Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Church Letter Of Condolence

Modern Parents "?

The World Cup brought an extra surprise: the paternity of Ronaldo. No details are known because they said it prefers to keep secret for the sake of the child. Now, do keep the secret when the child grows up and ask for your home? Plus it leaves a bitter taste to feel that what matters most is the need to have a child of their own blood. Why not adopt? There are so many children in need of love and family. And this new fashion for children includes the selection of certain characteristics: eye color, hair and even in some cases there is already talk of sex selection. One version says that it paid big money for the mother to stay away ever leaving Ronaldo with full custody. What decision is taken on behalf of the child! We are living in an age where raw selfishness of adults and do not take into account the rights of children, their welfare superior. It was decided by him but thinking about interests and personal convenience of the adult. Recall that the adoption guarantees the right to determine the identity of the child that the adoptive parents the child will not hide their status and that this, in its majority, may consult the file corresponding to ascertain their true origin. That is, these new ways of being fathers and mothers do not consider the child as a subject of law, much less consider their feelings. Already decided for him. Sometimes I think what authority we have to discuss human rights, equality or discrimination. We need to recover the spirituality. We are human beings, tratémonos as such.

Graciela Palma (Citizens without identity) DNI 16,496,527


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