Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Show Differentkinds Of Vidina

The new spending will require profound legal reforms pharmacist


the exact number will be dispensed tablets to complete a therapy

    Wednesday 12/05/2010 12:44 Updated

A pharmacy in the Basque Country. and patent
-most on the market, and the adequacy
packaging units
to the needs of the patient. "is full of good intentions but it requires to launch a series of legal reforms
draft that, depending on how efficiently process the government may move forward or not," explains Mariano Avilés, lawyer Farmaiuris.
Royal Decree, approved last March 26 Una farmacia en el País Vasco. | Mitxi
, and revised downward the reference prices of generic drugs and those who are more than 10 years in the market and therefore have lost their patent.

Now one of the measures presented by Zapatero-pending approval by the Council of Ministers, referred to also reduce the cost of other drugs, ie those who do have the patent and were excluded from the quoted reference price system. "They are the vast majority of products, this is a revolution
because it is a generalization of the measure," says Avilés.

As he adds, the patient to go with your prescription to the pharmacy will notice virtually no change, "will give its drug free or for a nominal fee, and whether this requirement will not pay the stipulated price." The difference is predominantly to the price at which the drug will be sold to the National Health System. "The economic impact this means for industry will be of great importance, as well as for pharmacists involved [...]" presumably could affect employment rates and / or investment in research and development, "values \u200b\u200bthe lawyer said. Dispense the exact number of pills

The second provision, added as approved by Royal Decree provides for the adjustment of the number of units of packaging standard duration of treatment . And besides, the dispensing of medicines in unidosis. You may purchase, so the exact number of pills needed to complete a particular therapy. In this regard, the said lawyer, argues that before the introduction of measures that, for example, require the handling of containers by pharmacists, it is necessary to amend the existing legislation: "The government will dispatch procedures for

urgency, if you want the immediacy of its implementation and to avoid legal problems. " "When I ruled the PP already launched a pilot project

custom dispensing of antibiotics in unidosis

" emphasizes Mariano Avilés. At that time, he adds, is not implemented "as this implied the legal overhaul, for example, the price that must be addressed now." source:


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