, I have examined, I find that there are certain risk factors that justify the administration of vaccines that I recommend.

The following is a list of these risk factors and vaccines that protect you from them:

Risk Factor

____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Recommended Vaccine Risk Factor

Vaccine Recommended ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Risk Factor

Vaccine Recommended ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Risk Factor

____________________________________________ ___________________________________________

recommended vaccine
Risk Factor Vaccine Recommended

____________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Risk Factor Vaccine Recommended

____________________________________________ ___________________________________________

I am aware that the vaccines commonly contain following substances:

aluminum hydroxide

aluminum phosphate

ammonium sulfate

amphotericin B

animal tissues: pig blood, horse blood, brain rabbit

Chicken liver, liver mono

chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg

bovine serum


fetal bovine serum





human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

hydroxylated gelatin

thimerosal mercury (thimerosal, merthiolate (r))

monosodium glutamate (MSG)


neomycin sulfate

phenol red indicator

phenoxyethanol (antifreeze)

potassium biphosphate

potassium monophosphate

polymyxin B

polysorbate 20

polysorbate 80

pig pancreatic casein hydrolyzate

MRC5 proteins


tri (n) butilfosfato

VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey liver cells and sheep red cells

And so, I guarantee that these ingredients are safe for inoculation into the body of my patient.

I investigated the reports to the contrary, such as reports pointing to thimerosal as a cause of severe neurological and immune damage, and I find not credible.

I am aware that some vaccines were contaminated with simian virus SV 40 and the SV 40 is causally related, by some researchers, Hodgkin lymphoma and mesothelioma in humans and in animals experimentation. I guarantee, therefore, that the vaccines I employ in my practice do not contain SV 40 or any other live virus. Otherwise, I guarantee that these virus SV 40 does not pose any risk to my patient.

I guarantee, therefore, that the vaccines they recommend for the care of patients with no name _______________ _______________________ contain aborted human fetal tissue.

In order to protect the health of my patient, I have taken the following steps to ensure that vaccines used do not contain contaminants that can cause damage.

______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

I personally investigated the reports made to VAERS (Reporting System Vaccine Adverse Effects) and assure you that in my professional opinion, I am recommending vaccines for administration to children less than 5 years are completely safe.

The basis for this view are listed in Annex A "Rules of Professional Medical professional opinion on the safety of vaccines.") (Please, please seek the views of separately for each recommended vaccine to every child under 5 years). Annex

professional journal articles in which I rely for my opinion on the safety of vaccines.

professional journal articles I have read which contain opinions contrary to my opinion on the safety of vaccines are in Annex C "Scientific articles contrary to medical opinion on the safety of vaccines."

Reasons to determine and conclude that the items listed in Annex C are invalid are set out in Annex D "reasonable care to determine the invalidity of the views adverse to the safety of vaccines. "

Hepatitis B
I understand and am informed that 60 percent of patients who are vaccinated against hepatitis B will lose detectable antibodies to hepatitis B in over 12 years. I understand that in 1996 only 54% of cases of hepatitis B were reported to CDC in the age group 0 to 1 year. I understand that in the VAERS were reported a total of 1080 cases of adverse reactions to hepatitis B vaccine in 1996 in the age group 0 to 1 year, with 47 deaths reported.

I understand that 50% of patients who contract Hepatitis B develop no symptoms after vaccination. I understand that 30% develop flu-like symptoms and have lifelong immunity. I understand that 20% will develop symptoms of the disease, but 95% will recover completely and have a lifelong immunity.

understand that 5% of patients exposed to hepatitis B become chronic transmitters of the disease. I understand that 75% of chronic transmitters will develop chronic liver disease or liver cancer over a period of 10 to 30 years of severe infection. The following studies

Scientists have been made to demonstrate the safety of hepatitis B vaccine in children aged under 5 years:

_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

addition to the recommended vaccinations against the risks mentioned above, I have recommended other non-vaccine measures to protect the health of my patient and I have listed these measures not vaccine in Annex E, "Measures not vaccine to protect against risk factors."

am issuing this guarantee my responsibility as a medical doctor named ________________________________ patient.

Despite the legal entity under which they practice medicine, I am issuing this statement in my professional and personal capacity, and therefore, to waive any immunity under common law, constitutional law, international treaty and any other type of immunity in these cases.

issuing this document of my own volition after consultation with competent legal counsel whose name is __________________, a legal professional admitted to the Bar __________________.

__________________ __________________ Signed in

Witnesses: __________________ Date

Download English document .

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