Sunday, March 27, 2011

Dog Just Had Puppies And Is Bleeding

Dinosaurs in popular culture Iberian Spanish and Portuguese (1)

Heraclius ASTUDILLO-POMBO, Dept. Medi Ambient i Ciències del Sol. Universitat de Lleida

Introduction to the process of cultural assimilation, of the dinosaurian fossil record
Iberian by the English and Portuguese popular culture.

All those dinosaur fossils found in the Iberian peninsula, ordinary people, "without any kind of study", before 1900, and even in the next five decades, could never be related to the actual original animal, since its contemplation and interpretation, decontextualized basic scientific concepts, perforce, had to turn much interpretations more "logical" and understandable, in connection with the magical thinking of its discoverers. As in any interpretive process-explanatory, when there are basic pieces, the natural tendency, universal and timeless human mentality is to create or build, through the use of the imagination, "the missing piece to the whole picture." Scientists envision scenarios that must be checked later to make it scientifically valid idea, while ordinary people, lacking the basic intellectual resources and eager to get immediate answers to their questions, they can only create explanations irrational, giving rise to myths and create legends.

Who other than a current dinosauriologo could be recognized in these bones that are organized and articulated here, the skeleton of the left forelimb, 3.5 meters long, one of the largest vegetarian dinosaurs of all The Times (Sauropoda), "baptized" by the scientific name Turiasaurus riodevensis, a giant reptile, which has been estimated that could have weighed over 40 tons? to allow easy comparison to make is an idea of \u200b\u200bthe dimensions of this huge sauropod, it should be noted that the "popular and familiar" Tyrannosaurus rex only weighed about 6 tons. Anyway, how can anyone but a geologist or paleontologist modern, could have determined that this animal lived 150 million years, half swamp, a place of what is now the province of Teruel, in what is now Spain ? }

Any finding of remains dinosaurian "petrified" as it were loose whole bones, teeth, skulls, nearly complete articulated skeletons, whole eggs, egg shell fragments, skin impressions, footprints or traces lonely step of many steps that could have been found , in the past (or present), in which the mind of the discoverer and the society of which it forms part, were wholly or predominantly unscientific type, pre-scientific or proto, only could have induced the generation of wild ideas, fanciful interpretations produced, nurtured and induced irrational beliefs or justifying explanatory narratives fantastic guy (Etiological legends).

The common human reaction, to use or misuse of the imagination, when confronted with facts that are completely unknown or unexplained, although it is very normal behavior in our species, unfortunately, proved to be very inappropriate to advance knowledge of a scientific and rational for the correct interpretation of any phenomenon of nature, including the processes of fossilization and the presence of fossilized remains in certain places.
From the point of view of modern society, secular West and supposedly scientifically literate, it seems clear that a speculative method used to understand y explicar la realidad que esté mucho más confiado en la imaginación o en la tradición que en la observación, la contrastación y la experimentación o la inducción-deducción logico-racionalista, resultará totalmente inadecuado para la producción de interpretaciones científicas, apropiadas a sus objetivos explicativos, y totalmente inútil para la producción de conocimientos históricos o ambientales, científicamente válidos. Claro está que hay que reconocer que un método basado en la intuición, la imaginación, e incluso la alucinación, y la tradición, es un método que tiene un sólo mérito, el de ser totalmente democrático, pues estará available to almost anyone or human community, no matter how irrational or culturally backward, "they are. Therefore, it should not be too surprised that this kind of interpretation "popular" or unscientific fantasy, applied to many different types of paleontological remains have been repeated many times, in different geographic locations and in very different historical moments throughout the geographic scope of our Iberian peninsula, since as we said earlier, this trend or intellectual attitude has been socially and geographically widespread, due to be a very spontaneous response or "natural" because of its mechanism mental confabulation, activated almost automatically, affordability conceptual, to be completely based on common sense, tradition and myths of "tribe" and its universality and cultural inclusiveness, it affects not only the "common people" but also to economic and religious elites, with well-known examples in various countries in all continents.

Representation of the eighteenth century, the miraculous climb up the cliff escarpment Cape Espichel in Sesimbra, Portugal, the prodigious mule out of the waters of Atlantic Ocean, carried the sacred image Santa Maria do Cabo hasta el lugar que , en la actualidad, ocupa el santuario de Nosa Senhora da Pedra de Mua . A la izquierda, se ha representado a los dos testimonios que presenciaron "en vivo y en directo" semejante ascensión maravillosa.
Como mucha gente ya sabe, las huellas de pisadas atribuídas a la mula prodigiosa son, en realidad, una interpretación errónea, de tipo legendario y hagiográfico, de una rastrillada de pisadas, dejadas por un dinosaurio terópodo, hace 150 millones de años, cuando lo que hoy es una roca, entonces era barro y cuando lo que hoy constituye la pared de un acantilado, entonces era una llanura pantanosa.
is clear that the fact that paleontology was too difficult and complex knowledge of the time, and for matching the right solution.

Any ordinary person, faced with the problem that represents the identification of a fossilized object that is completely unknown to her and her personal and social environment, ie, constitutes an authentic and genuine finding paleontological community-wide socio-cultural, since it would be the first time in his life or his history with the opportunity to observe. In addition, initially, are to be total and absolutely unrecognizable, because when seeking to compare it to something known to them, can not link with any similar existing bodies, as might be the case, more than 70 years, from almost any other dinosaur. Under these conditions, leaving them the only option is the most "natural" and more "easy" in a mind or a community in which the predominant type explanatory thought "wild", "fabulous" or "magic "religious", that of reacting, in line with the dominant socio-cultural context, making a diagnosis that will accordingly the magnitude of their cultural background, his intellectual aspirations and his fantasy imaginative.
Therefore, any person entrusted by his community to make the identification or recognition of some remains "petrified" found in its own territory, should build its capacity inductive, deductive and imaginative, and without contradiction concerning the system of concepts and procedures, their own cultural community, since they form the mental framework of knowledge on the local world in which is immersed and consistent with the system of beliefs and norms of their community, finally, must end by an identification or recognition of the remains.
But one such process, shall be opened only when the object of finding character, it is enough appeal to the whole community or for its discoverer, because it seems very intriguing and mysterious, or because he believes he can get to discover a property that is utilitarian, in the spiritual realm magic-religious or the economic-productive. Evaluated the various possibilities of analysis, may decide to occupy a portion of their personal time and their ability to reason, to seek an explanation and application to that strange object that brand mysterious petrified or stamped or carved into the rock.
But the explanatory process that could lead to give the true answer, unfortunately, require the alleged paleontological research, certain skills of it lacks any historical reasons, to deal with possibilities of success, the challenge posed by a series of puzzles that other fossil raises himself to be "really" able to solve it "properly"
- What else can be ?
- How, where and when it could have formed?
- What properties and can be useful?

Then, the alleged paleontological research, with all the personal and social information to gather and correlate with the finding "petrified", try to imagine what can be and how, where and when it could have been his training and what circumstances can be used to advantage.
Unfortunately, for the advancement of human scientific knowledge about the processes of fossilization and the biological nature of fossils and the fair success of investigations of alleged paleontological research, if it does not have the necessary training to provide this academic discipline or no sufficient objectivity and necessary, given the complexity of the natural phenomenon of fossilization and the lack of equivalent living organisms that may serve as a reference, inevitably, any person belonging to a non-scientifically literate, educated and paleontology will be forced shorten the review process and miss the view of diagnosis, which was intended to get to know the nature and origin of the object paleontological investigation. So will paleontological research literate, but belonging to communities of "believers" subject to centennial or millennial traditions contained in sacred texts, which refer to visions, revelations and speculations of certain characters "enlightened."

humorous representation of a widespread belief among creationists, that dinosaurs coexisted with humans until the arrival of historic flood Universa l, global catastrophic event that killed drowned, along with a variety of monstrous creatures cursed by God, as different types of giants, dragons, etc. .. The bullet
Paul J. Caldwell, entitled "No cabin", is the patriarch Noah from the ark of salvation, anguished screams and weeping about dinosaurs that previously have applied for admission to board the ark to escape God's punishment which seeks to "purify the face of the Earth, wiping out all evil and godless creatures" Sorry guys, but I do not have room for you! room.html

Since the alleged research will be pressed by social circumstances, to issue an opinion quickly, without having an objective basis and, moreover, must be acceptable to social groups key for which shall be consistent with the ancient myths, then, the alleged researcher must resort to the use of the fable, references to unnatural emerging mass mortality events (extinction) to abnormal phenomena petrified antediluvian remains of organisms that have been produced in very unusual environmental conditions and / or by the intervention of certain supernatural beings, related to various traditional myths.

Another graphic representation, and nothing more artistic humorous that expressed the same belief in the torrential cause the extinction of the dinosaurs entitled "'s dilemma Noah. " He sees a happy tyrannosaurus, introduced in a semicircle of light, probably meaning symbolic, in which there are four pairs of wild animals, standing in line, to the patriarch Noah, who reminds him of the dinosaur, a newcomer, a creature accursed by God and therefore can not be admitted into the ark of salvation and must perish in the great flood, along with all other creatures that have not respected the laws of God.


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