Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Are People With The Same Birthday Compatiable

repealing EPA chemical tests in humans

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The Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA, Environmental Protection Agency) announced that it no longer

agree to accept studies that have used chemical tests in humans

. In 2006, under pressure from the chemical industry, the EPA approved the present analysis using people as guinea pigs in some evidence of toxicity. However, a few days ago EPA has backed away this controversial decision. Virtually any medical ethics code prohibits the test chemicals or drugs that can cause harm. However, the chemical industry has argued that the EPA should accept the results of tests in which healthy volunteers are paid by exposure to toxins, arguing that they provide a setting more accurate than animal studies.

Critics say the results are worth it, as companies used groups of small, unrepresentative of the general population. These studies put people in serious physical danger, no more benefit than a handful of bills. "Pesticides are intentionally designed to be toxic. Its purpose is to kill insects and invasive plants, "said Sen. Barbara Boxter .

Legislator complains that in the experiments, volunteers swallow tablets with insecticides, they sit in chambers with pesticide vapors, apply these chemicals directly on your skin - and even the fire directly into the eyes and nose. Worse,


hidden industry claims that what is being investigated to volunteers. "Subjects were not warned of the damage from exposure to pesticides. Sometimes not even told that the substances tested were pesticides, "says the senator. tests in humans were approved during the Bush era (will anyone surprised?), Under the tutelage of

Stephen Johnson, a former tobacco industry scientist. However, the current government wants to stop companies will take advantage of vulnerable populations in need of money, to serve as laboratory rats. The new provision repeals the permits to companies. So where will the data on exposure to these substances? Of the reports of accidental poisoning, exposure of industrial workers, and other unintentional sources.


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