I read a note leading national daily on adopted children and the use of Facebook. We started badly for the title. Those who seek and the case of Mauritius referred to the note, but were not listed as adopted children of their own: appropriate.
Mauritius was one of the few cases that had sufficient data and their foster parents who accompanied him on the search. Most cases are turning to social networks do not have any evidence. Adoptees have a record, it is more, according to what you read may be that not even interested in meeting with the mother or birth family. The government should really address the topic, content and media, Facebook is exposed and generate many illusions. Enter the network and putting in the form "identity" will note that there are people that are expressed with great feeling about looking for his mother, perhaps because there was good relationship with the foster family (not legally adopted) and the reality is we do not know what happened, a lot of fantasy about being robbed when the reality may be quite another. We assume that in most cases were unwanted babies. I return to the case of Mauritius which is referred to in the note. The mother wanted him and he responded well, not everyone would do with a "you were an accident." It is a painful response. Turn to Facebook, the internet in general is part of the desperation of the people for the state to close all doors. As appropriate we have a record of adoption for consultation and there across the country a government office that deals comprehensively in our searches (universal human right.) We need to consult the files of the hospitals, several databases, to investigate and assemble this record we never had to know our history of origin. Only then will we know whether or not to meet with the biological family. And also think of these mothers, maybe our birth was a traumatic event for them and they are being exposed too. It is necessary to be handled with respect and wisdom for all involved. As the note said containment is needed and the Internet is a double edged sword. Journalists are asking to use the right words, in our cases are fundamental and make the difference. We are not adopted, are appropriate.
Palma Graciela (citizens without identity) DNI (with false) 16,496,527
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