Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sore Glands After Drinking

cultural Paleontology in the field of Spanish and Portuguese cuisine (1) Uses

by Heraclius ASTUDILLO-POMBO, Dept. MACS, UdL

Introduction to some forms of food relationship between fossils and human.

Although fossils have not been used traditionally as food, and be less attractive to the palate, excessive mineral consistency, there are some who once relatively recientes y gracias a la química moderna, sirvieron de materia prima para sintetizar, el pasado siglo, diversas substancias de uso alimentario, estos son los llamados fósiles químicos, de tipo orgánico que son la excepción a la regla general .

Pero debemos recordar que la ingestión de dispersiones o disoluciones de fósiles calcíticos, previamente, reducidos a polvo o de "inmersiones", infusiones y decociones, de fósiles , hasta el siglo XVIII, fue una práctica común en la medicina culta y popular de Europa, incluida la península ibérica.

Es clear that this use of fossil fuels, was much more related to the medical field of mineral nature, a conventional form of lithotherapy connected to the master formulas designed for the treatment or prevention of a wide range of ailments, from ancient and pre-scientific pharmacopoeia , or as ingredients, essential in the preparation of certain traditional remedies, folk medicine.

Representation of a former apothecary at the simple "office" of his pharmacy, spraying in mortar bronze a natural ingredient that might well be a fossil calcite, to prepare a specific remedy for a particular task. By their expression of vigilance, it seems that is waiting for the client / patient appears, from one moment to another, through the door, enreabierta, which faces the street.

must also remember that certain fossils were used since the Middle Ages to the Age of Enlightenment, in indirect relationship with the food, for the alleged virtues possessed certain prodigious stones that were able to react as sensors and neutralizing poisons, hidden , food and drink consumed in the banquet of very prominent people. People who by their status as rulers, high social position and predatory use of power, used to have, not unreasonably, terror syndrome, permanent, die from the poisoning of the succulent meats or select beverages they consumed, they were aware that they had many enemies, bitter and wicked enough, to hire professional poisoners. In addition, quite often, is beset by successors knew spurred by the desire for power, suffered a burning desire to happen, in a hurry, and induced death was the fastest. Also, experience, directly or indirectly, with such events, encouraged the prudent prevention of such accidents were relatively common in certain historical periods more or less turns. In relation to everything mentioned above, remember that enjoyed popularity in the palaces of Europe and of course our peninsula p certain stones rodigiosas that not only warned of the presence of poisons, but even so neutralized, such as the "tongues of vipers" or "tongues of St. Paul, the" stone frog "or" snake eyes "and" unicorn horns ", to name only some of the best-known common names of some fossils that we now know were fossilized fish teeth, mammoth defenses and other things.

A "linguario", "portalenguas" or "tree of languages," gold and silver contraption holding gemstones in the top fifteen teeth Shark fossils, petrified snake languages \u200b\u200bconsidered miraculous. This type of ornate and costly amulets, was used as a centerpiece guard against all kinds of poisons and poisoning, in princely banquets throughout Europe.

Image: "Natternzungen-Kredenz" 1450, from the collections of the Museum of Vienna (Austria)

But this time, we will not deal with some aspects of paleontology as archaic, and learned amazing, but in showing our @ s Readers, dining and paleontological aspects also intriguing, but much safer, modern and prosaic. This chapter will try to show the influence of Iberian fossil record, the dinomania and globalization market have infected a human level so widespread and common as is the cuisine, influencing food habits and customs that include, from the most ordinary type to those of a more festive. This relationship
paleontological-modern food is much more frequent, intense and varied, its impact on the customs relating to food, in the case of child consumers not in the case of adult consumers. The route of incidence of new tools, products or formal aspects, is conducted through products such as industrial or craft bakery, prepared for consumption at special events, or daily breakfast, desserts and snacks or as substitutes for earlier in the form of unsavory "sweets." As we anticipated in the previous paragraph, paleontological-food relations in the world of adults are less frequent, intense and varied, but we can not dismiss them entirely, because they are present in certain types of desserts ceremonies (Easter cakes) or summer (ice cream) and, more generally, related to the consumption of beverages, whether nonalcoholic fluid intake liquids or spirits.

The "Dinomona" Coll de Nargó (Lleida, Catalonia)

Lleida in the village of Coll de Nargó (Alt Urgell, Lleida), the master baker and chocolatier Fusté Ernest Reig, owner of the furnace Reig and cakes at Easter year 2008, began to make a " mona de Pasqua" very special, known in the region and in regional media, as the "Dinomona" .

The development of this unique monkey, was done in order to be raffled among the neighbors of the population, to benefit the ADAUA (Association of Friends dels Dinosaures de l'Alt Urgell), so that profits in the raffle could be devoted to activities related to research, preservation and promotion of the site can be visited dinosauriológico in the "Mirador del Cretàcic ."

With the spectacular development of this work and, almost, monumental-chocolate confectionery, was intended not only to continue gastrofestiva a tradition popular catalana, multicentennial and raise funds to enable dinológicas activities, but also and above all, to commemorate some events paleonyológicos, in which he was implicated ADAUA.

In 2008, the Dinomona question of holding a gastronomic art form and the existence in the township, a valuable paleontological site of great scientific value because they contain numerous nests of dinosaur eggs fossilized footprints and some bones of different individuals belonging to the last species of dinosaurs that inhabited this part of the world in the late Cretaceous. The monkey consisted of a set of chocolate eggs, natural size, representing, inside, young titanosaur in various attitudes, shortly after breaking the shell of an egg.

The "Dinomona 08", was "cute" Easter 2008, representing a Titanosauria clutch (group of sauropod dinosaurs) at the precise time of hatching of offspring . In the picture you can see the teacher Fusté Ernest Reig, the pastisseria Reig, Coll de Nargó, making the touch-7 titanosaur eggs, black chocolate, in some cases and milk chocolate in others inside which have represented less active pup-colored, covered with white chocolate and the most advanced, dark, or chocolate truffle coated with milk. have been modeled on the existing recreation in the "Museu dels Dinosaures . LimitK / T"

Image:ícies/Societat/Un+mestre+pastisser+de+Coll+de+Nargó+crea+la+ ' Dinomona '

In 2009, the Dinomona was to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the journey undertaken by some members of the ADAUA to United States to participate in the excavation of remains of dinosaur genera and Triceratops Tyrannosaurus . This time the "Dinomona" consisted of a skull profile full Tyrannosaurus rex, chocolate made with black, 150 cm . long and 100 cm. high, placed on a display support vertical.

The "Dinomona 09" or "cute" Easter, 2009, represented the profile or silhouette of a Tyrannosaurus rex skull (figure who is also the emblem and logo ADAUA group), natural size, made in black chocolate. In the picture we see the master baker Fusté Ernest Reig, the pastisseria Reig, Coll de Nargó, putting the finishing touches on his magnum opus.

Image:ícies/Societat/L 'draws ADAU + + A + + de + Tyrannosaurus skull + rex + in + chocolate

could also acquire the bakery Reig, some elements "dinochocolateros", alluding to the subject, for use as components Decorative in the "cute" traditionally performed in the homes of the people and its region.

"Easter Egg dinológico ", bought in the Bakery Reig, Coll de Nargó, representing a titanosaur farming, about to hatch soon after hatching it, placed on a piece of cake. The titanosaurito, even in the fetal position, has made with white chocolate and egg shell that contains it, with "black chocolate"



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