Monday, March 22, 2010

Optical Square Surveying

paleontology-themed Poetry (2) Fossil

For Heraclius Astudillo Pombo. D. MACS, UDL.

L Introduction to using os "chemical fossils" as a poetic motif.

This time, we will devote the entry of the month, a very special category of fossils, known as "chemical fossils" because although they are two types of parts, commonly called "fossil fuels "(coal, oil and natural gas) and third, everyone knows that it is a" fossil resin, very few ordinary people take them into account when speaking of fossils, because in general, when talking or think of fossils, are only taken as such, the "body fossils and, more rarely, the "trace fossils."

The "chemical fossils" are a type of geological materials rather than remnants of a single living organism, usually from the fossilization of organic matter accumulated collective origin in certain places due to certain circumstances.

carbon in its various varieties sedimentary anthracite coal, lignite, is a "fossil chemical", its components come from the accumulation of plant material of different types of plants that, in past geological times formed large dense forests or peatlands.
also falls into this unusual category of fossil the crude oil, fluid substance that comes from the decomposition of large amounts of marine plankton accumulated in certain coastal areas, so that its composition is a diverse mix of animal material (zooplankton) and plant (phytoplankton) which was rich ocean communities . Likewise, they are also chemical fossils derived products, of course, oil such as asphalt or tar and bitumen or bitumen.
Both coal and oil, as we have said before, are part of the so-called "fossil fuels" for its ability to burn have been used by humanity to build, primarily, energy heat, when the technology would allow, could be transformed into other forms of energy that have brought economic progress and human welfare through the generalization of the social benefits of the Industrial Revolution.
Unfortunately, ownership and exploitation of coal and oil deposits, has generated and still generate multiple social conflicts, war and natural.

Finally, we present the amber, a material that has been regarded as noble and magical, from prehistoric times and, despite their appearance and customs so different to those above for fossil fuels we must not forget that part of the same group of fossils atypical.
is a plant material from fossilized resin exuded by various types of trees in Europe is generally of conifers and America generally comes from the fossilized resin of legumes.


Poem Miguel Angel Velasco (Spain, 1963), extracted from the Ciao website Comments about Wild Honey - Miguel Angel Velasco for "cronopio2 " which was said his book of poems, "Wild Honey"

Possibly the verses that follow were designed by the creative mind of the poet, as he looked to the light, a piece of amber of American origin, as the English amber with insects included, because of its rarity and scientific value, so far never has been used in jewelry, as in this case that identified constituted "the rock" used as the primary decorative element of the ring that causes the musings of the poet Miguel Angel Velasco.

We remind the reader, some seasoned in etymology, the Latin root "sort", the English word ring, we refer explicitly to primitive beliefs in purported ability of this type of jewelry to ensure good luck, to their bearers and therefore informs us, indirectly, from former uses apotropaic, associated with pre-scientific credulity, certain types of jewelry that were naively , considered and used as amulets, protection against ill fortune. Also in this case, concrete, amber is a substance, which by their nature, were attributed to the same kind of beliefs and practices, so that a ring equipped with this type of stone would be considered doubly virtuous.

greatly enhanced appearance of a fly, perfectly preserved in amber Colombian copy from 2.5 to 1.5 MA-old from a Plio-Pleistocene site of an Andean zone.


plunges into the fiery eye drop

stormy amber.

There is a secret in the province heat

summary. A mosquito, Icarus

dark time


rowing in the bubble still has

the northern violin without hum.

grilled Shrine. tear Dura

a sun in agony crystallized

of remote particles were

volcanic at dawn. Ember

our hell,

that carry as one does not know

that treasures its ruin,

Pompeii Day of Wrath in a ring.


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