Saturday, March 27, 2010

Festival Invitation Letter

"Geo man," Richard Alley video

Although at first glance, this "input" for its title, does not seem to have much to do with the usual and normal content of our blog, since it does not refer directly to fossils and their relationship to folklore, but it seems to offer here is a parody geology of a popular song ... but in reality, is a musical version of the history of our planet, as everybody knows well trained, is a much more related to general geology to paleontology.
But as devoted a couple of minutes to make mention and illustration of the sequence of geological periods and the evolution of their faunas characteristics, we see that some relationship with the fossil Fiene. But the real truth is that this "input" with what he has real relationship is with popular culture, especially for the exhibition d'method and format that has used its creator, Richard Alley, to communicate with the public, and in this particular case, are the audiovisual and pop music, accompanying the geo-pianist-singer, at times, a few short animated images, or static, which illustrate, didactically, the lyrical speech of the "artist educator."

want to dedicate this atypical entry, all those people who think, wrongly, from my scientific perspective, the Earth Sciences are a boring stuff, a real "boulder" of course, with content absolutely choking, and dull, inert and static.
With the viewing of this video geo-musical we intend to try to convince at least some of these people (show and would get much more arduous task and unlikely) that their perception of the issue must be, surely, that were genetically predestined and vocationally for the Humanities ... or, quite possibly, what happened to them in their school time, is that their relationship with geology, unfortunately for you and Earth Sciences, was traumatic, having suffered a little motivating teaching methods and innovative sparsely applied by teachers poorly prepared and poorly motivated teachers to the implications.

For all the above and so to prove to skeptical group, the success of our reasoned opinion, will appeal to the practical use of a classical pedagogical argument: the ideal of every teacher should be to "teach having fun" to their pupils.

This will ludic-education, in favor of Earth Sciences, I intend to attend a performance, very little academic, totally, starring Richard Alley, a geologist and a doctorate in geology professor Pennsylvania State University. You will be able

"Audiovison" a curious version, very "distorted professionally, "the well-known and popular song" Piano Man "from the singer, songwriter and pianist Billy Joel where a profesosr of Geology, shows his great ability to synthesize most of the full program of Geology, in just 5 minutes and his strength of two musical instruments executed y. .. above all, his sense of humor science teachers.

I want with the viewing of Geo Man , have enjoyed, as I do, the performance of our guest artist Richard Alley, a character that while it may seem like lies, is a university lecturer geologist and a doctorate in geology.

I hope if he has not served to convince you that the geology, well experienced, can become very interesting, very exciting and even, sometimes, very funny, I hope you at least have to refresh your rusty basic geological knowledge, and in the worst case, to recover, some fond memories of your time students, more or less related to geology classes ....



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