Monday, June 14, 2010

When And How To Shave After A C Section

gifts paid.

professionals and users are added to the platform


- Valencia, Spain

In 2000, an internist in New York, Bob Goodman, founded the organization No free lunch (no free food), to expose the marketing practices of the pharmaceutical industry. The name alludes to the custom of inviting these companies have to eat to medical students and launched from the campus its relationship to future doctors to promote their products in the future. "Basically, the idea that he wanted to convey is that nothing is free, and someone always ends up paying for the gifts of the industry," says Carlos Ponte, chief of the intensive care unit of the General Hospital of Asturias. Get started No Thanks, the equivalent association in Spain two years ago. Yesterday participated in the presentation of the Valencian branch in a ceremony supported by the Association for the Defense of Public Salut PaĆ­s ValenciĆ  (Acdesa) and the Societat Valenciana de Medicina Familiar i Comunitaria (Svmfic), which also went Antoni Bayon, the group of drug in the Svmfic.

The objective of these institutions, in Italy No grazie, io payment, in Australia

Healthy Skepticism - is to denounce "the dependency" of health professionals for the industry, so they appeal to "redefine this relationship and make it more transparent. " "We want to bring order to the pressure and improper influence exerted intensive industry," said a spokesman for the platform in Spain.

For Ponte, there are several fronts to pay attention. On the one hand, industry should be separate "clearly" the promotion information (which many cases has included invitations or gifts) to discuss their products. In fact, the internist says that 30% of the investment industry goes to marketing. On the other hand, is the role in the continuing education of physicians. The information received by professionals about new treatments will reach 90% by the very companies that sell these drugs. Then there is the control exercised in testing and in designing new products, usually in medicine that can benefit even though they are similar to others on the market. The debate is complex and has many shades. And the facts are that the weight of research in medicines and medical training obviously rests in the industry. Can I change this pattern? Bayon Antoni says the duty of government to enforce the rule governing conflicts of interest in this field. Please give more clues. For example, increasing the research budget and state training and going to occupy the land taken over by the companies. Source




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