Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Stepped On Foot By Stiletto

ADOPTION AND IDENTITY (letter to the President) President

Madam President, I was very pleased to hear about the need to amend Act Transparency Adoption priority to ensure the identity of the origin of the child. For Adoption is a Right of the Child, he is entitled to be adopted and no adult to adopt. And we get to situations where anything goes as long as parenting partners with judges and lawyers who profit economic development in these situations. Nobody thinks of the child, crime suppression of civil status and identity goes on to become a habit "frowned upon" by society because they assume that "Save a child." Other rights are to remain with their biological family and you know the name of their parents. I worried about the position of some Members, such as case of Deputy Hotton raised the anonymity of the mother, that is, sacrificing the right to identity of the child as it, to prevent abortions and filicide (killing of babies). Life is not just allow the beating of the heart, because deceit and concealment suffer. It is important to think about the future, now worry that more children are respected. But we are more than 3 million adults who were given birth illegally listed as their own, we do not know our true birth date and place. And despite the years the pain of uncertainty is with us. Our Right to Identity does not prescribe but we are no longer children and need to have the opportunity to know our truth, however painful it is. We need to recognize our existence and to legislate on the matter. The searches are possible, some will succeed, others may not but no one is God as to deny the attempt, always within a framework of confidentiality and respect. We do not want to expose to the media, we are not celebrities, we are human beings with complex histories and we respect and consideration. President 11 years ago to demand a National Registry of Persons seeking his true identity and a national body that deals with the conduct of searches. The only goal is to reach the Truth and fill that blank space in our lives. We want nothing more. I appeal to your sensibility as a woman, mother and help us. I am hopeful, not yet.

Graciela Palma (citizen without identity) DNI (with false) 16,496,527


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