Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sample Letter To Friend

ibandronate Does it reduce the risk of nonvertebral fractures?


find the answer in this newsletter (BIT) Navarra Health Service: Ibandronate and prevention of nonvertebral fractures. Critical reading of two meta-analysis of individual patient data

. The conclusions (cut and paste) are

The meta-analysis have attempted to assess its efficacy in preventing vertebral fractures do not have clear conflicts of interest and have several drawbacks as a grouping of different doses, indirect comparisons, analysis and suspected improper changes in populations. has not been demonstrated that ibandronate at doses used in clinical practice to be effective in preventing non-vertebral fractures. The findings that shed the study authors are skewed in favor of the drug problem is magnified when they are transferred to a clinical practice guideline. Perhaps not surprisingly, since each step has been financed by the companies that market the drug.

can say higher ... The December BIT was also dedicated to bisphosphonates (

Bone problems associated with the use of bisphosphonates: avoid or fractures occur? ), and had no waste:

"Because these drugs can have serious adverse effects it is urgent to clarify the real efficacy of bisphosphonates in the long term and to evaluate the possibility of not using them for osteoporosis "

Hopefully these excellent bulletins have maximum exposure and to be read. And we hope also that reading does not lead to that derive the prescription of bisphosphonates to other marketed drugs to prevent fractures, which is even less solid evidence. just one day we will have to admit that the prevention of fractures, today, does not go through drug therapies.

Posted by Javier Herrero

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