Monday, June 28, 2010

Swot Analysis Of Cupcakes

Adoption is not the same ownership

I read a note leading national daily on adopted children and the use of Facebook. We started badly for the title. Those who seek and the case of Mauritius referred to the note, but were not listed as adopted children of their own: appropriate.
Mauritius was one of the few cases that had sufficient data and their foster parents who accompanied him on the search. Most cases are turning to social networks do not have any evidence. Adoptees have a record, it is more, according to what you read may be that not even interested in meeting with the mother or birth family. The government should really address the topic, content and media, Facebook is exposed and generate many illusions. Enter the network and putting in the form "identity" will note that there are people that are expressed with great feeling about looking for his mother, perhaps because there was good relationship with the foster family (not legally adopted) and the reality is we do not know what happened, a lot of fantasy about being robbed when the reality may be quite another. We assume that in most cases were unwanted babies. I return to the case of Mauritius which is referred to in the note. The mother wanted him and he responded well, not everyone would do with a "you were an accident." It is a painful response. Turn to Facebook, the internet in general is part of the desperation of the people for the state to close all doors. As appropriate we have a record of adoption for consultation and there across the country a government office that deals comprehensively in our searches (universal human right.) We need to consult the files of the hospitals, several databases, to investigate and assemble this record we never had to know our history of origin. Only then will we know whether or not to meet with the biological family. And also think of these mothers, maybe our birth was a traumatic event for them and they are being exposed too. It is necessary to be handled with respect and wisdom for all involved. As the note said containment is needed and the Internet is a double edged sword. Journalists are asking to use the right words, in our cases are fundamental and make the difference. We are not adopted, are appropriate.
Palma Graciela (citizens without identity) DNI (with false) 16,496,527

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Are People With The Same Birthday Compatiable

repealing EPA chemical tests in humans

image source news source

The Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA, Environmental Protection Agency) announced that it no longer

agree to accept studies that have used chemical tests in humans

. In 2006, under pressure from the chemical industry, the EPA approved the present analysis using people as guinea pigs in some evidence of toxicity. However, a few days ago EPA has backed away this controversial decision. Virtually any medical ethics code prohibits the test chemicals or drugs that can cause harm. However, the chemical industry has argued that the EPA should accept the results of tests in which healthy volunteers are paid by exposure to toxins, arguing that they provide a setting more accurate than animal studies.

Critics say the results are worth it, as companies used groups of small, unrepresentative of the general population. These studies put people in serious physical danger, no more benefit than a handful of bills. "Pesticides are intentionally designed to be toxic. Its purpose is to kill insects and invasive plants, "said Sen. Barbara Boxter .

Legislator complains that in the experiments, volunteers swallow tablets with insecticides, they sit in chambers with pesticide vapors, apply these chemicals directly on your skin - and even the fire directly into the eyes and nose. Worse,


hidden industry claims that what is being investigated to volunteers. "Subjects were not warned of the damage from exposure to pesticides. Sometimes not even told that the substances tested were pesticides, "says the senator. tests in humans were approved during the Bush era (will anyone surprised?), Under the tutelage of

Stephen Johnson, a former tobacco industry scientist. However, the current government wants to stop companies will take advantage of vulnerable populations in need of money, to serve as laboratory rats. The new provision repeals the permits to companies. So where will the data on exposure to these substances? Of the reports of accidental poisoning, exposure of industrial workers, and other unintentional sources.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What Does A Hapkido Black Belt Need To Know?

to analyze and comply with the Constitution of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires

the initiative of Senior Vice President of the Legislature in July Porteña Raffo was convened for Wednesday 23/06 in the Bar Association to a meeting with the aim to critically analyze the Constitution of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires to see their strengths and possible changes. As a citizen without my true identity had not been adopted but recorded as own daughter, with all my data changed and an ID that says lies just to the Lord I can assure Legislator Raffo not comply with Article 12 of the Constitution. The same states: "The City warrants. The right to identity of persons." "... should be provided the search and identification of those who would have been removed or altered identity. Ensures the functioning of state bodies carrying out tests immunogenic to determine parentage and managers to safeguard such information. " None of this is true, indeed, still waiting to be regulated Opening Act Files 2.202/2006 Hospitals and Private Clinics fundamental for our searches that sleeps in a crate of DD.HH. GCBA. There are thousands of citizens of the City of Buenos Aires that we have a place to attend our situation in a serious, responsible and complete. We were born, we went from hand to hand and we are "stressed" . need and it is our right to know our true origins. The Constitution is very clear what should be done is to fulfill what has. How much longer should we wait?
Graciela Palma (citizen sin identidad) DNI (con datos falsos) 16.496.527

Monday, June 14, 2010

World Of Warcraft Tcg Generator

imaginary giant fossil bones in Spanish folklore. (5)


History Greek and Roman (then Part 5)



Although many people uninformed popular belief that tourism is an "invention" rather new, a cultural leisure activity characteristic of "modern" society, we must remember or disclose in its Mediterranean tour version, is a very ancient practice that dates back to Greek and Roman times. although activity was a relatively minority and elitist.

Furthermore, in those days, took advantage of pilgrimages to certain sanctuaries, also, to visit some nearby places that might be attractive. To make it easier for potential travelers and pilgrims, the simple choice of the best routes, according to the possibilities and interests of each, and knowledge of the attractions of the most interesting, according to taste each, were written and published "Trip reports" which, in essence, were similar to many of the modern travel guides that are published in modern times.

Perhaps one of the best examples of a type spec ializado of these guides for travelers of old, is the Greece Guide ( TES Periégesis Hellas), published and n 10 books dedicated to various regions of the Great Ancient Greece, was written the year 180 AD , by Pausanias Lydia also known as the Periegeta Pausanias, because of his travels. This work was edited in more modern times, with the title of Description of Greece, so, today, is better known by this name,

This work had in his time a very popular, being very popular in that time, the theme of the facts "miracles, wonders and mighty" that Pausanias addressed in this work, but then and for many centuries, fell from grace, because his style was considered not literary because its their theme tabloid already outdated. The Greece Guide fue despreciada por los críticos influyentes, por estar considerada una obra de poco m érito literario y de escaso interés histórico, pues su temática era, fundamentalmente, mítica. Las malas valoraciones de sus críticos, determinaron que esta
obra fuese ignorada, completamente, durante siglos, porqu e muchos escritores y recopiladores posteriores no la citaban en sus obras, en absoluto.

A pesar de todos los avatares históricos que causan la destrucción de los libros, algunos ejemplares de esta obra sobrevivieron y se conservaron intactos hasta la época del Renacimiento. To be rediscovered, l Guide to Greece, was very positively valued by historians, then very interested in details of daily life in classical antiquity because their descriptions of the customs and beliefs of the ancients, were very useful and illustrative to understand many things of Greco-Roman world.

home one of the first translated editions of the Guide Greece Pausanias, in this particular case, tr ata an edit in Italian, 1593, published in Mantua.
Image: 20detto% 20il% 20Periegeta.htm

The first translations of l to Guide Greece, to modern languages, were made at the end of the sixteenth century, but not until the eighteenth century when European travelers interested in discovering the remains of the Greco-Roman world mayoritariamen you, it was Historians and British and German archaeologists began to travel to the territories of the former Great Greece carrying as travel guide, one of several modern editions, translated into English or German, the old work of Pausanias. These travelers educated and skilled, they sensed that the detailed place names and topographic information containing the Description of Greece , could help them locate geographically, the ruins of some ancient cities and monuments, then it disappeared, then its discovery, to start laexcavación of the same archaeological sites.

The Description of Greece , allowed some archaeologists the location and identification of several major Greek archaeological sites, among which include, in particular, the sites of ancient cities and sanctuaries of Olympia and Delphi.

home of the translated editions of the Guide to Greece of Pausanias, in this particular case, it is a French edition of 1731, published in Paris.


Currently, Greece Guide Pausanias has regained the prestige it had in its time, but for very different reasons, it is now considered to Description of Greece as a very valuable and reliable source of information ethnohistorical therefore contains descriptions of the characteristics of cults and customs as well as the content of the mythical legends of the various Territoris of ancient Greece and neighboring countries. It also includes references to topography and toponymy of the different places that are very useful, at present, for the location or location of cities and monuments now destroyed or ruined.

the Guide Greece by Pausanias, t lso is considered today, as an early tourist guides of old, as it was designed and written by Pausanias with the intention of making known to his contemporaries, many places unusual, by the "signs and wonders" that could be seen in them, live. All these wondrous places were distributed throughout the territory of several islands and coastlines of the eastern shores of the sea Mediteraneo that were then or had formed, formerly part of the vast territories of Greece. Most of the places listed in the Guide Greece by Pausanias, had been visited previously by himself, on several trips in the following years had done on the ground.

be recalled that the old work of Pausanias, in modern times, was very helpful for some people well versed in classical mythology who were able to intuit the relationship between the ancient mythological tales and modern paleontological remains of Tertiary and Quaternary large mammals, both coincide in the same locations of mythical tales. In the nineteenth century, we should mention the German scholar, Ernst von Lasaulx who wrote Die Geologie der Griechen und Römer , published in 1851 in Munich and in the twentieth century , the American historian and folklorist Adrienne Mayor who wrote The First Fossil Hunters: Paleontology in Greek and Roman Times , published in 2000, in Princeton.

Of the different editions of l to Guide Greece and of Description of Greece, Pausanias , we could see, for writing this article, we have managed to cull 19 references large mythical skeletons and bones, found in various places in different countries Eastern Mediterranean coasts. In classical antiquity and in times of Pausanias, the bones and skeletons, as the context of local legendary tales, in some places, could be regarded and treated as "bones of heroes' mythical or their immediate family members such as wives and children, while in other places, other large bones identical or anything similar, could be interpreted as the "bones of giants," mythical.

Although review of the Guide of Greece and Description of Greece, Pausanias, we have found many other legendary references to bones giant, we have ignored, when in such cases, was linked to those great mythic bones (fossil skeletal remains) with certain non-Greek gods and other mythological monsters , which had no human or humanoid appearance and therefore were not comparable to typical giant.

get to the point ....

Description of Greece, Book 5, Chapter 12, paragraph 3 . Pausanias alludes here to the principle of truth that guides everything described by him in this work of his that deal with wonders and miracles could be provided to the exaggerations and inventions publicly stating that " I've never written anything about unsubstantiated rumors, only on what I have been told by people confidence and from what I saw with my own eyes. "

also reported in this paragraph, an elephant skull was exposed in a temple, something spectacular and attractive to pilgrims visiting the shrine: "In the sanctuary Sage, near Capua (present Italy) 've seen, the skull of an elephant (probably, it was the skull of some modern Asian elephant, animal well known to the Greeks, for centuries, Alexander the Great brought some of their campaigns in Gerrard India's current par display in your country) and I can assure that the skull of the elephant does not appear at all, to any other beast known for their way and size characteristic. "
From this information we can deduce that Pausanias, of which some students of his work, involving a doctor, by the specialized terminology sometimes used and, therefore, should have knowledge of anatomy, should never be able to observe any complete skeleton modern elephant, African or Asian, nor mammoth skulls or fossils of mastodons, sufficiently complete, as to reach a partnership between the two types of animals, the similarity of their skulls and other bones. For this comparison would have enabled him to make the correct zoological identification of many of the great mythical bones attributed to the Greek tradition, systematically, to various heroes and giant mythology.
Two graphical representations of skeletons of two Proboscidea, to the left of a mammoth and an elephant right now Indian. Note the great similarity between the parties and the two whole species of animals.

THE DISCOVERY AND RECOVERY OF bones of Theseus on the island of Skyros.

Description of Greece, Book 1, Chapter 17, paragraph 6. Pausanias recounts: "C hen Cimon son of Miltiades, had hit the island of Skiros, to avenge the ignominious death of Theseus, could freely seek the tomb of the hero and after finding miraculously took the bones (giant) hero and took them to Athens. "

To avoid to repeat the comments above, above, in the third part of the introduction to the Iberian giant bones, in "Greek history", see it written on modern interpretation etnopaleontológica that another version of this finding, it was there.

The most famous feat, all that is conducted by Theseus, the Athenian hero, possibly, the victory over the invincible Minotaur, imprisoned in the Labyrinth of Daedalus on the island of Crete.

become legendary artist's rendition of 'Theseus killing the Minotaur "in an Athenian vase style" black figures, approximately 550 BC.
Image: :

OEDIPUS THE BIG BONES, RECOVERED IN TEBAS, were venerated in a shrine in Athens.

Description of Greece, 1.28.7 . says " In Athens, within the precincts of the shrine dedicated to the goddesses, to whom the Athenians called" August ", but that Hesiod, in Theogony, calls the Erinyes (The Furies), a monument that holds the bones of Oedipus, which were found and brought from Thebes (capital of the ancient city of Boeotia) after
made a diligent investigation in that City to locate his grave .

In modern times, in the area of \u200b\u200bGreece which is the ancient region of Boeotia, abundant paleontologists have found fossil bones of Tertiary megafauna such as mastodon Auvergne ( Anancus arvernensis ) of Etruscan rhino ( Stephanorhinus cf. etruscus ) final Pliocene of saber-toothed tiger ( S Milodon fatalis) of cave bear (Ursus spelaeus ) and cave lion (Panthera leo spelaea ) the Pleistocene.

Note the appearance, more or less anthropomorphic skeleton acquires a cave bear (Ursus spelaeus ), male, when exposed in standing position, completely rebuilt and articulate. Specimen from the Pleistocene of Romania. Compare the height of this beast of 2.65 m. with Glenn which is 1.75 m. The largest specimens (male) cave bear, could reach as high as 3 m in height in the standing position, and even a ton.

Image: 20Cave% 20Bear/bear31.BMP

As we have noted on many occasions previous possibly the largest bones of any animal species listed or a mixture of several of them, could serve to satisfy the need of the time, display, worship and admire big bones or skeletons, such as testimony of the truthfulness of the narratives concerned the existence of giants and recount the great deeds accomplished by various mythical heroes of the past.

SAMPLE MARINA EROSION IN THE COSTA TROJAN, the tomb of Ajax, the Greek hero.

Description of Greece, 1.35.5. Pausanias tells how he learned that the sea had laid bare bones of Ajax, on the coast of Troy, (next to the Dardanelles, ancient Hellespont, in the present Turkish province of Canakkale). " A misi or told me about the enormous size of the body of Ajax. He said the sea had taken the beach in front of a mound of earth, existing near the city of Sigeon, which was discovered by an oracle that was the grave of the hero, it was within its enormous skeleton. "
"A detail of what that man told me, allowed me to estimate the true dimensions of Ajax e l hero: the bones of the "cups" (ends) your knees, which doctors call " millstones " , were exactly the size of the discs thrown by children playing games in the pentathlon. "

probably the major bones, the alleged hero of the Trojan War, in fact belonged to a mastodon ( Trilophodon pentelici ) Or a rhinoceros (" Aceratheriumsp. ?) Miocene, as paleontologists have found remains of both types of animal species, at that time, the whole region of the former Rhoeteum and also his kneecaps measures coincide with the estimates given by Pausanias, equivalent to about 12-13 cms. in diameter.

aspects of reconstruction, living a Trilophodon. The beautiful young lady who the illustrator next to the beast, can serve as a reference to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe relative size of proboscidean and its skeleton.


ASTERIO GIANT'S GRAVE, on a little Mediterranean Sea, close to the city of Miletus.

Description of Greece, 1.35.6 . Pausanias says "Facing the city of Miletus is the island of Lada and very close to it a tiny islets that have been separated. One of these islets is called" island of Asterio "and say that name is because the giant Asterio body is buried in it. Asterio son of Anax, one of the giant children of the Earth. body (skeleton) Asterio not measure less than 15 feet length ( equivalent to 4.5 m high). "

In modern times, in insular areas (Samos) or inland (Turkey), very close, paleontologists have found abundant fossils of Pliocene to Pleistocene Proboscidea, such as mastodons ( Deinotherium giganteum, Trilophodon pentelici ,) and primitive elephants ( Palaeoloxodon antiquus) whose skeletal remains would be the most likely candidates to be considered by the ancient Greeks, as the remains Asterio the mythical giant.

looks Deinotherium articulated skeleton from the Early Miocene, as outlined in quadrupedal position. The skeleton belonged to a juvenile, since it only reaches a height of 2.65 m. on the back, while adults tended to reach 4.5 m. high.


Description of Greece, 1.35.7-8. Account Pausanias: "Another prodigious event surprised me being in a small town located in top Lidia (current Turkish provinces of Izmir and Manisa) , which is called the Gates of Temenos, when, through a great storm of water, off of a mountain and appeared several huge bones that form would be made to believe that humans, but its size was mammoth could not be said so. Immediately, it spread among the local people, the story that was the body of the giant Geryon. Because everyone in the Hilo area of \u200b\u200bthe river, knew someone who, when plowing, had found buried bobino large cattle horns, which were related to the legend of Geryon, because according to this Geryon was famous for raising a oxen race bounds. When contradicted and explained that the tomb of Geryon was Tartesos (modern Cádiz), then religious officials Lydians, secretly showed me the true story: in fact those bones belonged the body of Hilo, another giant son of Earth, whose bones had been found on previous occasions and for this reason, the river that crosses the land, named in his honor Hilo "

In modern times in this same area, paleontologists have found abundant fossils of Pliocene to Pleistocene Proboscidea, such as mastodons
( Deinotherium giganteum, Trilophodon pentelici, ) and primitive elephants ( Palaeoloxodon antiquus, Anancus sp. ) which remains, would most likely candidates to be considered as the remains of the legendary giant Geryon / Hilo. In addition, they have found remains of the giant uro ( Bos primigenius) in the case of the males came to achieve, "the cross", an average height of 1.60 of 1.80 m., the largest specimens can reach up to 2 meters (1, 50 m in females) and 3 m. long. Would not be surprising that many discoveries of their remains, for agricultural work, have induced rot in the popular mind time, the legend of the herds of Geryon, although some paleontologists suggest that the alleged antlers legendary, in fact, the defense may well be some kind of fossil mastodon or elephant house, for similar interpretations were made at that time elsewhere Mediterranean: the tusks of the legendary "wild boar of Calydon", found in Capri.

complete and articulated skeleton of uro ( Bos primigenius) , from the Pleistocene site of Fonte Campanile, in Viterbo (Italy), examples in quadrupedal position, the Museum Palaeontology, in Rome.

Image: 20palombo/fig% ~ rmrc0001/museo/images/immagini% 2027% 20Bos% 20primigenius% 20scheletro.JPG

simple picture that tries to represent, humorously, the relative size of the aurochs (Bos primigenius ) compared to the size on a young man (a bullfighter perplexed when faced with such "to" of gigantic proportions, accompanying, which relative protector, a young bull of the species Bos taurus )
Image: Http://

the discovery of the bones of Orestes, in Tegea, count again.

Description of Greece, 3.3.6-7 Pausanias wrote "A Licas called Laconian, came to Tegea, by the time the Spartans, on the recommendation of an oracle were looking for the bones of Orestes, in order to win the long war against this city held. Licas learned they were buried on land that was owned by a blacksmith smith bronze, so that, thanks to his cunning, could do with them. "

Description of Greece, 11/03/1910 . tells " When the bones of Orestes were rescued and transported from Tegea, the Spartans were buried there (in Sparta). "

Description of Greece, 8.54.4. says" The Tegeans say where the Spartans say they found the bones of Orestes, is not correct because said that this was not in Tegea, but in Tire, a location east of Tegea. "

To avoid duplication with the above, in the second part of the introduction to the Iberian Giants Bones in" Greek history and Roman "see the modern interpretation etnopaleontológica that another version of this same finding was made there.

When And How To Shave After A C Section

gifts paid.

professionals and users are added to the platform


- Valencia, Spain

In 2000, an internist in New York, Bob Goodman, founded the organization No free lunch (no free food), to expose the marketing practices of the pharmaceutical industry. The name alludes to the custom of inviting these companies have to eat to medical students and launched from the campus its relationship to future doctors to promote their products in the future. "Basically, the idea that he wanted to convey is that nothing is free, and someone always ends up paying for the gifts of the industry," says Carlos Ponte, chief of the intensive care unit of the General Hospital of Asturias. Get started No Thanks, the equivalent association in Spain two years ago. Yesterday participated in the presentation of the Valencian branch in a ceremony supported by the Association for the Defense of Public Salut País Valencià (Acdesa) and the Societat Valenciana de Medicina Familiar i Comunitaria (Svmfic), which also went Antoni Bayon, the group of drug in the Svmfic.

The objective of these institutions, in Italy No grazie, io payment, in Australia

Healthy Skepticism - is to denounce "the dependency" of health professionals for the industry, so they appeal to "redefine this relationship and make it more transparent. " "We want to bring order to the pressure and improper influence exerted intensive industry," said a spokesman for the platform in Spain.

For Ponte, there are several fronts to pay attention. On the one hand, industry should be separate "clearly" the promotion information (which many cases has included invitations or gifts) to discuss their products. In fact, the internist says that 30% of the investment industry goes to marketing. On the other hand, is the role in the continuing education of physicians. The information received by professionals about new treatments will reach 90% by the very companies that sell these drugs. Then there is the control exercised in testing and in designing new products, usually in medicine that can benefit even though they are similar to others on the market. The debate is complex and has many shades. And the facts are that the weight of research in medicines and medical training obviously rests in the industry. Can I change this pattern? Bayon Antoni says the duty of government to enforce the rule governing conflicts of interest in this field. Please give more clues. For example, increasing the research budget and state training and going to occupy the land taken over by the companies. Source



Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Air Cast For Torn Ligament In Ankle

The shamelessness of

Junio10/2010 source

to denounce Farmaindustria Lakua to give preference to generic
Farmaindustria, association of English pharmaceutical industries, Lakua denounce the government of its health savings plan that gives preference to four generic drugs over others that can only be prescribed with a report that justifies it. GARA

four doctors to prescribe generic drugs to treat chronic diseases with performances on cholesterol, hypertension, osteoporosis or thinning. Although it may prescribe the brand if they deem preferable, shall prepare a report justifying that decision. The health minister, Rafael Bengoa, reported that already are sending letters to these guidelines in order to save about six million euros.

Farmaindustria reported that the measure "violates the system of financing and legally prescribed prescription drugs, according to which the State has exclusive competence to determine" what should be paid with public funds and conditions of such funding. Furthermore, according to industry, is a "radical alteration of the rules of the game" because it deprives the Basques of drugs included in the funding approved by the Ministry of Health for the English State.
Bengoa said in Parliament Gasteiz Savings Plan aspects of health expenditure, but gave no overall figure on the amount that is to save or the number of brand drugs must be replaced by generics. This plan does not include prescription drug copayment option but Bengoa acknowledged being studied.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Letter Appeal Sample Examination

Farmaindustria Linked to WHO experts pharmaceutical

Patricia Luna-
According to the document prepared by the medical journal British Medical Journal (BMJ) and the Office of Investigative Journalism, at least three of the researchers who presented the bulk of the scientific documents underlying the procurement of drugs by Governments had received money from any pharmaceutical companies producing drugs.
The authors say that, had he known that this was the case, governments have been dealing with information and recommendation otherwise.
Iaian Overton, editor in chief of the Office of Investigative Reporting told the BBC that "the pattern (of conduct against a pandemic) were heavily influenced by three annexes that were written by three individuals, teachers Fred Hayden, Arnold Monto and Karl Nicholson, who were or had been shortly before that time getting money from pharmaceutical companies they would be waived for their recommendations. " Tamiflu

listed companies are Roche and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). Roche had profits of billions of dollars from the sale of Tamiflu to governments that followed the WHO recommendations, while GSK produces some relenza and antiviral.

"When there is conflict?"

"While WHO continues to remain tight and do not reveal who he is advising and conflicts of interest, we feel that this is counterproductive. WHO is under suspicion, because it is believed to be hiding something and this raises questions about whether any of its experts, "said Overton.


also asks questions

The document published today coincides with a separate report submitted to the Council of the European Health Committee which reviews the management of WHO in the swine flu crisis.

The report's author, Paul Flynn, the Committee on matters of family and social health of the UK, says that decisions made by WHO were not transparent enough and created a series of problems.

Among them, wasted large sums of public money, the provocation of unwarranted fear among Europeans, creating health risks through medicines that had not been sufficiently tested before being allowed in procedures performed with all the speed and distortion the priorities of public services across Europe.

But Gregory Hart, a spokesman for WHO, said on BBC World that the organization "calls for expressions of interest to all experts and that was what happened on this occasion. The statements are then evaluated by the head of the committee and the secretariat and they are the ones who check whether these conflicts of interest are really such, if you need more information or if indeed there is conflict is asked to leave the committee. And it did not happen this time ".

" There is a distinction between conflict of interest of a person who speaks and charge for them and the conflicting interests of someone who has a salary of a company, "said Hart , who hinted that one of the criteria taken into account in determining whether the conflict is the percentage of money a person receives a drug in relation to total personal income.

WHO spokesman also accused the British Medical Journal (BMJ) have been "incredibly tight" in the selected information to its report:

"The BMJ talks of three experts on a committee of 20, it is very difficult The votes of three people to overcome a 17. "

"The issue is the payment"
But Deborah Cohen, author of the study and reports editor of BMJ, said that "the question is whether people who have been paid by companies that have made billions of dollars selling these drugs should take the decision and write the manuals of behavior and use of these drugs. "

The question is whether people who have been paid by companies that have made billions of dollars selling these drugs should take the decision and write the manuals of behavior and use of these drugs

Deborah Cohen, publishing of reports


"I think it is not acceptable," Cohen concluded.

The report of the BMJ and the Office of Investigative Journalism also puts in his look at the secrecy surrounding the committee took the decision to raise a pandemic of swine flu crisis, changing the existing parameters till then.
The document says that protecting the identity of its members, which is only known to the president, to avoid pressure from the industry, but at least three members mentioned belong to that industry which want to escape pressure.

But WHO spokesman said that "these three members declared fully their interests and their own secret committee determined, knowledge of information, there is no conflict of interest. Once the committee has completed its tasks will be posted all information relating to it. "

While there is this exchange of accusations, doubts about the management of WHO during the crisis of the swine flu influenza multiply Across the globe, with research being carried out in many European countries by independent agencies, authorities and even within the same organization.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Wedding Slide Show Template Red

CENSUS 2010 - No Act

Este año, por Decreto 67/2010 se realizará en todo el país el CENSO 2010 y ya se escuchan críticas y observaciones varias por la situación del INDEC por todos conocida que debe participar del mismo. El CENSO reviste la máxima importancia porque las decisiones y planes de gobierno deben basarse en un conocimiento preciso de la población. Es más, nuestro país sigue las recomendaciones de la Comisión de Estadísticas de las Naciones Unidas que contemplan el año 2010 como fecha de realización de los censos es decir, se busca la comparibilidad International data generated by them. The Decree establishes the obligation of citizens to respond to the Census and who do not supply on time, false or omitted information requested will incur in breach and liable to fines. So far so good but what about people who have identity theft? All of our ID data are false. How will we respond if we do not know our true date of birth and place? What Relation? We were not adopted but listed as their own, many victims of trafficking. And I mean people between 70 and 18 is, we have been dealing with statistics not reflect the truth. But there will be a box "not sure" or "know your true identity." And the Census 2010 would be the opportunity to approach the number of people around the country we're in this situation. It would be a way to acknowledge our existence and could not be used more than the excuse that "just a few who do not know where they come from" not worth creating or mobilizing the State Laws. My suggestion to all of us in this situation is that we respond with the truth (as well as Decree required): "I do not know, I know where I was born, these are my legal information is not real" and remains in a sheet CENSUS observation that the subject census states that your data are not true. In this let him not blame the INDEC, we are a lie and it is time something is done about it.
Palma Graciela (citizens without identity) DNI (with false) 16,496,527