Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sore Glands After Drinking

cultural Paleontology in the field of Spanish and Portuguese cuisine (1) Uses

by Heraclius ASTUDILLO-POMBO, Dept. MACS, UdL

Introduction to some forms of food relationship between fossils and human.

Although fossils have not been used traditionally as food, and be less attractive to the palate, excessive mineral consistency, there are some who once relatively recientes y gracias a la química moderna, sirvieron de materia prima para sintetizar, el pasado siglo, diversas substancias de uso alimentario, estos son los llamados fósiles químicos, de tipo orgánico que son la excepción a la regla general .

Pero debemos recordar que la ingestión de dispersiones o disoluciones de fósiles calcíticos, previamente, reducidos a polvo o de "inmersiones", infusiones y decociones, de fósiles , hasta el siglo XVIII, fue una práctica común en la medicina culta y popular de Europa, incluida la península ibérica.

Es clear that this use of fossil fuels, was much more related to the medical field of mineral nature, a conventional form of lithotherapy connected to the master formulas designed for the treatment or prevention of a wide range of ailments, from ancient and pre-scientific pharmacopoeia , or as ingredients, essential in the preparation of certain traditional remedies, folk medicine.

Representation of a former apothecary at the simple "office" of his pharmacy, spraying in mortar bronze a natural ingredient that might well be a fossil calcite, to prepare a specific remedy for a particular task. By their expression of vigilance, it seems that is waiting for the client / patient appears, from one moment to another, through the door, enreabierta, which faces the street.

must also remember that certain fossils were used since the Middle Ages to the Age of Enlightenment, in indirect relationship with the food, for the alleged virtues possessed certain prodigious stones that were able to react as sensors and neutralizing poisons, hidden , food and drink consumed in the banquet of very prominent people. People who by their status as rulers, high social position and predatory use of power, used to have, not unreasonably, terror syndrome, permanent, die from the poisoning of the succulent meats or select beverages they consumed, they were aware that they had many enemies, bitter and wicked enough, to hire professional poisoners. In addition, quite often, is beset by successors knew spurred by the desire for power, suffered a burning desire to happen, in a hurry, and induced death was the fastest. Also, experience, directly or indirectly, with such events, encouraged the prudent prevention of such accidents were relatively common in certain historical periods more or less turns. In relation to everything mentioned above, remember that enjoyed popularity in the palaces of Europe and of course our peninsula p certain stones rodigiosas that not only warned of the presence of poisons, but even so neutralized, such as the "tongues of vipers" or "tongues of St. Paul, the" stone frog "or" snake eyes "and" unicorn horns ", to name only some of the best-known common names of some fossils that we now know were fossilized fish teeth, mammoth defenses and other things.

A "linguario", "portalenguas" or "tree of languages," gold and silver contraption holding gemstones in the top fifteen teeth Shark fossils, petrified snake languages \u200b\u200bconsidered miraculous. This type of ornate and costly amulets, was used as a centerpiece guard against all kinds of poisons and poisoning, in princely banquets throughout Europe.

Image: "Natternzungen-Kredenz" 1450, from the collections of the Museum of Vienna (Austria)

But this time, we will not deal with some aspects of paleontology as archaic, and learned amazing, but in showing our @ s Readers, dining and paleontological aspects also intriguing, but much safer, modern and prosaic. This chapter will try to show the influence of Iberian fossil record, the dinomania and globalization market have infected a human level so widespread and common as is the cuisine, influencing food habits and customs that include, from the most ordinary type to those of a more festive. This relationship
paleontological-modern food is much more frequent, intense and varied, its impact on the customs relating to food, in the case of child consumers not in the case of adult consumers. The route of incidence of new tools, products or formal aspects, is conducted through products such as industrial or craft bakery, prepared for consumption at special events, or daily breakfast, desserts and snacks or as substitutes for earlier in the form of unsavory "sweets." As we anticipated in the previous paragraph, paleontological-food relations in the world of adults are less frequent, intense and varied, but we can not dismiss them entirely, because they are present in certain types of desserts ceremonies (Easter cakes) or summer (ice cream) and, more generally, related to the consumption of beverages, whether nonalcoholic fluid intake liquids or spirits.

The "Dinomona" Coll de Nargó (Lleida, Catalonia)

Lleida in the village of Coll de Nargó (Alt Urgell, Lleida), the master baker and chocolatier Fusté Ernest Reig, owner of the furnace Reig and cakes at Easter year 2008, began to make a " mona de Pasqua" very special, known in the region and in regional media, as the "Dinomona" .

The development of this unique monkey, was done in order to be raffled among the neighbors of the population, to benefit the ADAUA (Association of Friends dels Dinosaures de l'Alt Urgell), so that profits in the raffle could be devoted to activities related to research, preservation and promotion of the site can be visited dinosauriológico in the "Mirador del Cretàcic ."

With the spectacular development of this work and, almost, monumental-chocolate confectionery, was intended not only to continue gastrofestiva a tradition popular catalana, multicentennial and raise funds to enable dinológicas activities, but also and above all, to commemorate some events paleonyológicos, in which he was implicated ADAUA.

In 2008, the Dinomona question of holding a gastronomic art form and the existence in the township, a valuable paleontological site of great scientific value because they contain numerous nests of dinosaur eggs fossilized footprints and some bones of different individuals belonging to the last species of dinosaurs that inhabited this part of the world in the late Cretaceous. The monkey consisted of a set of chocolate eggs, natural size, representing, inside, young titanosaur in various attitudes, shortly after breaking the shell of an egg.

The "Dinomona 08", was "cute" Easter 2008, representing a Titanosauria clutch (group of sauropod dinosaurs) at the precise time of hatching of offspring . In the picture you can see the teacher Fusté Ernest Reig, the pastisseria Reig, Coll de Nargó, making the touch-7 titanosaur eggs, black chocolate, in some cases and milk chocolate in others inside which have represented less active pup-colored, covered with white chocolate and the most advanced, dark, or chocolate truffle coated with milk. have been modeled on the existing recreation in the "Museu dels Dinosaures . LimitK / T"

Image:ícies/Societat/Un+mestre+pastisser+de+Coll+de+Nargó+crea+la+ ' Dinomona '

In 2009, the Dinomona was to commemorate the 5th anniversary of the journey undertaken by some members of the ADAUA to United States to participate in the excavation of remains of dinosaur genera and Triceratops Tyrannosaurus . This time the "Dinomona" consisted of a skull profile full Tyrannosaurus rex, chocolate made with black, 150 cm . long and 100 cm. high, placed on a display support vertical.

The "Dinomona 09" or "cute" Easter, 2009, represented the profile or silhouette of a Tyrannosaurus rex skull (figure who is also the emblem and logo ADAUA group), natural size, made in black chocolate. In the picture we see the master baker Fusté Ernest Reig, the pastisseria Reig, Coll de Nargó, putting the finishing touches on his magnum opus.

Image:ícies/Societat/L 'draws ADAU + + A + + de + Tyrannosaurus skull + rex + in + chocolate

could also acquire the bakery Reig, some elements "dinochocolateros", alluding to the subject, for use as components Decorative in the "cute" traditionally performed in the homes of the people and its region.

"Easter Egg dinológico ", bought in the Bakery Reig, Coll de Nargó, representing a titanosaur farming, about to hatch soon after hatching it, placed on a piece of cake. The titanosaurito, even in the fetal position, has made with white chocolate and egg shell that contains it, with "black chocolate"


Friday, August 20, 2010

Reptiles Vs Mammals At 10 Degrees Celsius

National Census: HERE WE ARE!

October 27 will be held throughout the Argentine territory where the national census for the first time be able to determine the number of homosexual couples, the use of computers in Argentine households and the number of African descent. What citizens seek our true identity of origin, but we were not annotated as adopted children of their own (appropriate)? No, the State that is not interested. They refuse to acknowledge the existence of a problem that continues to add victims daily as baby trafficking act with impunity. They refuse to accept that we are more than 3 million people who seek our truth that we was stolen at birth with the complicity of the state. As Scioli's government during his first year in office said that "30 people not going to mobilize the state." For them the right to identity is that we all have an ID card. "Phony data? I propose that in this Census citizens who seek our True Identity Source say the truth (also required by law): that we are appropriate to our personal data are not true. Let us not be excluded. It is our chance to say WE ARE HERE!
Palma Graciela (citizens without identity) DNI (with false) 16,496,527

Monday, August 16, 2010

Ski Socks For Large Calves

Composition. Topic: Adoption

passed gay marriage issue was time for adoption. Meetings, debates, marches, no doubt we will see much movement. This is a topic long overdue and has been an election year. Gone are the subject of the table will Mirtha Legrand and other radio, television, all media, where ever, unfortunately, children are invited. At adopted and that we were not, the appropriate. We also have a say in our experience, no? No, it seems not. It is a sensitive issue because we must not forget the role of baby trafficking in this because it is the cause of most of the obstacles to the adoption. Wonder what is going to start discussing? From what perspective? Because I never tire of hearing " want to be fathers," "have the right to take" "I need to give love to a child." All these expressions are based on the selfishness of adults and Adoption is a Child's Right . It is the child who is entitled to be adopted to a family if you do not have either by being orphaned or because it is not wanted by anyone in his biological family. All this means you have to think of the Highest Good Child, a child with a painful history loaded with a biological identity must be respected (not you should change the name to adopt), which will require restraint, patience and much love for granted. But in the name of love is anything like buying a child. Those same people who said they want to adopt ended up buying a human being, recorded it as your own child but everyone says that adopted it. A crime. And if you discover you try to justify that adoptions are slow. The willingness to adopt should not never consider buying a child. Call It Love to the selfishness of parenthood at any cost. We do not hurry, let us be wise and listen to those who truly know the subject. For many recite and create true authorities on the subject when they are not. Do not repeat the mistakes of the past. I beg you like that baby went, sold and booked as an own child. We are more than 3 million mistakes. Do not make this a political campaign.
Palma Graciela (citizens without identity) DNI (with false) 16,496,527

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Dares Stripping Games

If your Doctor recommends vaccinating your hij @ s

August 6, 2009

Web Site TrinityATierra

Are you aware medical professionals who recommend us vaccines in consultation risk running patients? How?
Do you know the composition of vaccines and admit that these components can not cause any harm? How?

this issue I intend to provide assurance to reading your family doctor or specialist, in order to understand their knowledge, their level of responsibility and level of security on the content of this text .

Give a copy of this issue of Guarantee issued by the provider about the safety of vaccines "for his signature.

Guarantee Practitioner issued by the Security on the Vaccine

I (name and degree of medical specialization )_________________________, _____ I have a degree in medicine licensed to practice in ________________. My license number is _______________, and my professional identification number is _______________. My medical specialty is ________________________

I have a full understanding of the risks and benefits of all medications prescribed or administered to my patients. In the case of the patient (name) ___________________________ of _________años of age, I have examined, I find that there are certain risk factors that justify the administration of vaccines that I recommend.

The following is a list of these risk factors and vaccines that protect you from them:

Risk Factor

____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Recommended Vaccine Risk Factor

Vaccine Recommended ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Risk Factor

Vaccine Recommended ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Risk Factor

____________________________________________ ___________________________________________

recommended vaccine
Risk Factor Vaccine Recommended

____________________________________________ ___________________________________________

Risk Factor Vaccine Recommended

____________________________________________ ___________________________________________

I am aware that the vaccines commonly contain following substances:

aluminum hydroxide

aluminum phosphate

ammonium sulfate

amphotericin B

animal tissues: pig blood, horse blood, brain rabbit

Chicken liver, liver mono

chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg

bovine serum


fetal bovine serum





human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)

hydroxylated gelatin

thimerosal mercury (thimerosal, merthiolate (r))

monosodium glutamate (MSG)


neomycin sulfate

phenol red indicator

phenoxyethanol (antifreeze)

potassium biphosphate

potassium monophosphate

polymyxin B

polysorbate 20

polysorbate 80

pig pancreatic casein hydrolyzate

MRC5 proteins


tri (n) butilfosfato

VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey liver cells and sheep red cells

And so, I guarantee that these ingredients are safe for inoculation into the body of my patient.

I investigated the reports to the contrary, such as reports pointing to thimerosal as a cause of severe neurological and immune damage, and I find not credible.

I am aware that some vaccines were contaminated with simian virus SV 40 and the SV 40 is causally related, by some researchers, Hodgkin lymphoma and mesothelioma in humans and in animals experimentation. I guarantee, therefore, that the vaccines I employ in my practice do not contain SV 40 or any other live virus. Otherwise, I guarantee that these virus SV 40 does not pose any risk to my patient.

I guarantee, therefore, that the vaccines they recommend for the care of patients with no name _______________ _______________________ contain aborted human fetal tissue.

In order to protect the health of my patient, I have taken the following steps to ensure that vaccines used do not contain contaminants that can cause damage.

______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

I personally investigated the reports made to VAERS (Reporting System Vaccine Adverse Effects) and assure you that in my professional opinion, I am recommending vaccines for administration to children less than 5 years are completely safe.

The basis for this view are listed in Annex A "Rules of Professional Medical professional opinion on the safety of vaccines.") (Please, please seek the views of separately for each recommended vaccine to every child under 5 years). Annex

professional journal articles in which I rely for my opinion on the safety of vaccines.

professional journal articles I have read which contain opinions contrary to my opinion on the safety of vaccines are in Annex C "Scientific articles contrary to medical opinion on the safety of vaccines."

Reasons to determine and conclude that the items listed in Annex C are invalid are set out in Annex D "reasonable care to determine the invalidity of the views adverse to the safety of vaccines. "

Hepatitis B
I understand and am informed that 60 percent of patients who are vaccinated against hepatitis B will lose detectable antibodies to hepatitis B in over 12 years. I understand that in 1996 only 54% of cases of hepatitis B were reported to CDC in the age group 0 to 1 year. I understand that in the VAERS were reported a total of 1080 cases of adverse reactions to hepatitis B vaccine in 1996 in the age group 0 to 1 year, with 47 deaths reported.

I understand that 50% of patients who contract Hepatitis B develop no symptoms after vaccination. I understand that 30% develop flu-like symptoms and have lifelong immunity. I understand that 20% will develop symptoms of the disease, but 95% will recover completely and have a lifelong immunity.

understand that 5% of patients exposed to hepatitis B become chronic transmitters of the disease. I understand that 75% of chronic transmitters will develop chronic liver disease or liver cancer over a period of 10 to 30 years of severe infection. The following studies

Scientists have been made to demonstrate the safety of hepatitis B vaccine in children aged under 5 years:

_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

addition to the recommended vaccinations against the risks mentioned above, I have recommended other non-vaccine measures to protect the health of my patient and I have listed these measures not vaccine in Annex E, "Measures not vaccine to protect against risk factors."

am issuing this guarantee my responsibility as a medical doctor named ________________________________ patient.

Despite the legal entity under which they practice medicine, I am issuing this statement in my professional and personal capacity, and therefore, to waive any immunity under common law, constitutional law, international treaty and any other type of immunity in these cases.

issuing this document of my own volition after consultation with competent legal counsel whose name is __________________, a legal professional admitted to the Bar __________________.

__________________ __________________ Signed in

Witnesses: __________________ Date

Download English document .

Return to Killer Vaccines - Vaccines That Kill

Return to Influenza - H1N1 - Unintentional Contamination or Bioterrorism?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Nike Freqs Wrestling Shoes For Sale

The Right to Sexual and Reproductive Health

Human Rights Watch issued a report which claims that in Argentina worsened access to contraceptives and legal abortion, which is positive laws not enforced. Refers to the Right to Reproductive Health in practice in our country are not met or the laws or programs. Obvio! Traffic would run out of babies, "factories" would not work more and that one must add the demand is, "customers" willing to buy a child. Ie a chain of events that need just that the laws and programs are only print. What do you do with the clandestine airstrips used by drug trafficking as both trafficking and with open borders? Nothing. There is much to be done but should be a package of actions that educated women with access to contraceptive methods which in turn lead a decrease in the number of abortions. And to raise awareness among future "customers" so that never will be, to know that a child can not be bought: it adopts. Understand the damage caused to the baby as it grows. And those who were already sold or given away, listed as the children help us recover our true history, our identity. Either that or let the traffic get stronger. We are 3 million people who know very well what it is all about, we are the product of that failure to comply with the Right to Reproductive Health, we are babies.
Palma Graciela (citizens without identity) DNI (with false) 16,496,527

Monday, August 9, 2010

Blades Or Studs Rugby

Trafficking: penalizing clients is enough? Anti Trafficking Law

It is driving
Anti a law that provides for the penalty to the client as a way to discourage the use of paid sex. The OAS has already expressed its support for Argentina in this measure but is it enough? Because I thought in the appropriation of babies, who instead of adopting or buying a baby gift accepted and recorded as her own child. Because a medical certificate or midwife goes to the Civil Registry and go. And this is an offense under the Penal Code arts. 138, 139 and 139 bis "suppression of civil status and identity." The company joined this crime with their customs, take it as an "act of love" because there is a myth that "save" a child. But erase his true identity and origin and pass biological child is an act of love. This statute of limitations for that just about let no one controls the total time. Thus, doctors, midwives, lawyers, government officials continue this "social custom" very profitable for some, because there are people who buy children and they see it well, without any guilt. Someone says "adopted" and no one checks if you really did. Moreover, it has reached a point where the word "adoption" is used indiscriminately. It is necessary to implement educational campaigns, prevention, because society is the one who ends up feeding the Trafficking and Child Trafficking. We must all take care of the problem, recognize our responsibilities and change. There are brothels because there are customers from all walks of life that keep there babies traffic because people buy them with the excuse of delays in adoptions. We are more than 3 million citizens appropriate seek our true identity, living witnesses to that criminalize not enough. Values \u200b\u200bare needed to recover.
Palma Graciela (citizens without identity) DNI (with false) 16,496,527

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Can I Make Ajockstrap

was performed in the National Congress 1 st plenary meeting of the Committees on Criminal and Family Law, Children and Adolescents to amend the current anti-trafficking law. In the same complex was demonstrated the crime of trafficking both for sexual and labor exploitation. They were alarming: 4 disappearances per day throughout the country; 8 000 brothels and a half million people enslaved. Claudia Rucci who chairs the Committee on the Family said it takes "a law that actually help end trafficking in the country." All further agreed that should be a law designed as the sum of various crimes. Now, except for Pechi Dana, killed and whose baby remains in the hands of properly, it acknowledged the existence of all babies born in captivity of Trafficking. Babies that were sold or given to ordinary people that scored as their own, NOT adopted. These babies there. Today we are adults who seek our true identity of origin. You need to recognize our existence if we really want to do things right, because this is a string, babies are born in these conditions and because there is demand there is supply that simple. And society must be aware that customs incorporated into the appropriation of babies is a crime that a child does not buy or accept a gift: it adopts. And in terms of covered include always talk about the initial victim, brokers, clients, but they forget that there are other innocent victims. Of course, the problem is that they know who they are appropriated not? Several deputies and officials I once said "you know what happens Graciela, what of you do not like anybody," and here is not "good taste" but respect for human life and those who come into the world without asking passed from hand to hand and were "marked up" in the name of love.
Palma Graciela (citizens without identity) DNI (with false) 16,496,527
born in captivity of a group of Trafficking in La Plata in the 60's.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

When Anaemic How Long To Take Iron For

Trial of Pfizer for deaths of children in Nigeria

the news source: os-in-nigeria-54754734.html

The first question, and sorry for myself between susceptible and suspicious, but this news
an agency like Reuters ( lying much as Clarín,
again I say more distraídxs vegan speak of these functions of the mass media
and large agencies for tens of years) and reproduce
various newspapers in the world, but neither here nor Clarín Página/12
seem to echo. The reasons have the Santa Fe newspaper "La Capital" (for high
Group One) be "one" to know them, but why not broadcast national
? (I insist, to my knowledge, but also put forward the questions that
course) Why did publish Página/12 (see below) the news of
IN NIGERIA trial in April 2009 (Ocaña management) and NO
ringing the same trial in the U.S.? Is there a nuance in the message from the government? If you look
what happened to Pfizer .... does not sound like the "experiment" that was submitted to
Argentina's population with the vaccine to the so-called
"Influenza A"? What tests were done and pregnant niñxs
to say that the vaccine is safe? What had to apply emergency
massive level not the dubious (to see if we eat the
idea that "science" of the industry does things seriously, there are dozens of cases
known-and I assume that thousands did not known-in which the IF designed the protocols
they "say" what it claims, and even hidden information
adverse effects and even death, and even sued to researchers
who discovered and published that, for example-Merk
discovered and concealed and even-repeat-prosecuted for libel
who said what they knew and kept quiet) then need to say exactly what
now says Manzur and repeat (both Clarín as Página/12, both TN and 6.7,
8) that the flu was "controlled" when you know that disappeared because it was a bluff
I invite you to read the information and reflect.
do not know the side effects the vaccine might have caused. We
data from a patient (physician, for details) died from a vasculitis that is attributed
(with as much evidence as the Ministry for state
safety of the product) to the application of the vaccine. And hundreds of effects
"minor" in the short term, and no serious device (of course far from the scale
have come to vaccinate in supermarkets as if it were
an uncontrollable epidemic of polio) to assess the long term.
Even if God did not help (despite the divine esponsoreo the Brazilian
Quilmes) in South Africa (and neither did in Nigeria with Pfizer
human guinea pigs, Africa's most neglected of God to us;
clear ) he did with the vaccine, the mechanism here was hundreds of times more evil than
Pfizer there. Acknowledge the lack of adverse events does not minimize the device
unethical for which were vaccinated in the manner
not seem to understand that we are going to be a testing ground for drugs and chemicals
and quarry plunder
model extraction.
Now we finished the World Cup, and tomorrow calls us home again to
waving flags (provided there is a flag to entertain).
missing a month for the holiday of St. Martin and then to take breath that
end of the year will be the "celebrations" of Human Rights ...
Ah, the joy not to relax. Greetings Gonzalo

PD: the case, if it is not clear, is that the movie was filmed in "The Constant Gardener
." Nigeria in reality, Kenya in fiction ....
are so far away? And if we are, we are gaining a rapidly
promo travel to Africa? Without realizing it? And if we wake up?

Trial of Pfizer for deaths of children in Nigeria
07/01/1910 the demands of Nigerian families who accused the company
try an experimental antibiotic on their children without the proper consent
and had fatal consequences in some cases.

Judges refused to review a ruling by an appeals court in New York
authorizing the progress of cases involving alleged
deaths from the drug Trovan.

Pfizer drug clinical trials conducted in the city of Kano in northern Nigeria
during a meningitis epidemic in 1996 that left thousands dead
. Families of some two hundred children participating
said the test caused at least eleven deaths and other

patients suffered blindness, deafness or brain damage.

According to legal filings, the company violated international law
not get proper consent from patients. The
actions sought unspecified damages on behalf of children
involved in the study.

The laboratory said the trial was conducted with the approval
Nigerian government and had the agreement of parents or guardians of participants
. Pfizer said the trial did not violate the laws
and Nigerian international.

The company said the appellate ruling expanded the jurisdiction of the Alien Tort Statute
, a bill of more than 200 years, on
U.S. corporations doing business abroad,
raising issues of "national importance and internationally. "

A federal judge had initially rejected the claims arguing that
cases should be developed in Nigeria.

In 1998, the Administration n Food and Drug Administration (Food and Drug Administration) approved the use of Trovan
but only for adults.

After problems were reported in the liver, its application was restricted
U.S. adults in cases of emergency.

The European Union banned its use in 1999.

Barack Obama's government urged judges to reject

Pfizer's appeal, saying that the issues presented do not justify a review of the Supreme Court.

The court rejected the request of the pharmaceutical company without

According to the laboratory, "the decision, however, is not a determination on the merits of these cases, but a failure

again demands a federal judge in New York, where the company may try to reject
for various reasons, for example, that Nigeria
would be the appropriate place to conduct the trial.

"The company expects to present his case in court and remains confident that
expire," said Pfizer.
A story that, after four years, stripped a newspaper

In 1996, provided Pfizer in Nigeria, a new drug
200 children. Numerous testimonies realize that eleven of them died and the rest
still suffering after-effects of the experiment.

Earlier that year, an epidemic of cholera, meningitis and other diseases
devastated the north. Pfizer, the largest multinational pharmaceutical
, sent representatives to Kano, a city of clay
governed by Islamic laws. The experts provided some

Trovan hundred children from the city to heal them meningitis, and antibiotic quinolone

a hundred more.

The two children of journalist Alhaji Garba Maisikeli
disease and had received medication. Days after the doctors visit, the
man stood up and called one of his sons, "I replied. I could not hear, no talk
. It was as if asleep but with his eyes open," said the veteran columnist

who had worked for the television channel

NTA and the BBC, Alvaro de Cozar.

a few days. the two children died.

Dozens of families started to haunt the doors of the mosques to beg and buy

medicines that relieve pain mysterious children. "Most lost consciousness. They were not moving," recalled Maisileki.

In a city like Kano, more than three million people (the third most populous
Nigeria, after Lagos and Ibadan), history
took four years to jump the walls and reach the halls of government
of the capital, Abuja.

The U.S. newspaper The Washington Post found out about the history and
put its journalists in the case. The results of a year of research
on drug trials in Third World countries
light contributed to the case of Nigeria.

Supposedly, Pfizer had tested a type of antibiotic in Kano
children without making the previous test.
That was further corroborated by one of the doctors of the company, Juan Walterspiel. The specialist
had sent a letter to company executives

reporting a violation of ethical standards in the experiment. He was fired, according to Pfizer

for other reasons.

The drug was approved shortly thereafter in Europe and the U.S.. The European Union withdrew it
the three months because it caused liver problems. In
United States is still used but only as
emergency hospital treatment for severe infections.


The lab lost the case

http://www.pagina12 / daily / company / 3-122789 - 2009 - 04-07. html

multinational Pfizer signed an agreement to compensate the families of children

died or suffered failures in Nigeria, after having undergone the experiment a drug for meningitis, without permission.

The most exciting thing that had happened in the law firm of Richard
Altschuler, West Haven, Connecticut, was a case of divorce, until the phone rang
nine years ago. Across the line,
a world away from the heat of Nigeria, was Eitgwe Uwo, a young lawyer

with "an incredible story about Pfizer," the medical laboratory. The tax

Lagos would file a lawsuit against the company unprecedented world's largest pharmaceutical, parents facing the
African American corporate giant. And he needed help.

Eitgwe Altschuler had chosen because, in 1979, the Connecticut attorney
had successfully defended a friend from Nigeria. The unusual pair
was to embark on a marathon journey into the world of "big
drug laboratories." Nine years have passed and finally

efforts have been rewarded with an agreement

75 million dollars, whose terms will probably be released this week. If sounds like the script of a Hollywood blockbuster is because this was the story that inspired
John Le Carré to write The Constant Gardener, according to Altschuler. And the Brazilian filmmaker
Fernando Meirelles filming the movie of the same
name, which received several Oscar.

In real life happened in Nigeria, not Kenya, where the book places the
history. In 1996, Pfizer needed to do human trials of
I expected it to be a successful pharmacist, a broad-spectrum
could be taken in tablet form. The

company based in the United States sent a team of doctors to a city-slum

Kano in Nigeria, in the midst of a frightful epidemic of meningitis, as called a "humanitarian mission." However, the plaintiffs argue that
was a test without medical clearance in acutely ill children. A team of doctors
Pfizer Nigeria took the field just when they had broken
epidemic that killed nearly 11,000 people. They settled
meters from a medical station run by the aid group Doctors Without Borders, which was providing
proven treatments to alleviate the epidemic. In
the crowd that had gathered at the Infectious Disease Hospital in Kano
, 200 children were selected patients. Half were given doses of the experimental drug from Pfizer
called Trovan and the others were treated with an antibiotic proven
a rival company.

Eleven of the children died and many more are presumed
later suffered serious side effects, ranging from organ dysfunction to
brain damage. But given the virulence of meningitis, cholera and measles
, the Pfizer team had their bags and after two weeks was


That may have been the end of the story if not for an employee of Pfizer
John Walterspiel. About 18 months after testing
doctor, wrote a letter to the then chief executive officer, William Steere
, saying the trial had "violated ethical rules. "

Walterspiel was fired a day later for reasons" unrelated "to the letter

insists Pfizer.

The company claims that only five children died after taking
Trovan and six died after receiving injections
certified drug Rocephin. The pharmaceutical giant said that it was meningitis
that hurt children and not the drug test. But did

parents were offering their children for an experimental medical trial? "No "says a Nigerian father Malam Musa

Zango. Sumaila says his son, then was 12, quedó sordo y mudo después de tomar parte en el ensayo. Pero
Pfizer niega esto y dice que habían recibido el consentimiento del Estado
nigeriano y de las familias de aquellos tratados. Presentó una carta de
permiso de un comité de ética de Kano. La carta resultó haber estado
antedatada y el comité había sido establecido un año después del ensayo
médico original.

Trovan nunca se convirtió en el éxito que Pfizer había esperado y ya no se
produce más. La Unión Europea prohibió la droga y fue finalmente retirada de
la venta en Estados Unidos. Parece que Pfizer finalmente puso fin a la
nightmare to the deal last Friday. But the battle of Trovan may

not be over.

In late January 2009, an appeals court in New York ruled that the case
Etigwe and Altschuler could be reviewed in the United States. The Connecticut attorney
says he can leave. "Our case is firmly
raised in the United States, so the deal closes Nigerian

our case. And this is terrific news. I'm happy that remained

The Constant Gardener and see that this comes at great term .

** In The Independent of Britain. Página/12 Special *

* Translation: Celita Doyhambéhère *