Monday, August 9, 2010

Blades Or Studs Rugby

Trafficking: penalizing clients is enough? Anti Trafficking Law

It is driving
Anti a law that provides for the penalty to the client as a way to discourage the use of paid sex. The OAS has already expressed its support for Argentina in this measure but is it enough? Because I thought in the appropriation of babies, who instead of adopting or buying a baby gift accepted and recorded as her own child. Because a medical certificate or midwife goes to the Civil Registry and go. And this is an offense under the Penal Code arts. 138, 139 and 139 bis "suppression of civil status and identity." The company joined this crime with their customs, take it as an "act of love" because there is a myth that "save" a child. But erase his true identity and origin and pass biological child is an act of love. This statute of limitations for that just about let no one controls the total time. Thus, doctors, midwives, lawyers, government officials continue this "social custom" very profitable for some, because there are people who buy children and they see it well, without any guilt. Someone says "adopted" and no one checks if you really did. Moreover, it has reached a point where the word "adoption" is used indiscriminately. It is necessary to implement educational campaigns, prevention, because society is the one who ends up feeding the Trafficking and Child Trafficking. We must all take care of the problem, recognize our responsibilities and change. There are brothels because there are customers from all walks of life that keep there babies traffic because people buy them with the excuse of delays in adoptions. We are more than 3 million citizens appropriate seek our true identity, living witnesses to that criminalize not enough. Values \u200b\u200bare needed to recover.
Palma Graciela (citizens without identity) DNI (with false) 16,496,527


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