I read a note in a major national newspaper about donating eggs that women earn up to $ 3,000 and cited a case where a woman and made 7 grants and will continue because it is saving to buy a house. Speaking of eggs, donations (which are not such) but it seems that nobody thinks that that egg will be born a person with rights, a very important one: the right to identity. The Humans have 4 generations genetic files, that egg load information that the child will want to receive and decode. Recognized that advanced science without considering the consequences from the point of view of the baby to be born and some European laboratories pose to the donor's need to keep all your data, that is, stop being anonymous only if that child in the future you want to know their identity of origin can be done without involving the donor any emotional or financial responsibility. Because going to ask. Today the "Identity" and its meaning to a person is not secret, there are very serious about studies that explain the need to know the roots, similar physical more love than it has received are questions that need an answer. A survey among young people who were conceived in the laboratory and several plants that they resented the fact of not being born in a natural, ie, someone chose a particular egg for a particular sperm. And also about the existence of half-brothers. In the labs you ask the recipient if you want a child with blue eyes and blond or any other special features. It is necessary to legislate on this, but stop once and for all to think always from an adult and take the place of the child who will bring to the world. Because an egg and sperm united are more than cells sex.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
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Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Show Differentkinds Of Vidina
- Wednesday 12/05/2010 12:44 Updated
, and revised downward the reference prices of generic drugs and those who are more than 10 years in the market and therefore have lost their patent.
Now one of the measures presented by Zapatero-pending approval by the Council of Ministers, referred to also reduce the cost of other drugs, ie those who do have the patent and were excluded from the quoted reference price system. "They are the vast majority of products, this is a revolution
As he adds, the patient to go with your prescription to the pharmacy will notice virtually no change, "will give its drug free or for a nominal fee, and whether this requirement will not pay the stipulated price." The difference is predominantly to the price at which the drug will be sold to the National Health System. "The economic impact this means for industry will be of great importance, as well as for pharmacists involved [...]" presumably could affect employment rates and / or investment in research and development, "values \u200b\u200bthe lawyer said. Dispense the exact number of pills
The second provision, added as approved by Royal Decree provides for the adjustment of the number of units of packaging standard duration of treatment . And besides, the dispensing of medicines in unidosis. You may purchase, so the exact number of pills needed to complete a particular therapy. In this regard, the said lawyer, argues that before the introduction of measures that, for example, require the handling of containers by pharmacists, it is necessary to amend the existing legislation: "The government will dispatch procedures for
urgency, if you want the immediacy of its implementation and to avoid legal problems. " "When I ruled the PP already launched a pilot project
custom dispensing of antibiotics in unidosis" emphasizes Mariano Avilés. At that time, he adds, is not implemented "as this implied the legal overhaul, for example, the price that must be addressed now." source:
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Sample Letter To Friend
find the answer in this newsletter (BIT) Navarra Health Service: Ibandronate and prevention of nonvertebral fractures. Critical reading of two meta-analysis of individual patient data
. The conclusions (cut and paste) are
Bone problems associated with the use of bisphosphonates: avoid or fractures occur? ), and had no waste:
Hopefully these excellent bulletins have maximum exposure and to be read. And we hope also that reading does not lead to that derive the prescription of bisphosphonates to other marketed drugs to prevent fractures, which is even less solid evidence. just one day we will have to admit that the prevention of fractures, today, does not go through drug therapies.
"Because these drugs can have serious adverse effects it is urgent to clarify the real efficacy of bisphosphonates in the long term and to evaluate the possibility of not using them for osteoporosis "
Posted by Javier Herrero
in :
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
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Finally held in the Chamber of Deputies amended the treatment of the Civil Code to recognize gay marriage. They worked as never before dawn surprised them by voting. What speeches! They said wonderful things about the Equal Rights. Deputy Vilma Ibarra opened the discussion by stating that "in a constitutional state of law can not recognize rights some and take others without a plausible reason that could explain why." Over 3 million people claim for many years by the Right to Identity and the Search for True Origin. We are victims of trafficking of babies were adopted but not listed as their own, do not know when or where they were born in truth, our documentation is false, some have up to 3 different birth certificates. We removed our history, culture, religion, health history, we have a space in our lives we need to fill. And it is our law. What if Equal speak when addressing the issue or expand projects drawers discussions dropping commissions? I can not believe that anyone is against it because I mean a Constitutional Law Hierarchy Superior referred to in National and International Covenants. "There are other rights that attend" once told me. I would love to know what parameter measuring the pain of being treated as objects, remarking, sell or give away and rejected and be treated as what we are: individuals with rights. We do not seek revenge, do not judge anyone, we have no hard feelings just need to know our truth. Promises, so that they articulate. Sworn by a greater commitment and confidence that voting would be the first not to discriminate.
Monday, May 3, 2010
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medicinal plants that could save millions of people are subjugated under the power of Pharmaceutical Laboratories and then finance certain political groups to come to power.
This video is an excerpt from Singulars program Televisió de Catalunya "Victoria Garcia Reyes, somriures els de l'Amazones" http://www.tv3.cat/videos/1546409
http://www.dolcarevolucio.cat /
http://elproyectomatriz.wordpress. com ...
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Ap Biology Lab 4 Answers Activity B
image source By Alberto Ferrari,
Motor ideas and
zoom. (Ideas Engine / April 1910) .- The lobby of medical laboratories, coupled with the apathy or connivance of lawmakers, has prevented the enactment of a National Drug Law for four decades. The consequences of this legal vacuum is an affront to public health. Argentina De Oñativia to nothing radical government of Arturo Illia in 1965 enacted the Medicines Act of Minister of Health, Arturo Oñativia Salta, a law that was one of the reasons the military coup in 1966, blessed by the pharmaceutical multinationals. It's almost obvious to mention that this law was overturned just joined the dictator Onganía the Casa Rosada.
image source Over forty years later in Argentina there is a Medicines Act and the only way forward to cut the corporate greed was the Generic Prescription Act enacted in 2002 by Congress at the request of Minister Ginés González García. Laboratories have avoided for more than four decades of successive parliaments of democracy adopted a National Drug Law. Some drugs in Argentina reach the pharmacy counter with a difference of 33 000 percent to the cost of raw materials, when entering the port of Buenos Aires, according to a report released in 2007 the Association of Advertising Agents Medical.
In Argentina no such abuse of market research. But multinationals are less fortunate in their head. The European Commission launched in 2008 an antitrust investigation and obstructing the entry of competitors generic against Sanofi-Aventis (France and Germany), GlaxoSmithKline (UK), Astra-Zeneca (Swedish-American), Sandoz (Swiss), and Johnson & Johnson (U.S.).
The investigation included court proceedings, qualified sweeps journalism, inspectors and officials who invaded the offices of laboratories to stir until the final document and the last file that could be stored on computers.
Can anyone imagine a similar process in the Argentine laboratories in an attempt to explain the reasons for the premium of 2,258 percent of Lexotanil Roche, one of three best-selling drugs el país? ¿O para dilucidar la tasa de rentabilidad del Losec (omeprazol) de Astra-Zeneca que asciende a
33.130 por ciento , pues el costo de la droga es de $0,13 por unidad pero se vende en las farmacias a $43,16? Cómo los laboratorios arrodillaron a la democracia Con el retorno de la democracia, Aldo Neri, ministro de Salud de Raúl Alfonsín, convocó a todos los sectores involucrados en el mercado farmacéutico para discutir una Ley Nacional de Medicamentos. Los colegios profesionales de médicos y farmacéuticos acudieron a la convocatoria e incluso uno de ellos, Antonio Somaini, presidente del Colegio de Farmacéuticos de Capital Federal, received intimidating phone calls requesting him not to mess with the industry.
Laboratories chose to boycott the call and matched what had hit door to prevent the approval of the National Drug Law, came as Economy Minister, Juan Vital Sourrouille, who in turn warmed her ears that Alfonsin that law would be an obstacle to the negotiations held with the IMF. There was also a Swiss ambassador who went to the Casa Rosada to explain to the president "how to organize" the pharmaceutical market.
The former Representative Aldo Neri and the Peronist Silvia Martínez between 2003 and 2005 prompted the enactment of a National Drug Law. The projects were drawers in the Committees on Health of Representatives.
In this regard, until last year, chairman of the Committee on Health, Santa Fe John Sylvestre Begnis, promised to revive the parliamentary debate after the enactment of this statute and recognized that the Argentine Congress "is in default ".
is the opportunity to fulfill promises to show that the employer has stopped lobbying to whisper to the ears of presidents and legislators, as they did before in the ears of the generals of Onganía. Posted by
Saturday, May 1, 2010
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Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
He was responsible for the area of \u200b\u200bAddiction Prevention performing different introductory courses
University of Belgrano
was the site of several courses of Social Volunteer between 2000 and 2008.
Course was the site Social Volunteer in 2008 and 2009
CeIS (Italian Centre of the Solidarietà
courses was based on Dr. Wilbur R. Grimson from
Workshops have been conducted Prevention in the municipalities of Escobar, San Luis, San Juan, Corrientes, Santa Cruz, Salta, Jujuy, Córdoba Oran.
Dr. Grimson was invited to speak at the Salesian Institute Seminar Vatican in 2004.
also to present papers at various meetings
On three occasions were made courses aimed at
In the U.S. Senate in October 2009 with the participation of Father Pepe Di Paola, Father Gustavo Carrara
In 2004 we organized a course that led the Business Volunteer of Fundación Telefónica.