Thursday, July 29, 2010
Pain Moves From Tooth To Tooth
Sunday, July 25, 2010
How To Find Brothers Sisters In Kundli
Until 1947, there were three types of children: the legitimate, born of a marriage, whether natural: children of a couple able to marry right to be recognized by the father and claim inheritance (1 / 4 part as opposed to legitimate) and the adulterous and incestuous: they had no right to know the identity of mother and / or father, could be recognized only if it was the will of the father and had no right to inherit. The birth had a kind of stamp or poster highlighting the "category" of the child / a. At that time not to take the last name was contrary to social norms and belonging in the community. Peron's first government took measures pushed by Evita pose a policy of sensitivity to children and in 1954 the government introduced a bill that raised the equality of legitimate and illegitimate children. The opposition was very large but achieved more moderate getting a project that is "tagged" to the children in their birth certificates, which they are entitled to know their origins and gain recognition and bring his father's surname. Peronism was consistent with their ideas because if raised the banner of equality and social justice could not be discriminated against and excluded a childhood. Eva was a pioneer in the fight for the True Identity of Origin and if he were alive today would not allow the more than 3 million citizens without identity but were not listed as adopted children of their own (appropriate) we ignore as it is to this day . Hundreds of internet travel stories, we turn to social networks desperately, exposing us to our search, with the pain of the uncertainty of not knowing when or where we are born in truth. Eva Perón would not have allowed, we would carefully protected because searches can be conducted in a confidential and respect. But those who use their image and raise its flag saying we are forced to beg for a legitimate right. "They would tell animated Evita" this subject does not like anyone "as we have responded to us? Or say that if the State were to take steps to help promote mass abortions and infanticide? Hypocrites! In the 58 years anniversary of the death of Mrs. Eva Peron I honor her by saying that although I have been born after his death, his fighting spirit, sensitivity and respect for children encourage me to continue in this claim for the right to know the true identity of Origin is for Everyone.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Replacing Nordictrack Treadmill Belt
Therefore, an emblem is a kind of image of something. For example, a photograph of a person is a form of representation, without being itself or the flag of a territory, is a representation of the geographical area, its people and culture, etc.
In our particular case, because the specific object of the study of cultural Paleontology, always, are the fossils, therefore, for an emblem is reason for our interest, must contain some element of Paleontological you have to consist of " a type representation, alluding to certain fossils are real, ie have been found somewhere in concrete and visible expression of which has been translated, using the mediation of a plastic art, graphic or visual, used as means to achieve the result desired expressive. "
New logo or emblem of the company paleontological Castellon Vega del Moll Clays , which appears complete and articulated skeleton of Iguanodon, with whose representation is alludes to skeleton, almost complete, Iguanodon bernissartensis was found during the operation of clay work, supervised by the JM Gasulla paleontologist, in the quarry of "Mas de la Parreta" at the end of Morella (Castellón).
We warn people too imaginative that kind of "UFO" at the end of the skeleton of Iguanodon, there is such technological gadgets, but the silhouette is typical, at the base of the hill sits the town of Morella, whose part of the old crown crest Saracen castle.
There are other occasions where paleontological representations, although they can be very realistic and even hyper, could be very little or no true with respect to the actual characteristics of the original fossil remains, which represent a very indirect or distorted. This happens when the representation is sought to acquire information associated paleontological but was not present in the original. This is the case of all representations that are " paleobiological reconstructions or recreations paleoecological . " But despite all the artifice that it is always evident in these types of representation, it is fully justified, since in these particular cases of representation, the resulting descriptive images, but entirely ideal or imaginary and faithful little or no regard to original fossils, are very loyal to a set of performances conducted by teams of experts are well informed about appropriate assumptions that are fairly or very reliable, scientifically, at that time.
The impressive mural Museum Dinosaurs sand or Areny Noguera (Huesca) 5 x 2.10 m. , Paleoartist excellent work of scientific illustrator, Madrid, Raúl Martín . Which has rebuilt the image of a self paleoenvironment of this locality, in the late Cretaceous, the dinosaurs for this habitat.
This type of representation are possible, from the synthetic interpretation of all data relevant field, results of the study and interpretation of skeletal remains and footprints of dinosaurs, as well as the remains of other organisms, plants and small animals com shared with dinos stratigraphic level in the site.
In the picture, the logo of the Dinosaur Museum of sand or Areny Noguera (Huesca), which f ue CEAM designed by the company of Zaragoza. This emblem, despite being very simple, it highly informative, because very few symbolic means, he communicates to the observer, the basic information at alluding to the place and content of the museum, concurrently.
has achieved an excellent visual effect, by emptying the silhouette of a dinosaur hadrosaurino rate, resulting in its negative image on a sheet of metal triangle, so that the whole looks like a capital letter, with the figure of a dinosaur hadrosaurin or without crest included.
As an example of good fossils emblematic moment, we could take some of the Iberian dinosaurs that prove to be the oldest, the most modern, the larger, those for the first time Peninsula or those defined for the first time for science, from Iberian remains, etc., become good representatives of the fossil record of the place. But these criteria are valid for a specialized group of Mesozoic reptiles, are also valid for any other biological group, as might be the mammalian birds, common reptiles, amphibians, fish, many invertebrates such as ammonites, trilobites, sea urchins and some others ... and even trees, amber and invertebrates within it ... and of course , all kinds of footprints, associated with any fossil biological group.
logo Arouca Geopark (Portugal) which has chosen as a fossil em problematic to trilobites, although his own costs in this modern design recognized the ca characteristics typical of any real trilobites. The design has taken a lot of freedom in this r and presentation of a trilobite, but perhaps it is because it is not represent a "trilogy" belonging to the group of common trilobites and currents, but represents a symbol of l giant trilobites I discovered in the village of Canelas in a field, quite exceptional ( A Valério louseira ), being the largest trilobites, all caught up today all over the world.
After many hours of investigation, especially in cyberspace hispanoluso, we have found many fossils symbolic representations, made on very different media, with very different techniques and varied purposes that we have been studying , sorting and collecting as he often does any collectors. Thus, we were able to find representations of fossils in flags, and municipal, but also on t Sunday best and salenses football teams. We were able to discover and collect representations of fossils, the "logos" of private companies, associations and public museums palaeontology. We were surprised to find the silhouette of a dinosaur on the label of a lottery in Asturias, but also cut the sky, the vanes of some town houses, replacing the typical home guard rooster of yesteryear. We have found and collected representations signs for roads, urban signage and theme parks facilities, etc. We have been surprised by the visual effect produced by sculptures of various artistic or scientific validity, installed in public and private spaces that have been paid with money idem.
estanpado seal on the back of a lottery ticket, issued by a lottery of Colunga, town Asturian located in the so-called " Dinosaur Coast" shows as emblematic of this administration, a representation of a dark silhouette of a "dino" a very symbolic of the animal population closely linked to MUJA . Figure showing a resemblance to a typical dragon demo good story and a certain inclination towards children illustration of its author / s.
Anyway, if you're looking for, you really know what they want, knows how to do it, no questions are left confused by striking, but banality or marginal is persistent, with early failures, and are not swayed by the rush finally almost always end to find what you were looking.
against the sky, on a roof of Cornago (La Rioja), three figures dinosaur (a ceratopsids and two titanosaurs ), dealing with the wind point to the neighborhood and, incidentally, to remind the tourists, with little information, which are in a privileged area in that there is a rich and important heritage dinosaurilógico, which can be accessed, through various activities and routes, designed to discover and enjoy.
They "forgot" to mention, the major selective effect on all vertebrates of more than 25 kg. Had the impact of giant meteorite, fallen Chicxulub in the Yucatan peninsula (Mexico) around 65 million years, but this is science and we know that advertising is something else ...
We take this opportunity to recommend to everyone that we are reading, whether of lovers of paleontology, in its most scientific or people who are attracted to more ethnographic aspects that may have some free time and internet connection and, especially, who are profoundly curious and playful, to encourage them to explore "online" with the intention to locate some particular cases of paleontological and emblems iconic fossil that we do not mention. We also want to encourage these same people who, after enjoying their personal discoveries, to endeavor to share with others, since putting this into practice, it is now extremely easy, thanks to the Internet and virtual programs to create publications and new technologies information and communication.
believe that it is not good for the progress of mankind or the advancement of knowledge that the "new knowledge" (discovery) remain entrenched in the minds of its producers and that only, leaving them to offer it to the highest bidder
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Small Pea Sized Lump In Throat
Article Source:
Trade Traffic or illness is the translation given to
'disease mongering', the term used to describe the manipulation made some pharmaceutical companies to extend the terms of a disease, ie generate fictitious ailments, in order to sell a product. Researchers
Ray Moynihan, Health Ioana
and David Henry, published an article in British Medical Journal 'Selling sickness: the pharmaceutical industry and disease mongering' which showed how pharmaceutical companies were inventing a supposed female sexual dysfunction, to boost sales of certain drugs. All marketing perverse process disturbingly affecting citizens. Click here to go to the original article
Buy diseases to the letter. And remedies
Laboratories define new diseases in looking for more market niches - companies behind cooked to create reports needs
COUNTRY - Society - 09/10/2008
Raloxifene (Evista, Lilly) reduces to 75 % risk of fracture in postmenopausal women. The Ropinirole (Requip, Glaxo) relieves restless leg syndrome, which affects 20% of the population, and methylphenidate (Ritalin, Novartis) relieves hyperactivity, suffered by 8% of children. Proliferation of female sexual dysfunction, bipolar disorder grows, intensifies the osteopenia.
All this is truth. But not the whole truth, because the statistics are angled, although technically correct, look at the problem from an artful perspective. And the key to the emerging debate on the "traffic of disease (disease mongering ).
"Trafficking of disease" is a highly charged, and it is on purpose. Has been promoted by Australian journalist Ray Moynihan
, who now works at the School of Public Health Medicine of the University of Newcastle (Australia). And he wants to denounce the "sale of diseases by expanding the boundaries of the pathological, to open markets for those who sell and administer treatments "(PLoS Medicine, May 2008). Although the term
disease mongering has been misappropriated by the movement antipsychiatric and the sect of Scientology, the debate is serious and has reached the technical literature. And those responsible for public health. The Madrid Health Ministry, for example, demanded last year firms Lilly and Procter & Gamble to soften the promotion of their drugs (Evista and Actonel) to prevent fractures.
"In Europe, pharmaceutical companies are already marketing their drugs to prevent fractures in women with osteopenia [slight deficit of bone] and other conditions, according to his calculations, affecting almost half of postmenopausal women, "said the doctor Pablo Alonso, Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Health Public Hospital de Sant Pau. Alonso is the author of a study of disease mongering and osteopenia published this year by the British Medical Journal
. His conclusion is that "have exaggerated the risks of osteopenia and have been undervalued drug side effects." Refers to four active ingredients: raloxifene, alendronate, risedronate and strontium ranelate. These drugs have proven effective in preventing fractures in women with osteoporosis. The question is whether to extend them to the much more common osteopenia. The industry support for it in four scientific papers published in recent years, which opened this article: Raloxifene reduces fractures by 75% for osteopenia. " It seems a compelling argument. But the statistics are skewed. Mathematician John Allen Paulos
explains this type of bias in his book A Mathematician Reads the Newspaper, is a pollutant chemical plant near , and one study concluded that the risk of a rare type of cancer has doubled in the neighborhood. Naturally, everyone takes off from there.
But they should, because this cancer is so rare (say affects 0.0003% of the general population) that the doubling of their risk (up to 0.0006%) is negligible. For women with osteopenia, the risk of fracture is so low that a further reduction of 75% is irrelevant: it would medicate 270 women for three years just to avoid a split, according to Alonso and his colleagues calculated. But there's more. Possible side effects ranelate-cause diarrhea, and there are doubts about the cardiovascular and neurological consequences, not mentioned at any time. Nor raloxifene, although it increases the risk of venous thrombosis and heart attacks. Neither the gastrointestinal consequences of alendronate. Lastly, work on the Lilly drug is signed by three employees of Lilly, the Merck drug was not only funded by Merck, but three of its authors acknowledge conflicts of interest, that of the drug that distributes Spain Procter & Gamble include two experts from Procter & Gamble, and Servier laboratory of the drug bears the signature of three consultants to Servier, which also funded the study.
Even the definition of osteopenia is under the spotlight of traffic experts diseases. The criterion is based on bone mineral density. If it is much lower than normal (2.5 standard deviations below the mean), osteoporosis is diagnosed. If not so much (between 1.0 and 2.5 standard deviations below the mean), osteopenia is diagnosed.
Indeed, these criteria were published in 1994 by a small group of study associated with the World Health Organization (WHO), and are not intended as a guideline for diagnosis, the authors themselves branded as "somewhat arbitrary" - merely a help to standardize epidemiological studies. Alonso also stressed that the WHO team had funding Rorer Labs, Sandoz and SmithKline Beecham.
The vagueness of the diagnostic criteria is a common theme in the discussion of traffic conditions. Researchers
Lisa Schwartz and Steven Woloshin
, Dartmouth University, say that the incidence of restless leg syndrome "has been exaggerated to open markets for new drugs." Evidence presented in the first international congress dedicated to traffic conditions, held two years ago in Newcastle, Australia.
At the same meeting, the University psychiatrist Leonore Tiefer of New York documented the role of the pharmaceutical industry "the creation of a new condition called female sexual dysfunction." And another psychiatrist, David Haley, University of Cardiff, certified "the increasing promotion of bipolar disorder, and drugs to treat it." The discussion becomes more delicate when it affects some types of cancer. For example, the English government last year authorized the marketing of the vaccine against human papillomavirus to prevent cervical cancer, and proposed to the regions for inclusion in the immunization schedule of the National Health System (NHS .) Germany, United Kingdom, Belgium, France and Denmark had already taken similar steps. Vice President Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega explained that cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women and causes 280,000 deaths per year worldwide. In Spain emerge each year 2,100 new cases.
Most experts endorse the decision, but not all. The NHS "has not taken the most rational decision," a group of six researchers led by Carlos Alvarez-Dardet, professor of public health at the University of Alicante and editor of the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health.
These experts estimate the cost minimum as 125 million per year (each vaccine costs 465 euros). And estimates that "when they start to prevent the first cases of cancer within 30 years, the NHS will have spent 4,000 million. Prevent a single death will cost eight million euros then. " Each year die from this cancer in Spain 600 women, a rate of two deaths per 100,000 women of risk. With a drug proven effective, economic arguments can be secondary, but this is not the case papillomavirus vaccine, according to these specialists in public health. Cervical cancer usually takes decades to develop, and the oldest phase III clinical trial began four years ago. "The vaccine has been promoted as an effective tool in preventing cervical cancer," say, "but that scientific evidence does not yet exist."
This virus, however, causes a sexually transmitted infection most common. Usually subside within two years, but if they persist can evolve to cancer in 20 or 30 years. There are over 100 strains of the virus, but licensed vaccines (Gardasil, Merck, and Cervarix, GSK) caution against that cause 70% of cases of cervical cancer.
A team of researchers directed by Teresa Ruiz Cantero, public health department of the University of Alicante, has studied the communication strategies of laboratories, focusing on medicines for menopause and erectile dysfunction.
Again, a common strategy is to "expand the range of indications" by "the extent of disease from minimal symptoms to severe illness. Now drugs are consumed by healthy populations outside the initial indications. " According
Ruiz Cantero, have issued messages such as "more than half of men over 40 have erection problems," that are "a clear manipulation, some biased and simplistic messages that increase the perception that the problem is very prevalent, almost epidemic."
These experts point out that the WHO's objective is to make a rational use of medicines, and not be met if the industry raises the prevalence, or does not include all information in drug advertising. WHO, by the way, also speaks of "seeking truth" in medicine.
"support should be a concert of English universities to regulate the use of his name in marketing campaigns by pharmaceutical companies," says Ruiz Cantero. "And to impose transparency on the financing of university research." Also patients' associations should disseminate what companies the fund.
The website could help, but is full of drug information disseminated by their own manufacturers. Ruiz Cantero believes that the Ministry of Health is to lead information on the Internet. "So other institutional web pages should regularly update their information." The study's findings have been published by the Institute for Women.
The director of the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, Harvey Bale, defended last year, before a meeting of 100 countries, consumers, the industry's ability to promote their medicines in an ethical manner. But only after admitting some "examples of sobrepromoción capital."
The British pharmaceutical employer has published a leaflet for journalists he admitted that the number of diseases is growing, but argues that companies are responsible not defined. For its part, Glaxo denied that the promotion of its drug for restless legs syndrome is a disease trafficking case.
"Part of the problem," says Moynihan, "is the industry spends on promotion about 25% of net sales, almost double the investigation. " Marketing strategies, according to this expert, includes commercials on television about "drugs for lifestyle, public awareness campaigns on emerging diseases and the" financing of patient associations and physicians. "
Pfizer manipulated Neurontin data
In the early nineties, Pfizer manipulated the publication of trials of its drug Neurontin, according to a judicial investigation has revealed in the courts of Boston, collected The New York Sunday Times. Neurontin is an epilepsy drug, and the goal of the multinational was extended to other indications such as neuropathic pain resulting from diabetes. This helped the Neurontin to exceed 2,000 million euros in annual sales.
experts who have reviewed for the judge thousands of company documents, including emails from your managers, showing that Pfizer deliberately delayed the publication of several studies that went wrong-which found no evidence that Neurontin serve for neuropathic pain, and manipulated others to display the data itself in a more desirable for business purposes. The lawsuit was filed by consumer groups, insurance companies and unions in Boston. Pfizer asked to return them billions of dollars for Neurontin prescriptions, and accuse the company of "misrepresenting the benefits of the drug under false pretenses."
Pfizer denies the charge and ensures that the data presented in an "objective, accurate, balanced and complete."
is "a publication strategy that aims to convince physicians of Neurontin's effectiveness and to misrepresent or suppress negative findings," said Kay Dickersin, School of Public Health Johns Hopkins University. Bias that occurs in more than half of the articles on testing, published in September by PLoS.
In 2000, the principal investigator of one of the negative studies, the British
John Reckless, the company threatened to publish on his own if he did it. In September of that year, an officer of the firm wrote in a letter: "Dr. Reckless is eager to publish, but this will have several ramifications. I think we can limit the disadvantages of delaying the publication of that study as much as possible. " The work was not published until 2003, by which time the results appeared combined with two other studies, and the three together indicated that Neurontin was indeed useful against neuropathic pain. In another exchange of emails, a manager of marketing for the company and a professional writer discussed how to decorate results for presentation at a conference. Traffic
diseases Image Credit: Anthony Flores
Birthday Card In The Shape Of A Bicycle
penetration of the pharmaceutical industry on health has formed a complex web of interests and collusion that interacts with the entire sector. Industry funds vocational training, an area of \u200b\u200b"abandoned" frivolously by the public administration, with courses, conferences, travel, meals, speakers ... and obviously not at zero cost. Health centers open their doors to visitors with gifts, large and small claims (presented as "educational opportunities") create a culture of patronage that affects professional autonomy and rationality of the prescription.
for its "complexity" and in particular the pharmacy (with a total expenditure of $ 500,000 million per year) by the "large number of actors involved in the drug chain. " The "aggressive marketing" of the drug is identified as primarily responsible. An unacceptable reality when the population of third world has difficult access to essential medicines.
Investment Industry Marketing is huge
(31% of total) compared with 14% devoted to research ... The industry pays more than 90% of continuing education: setting the agenda, speakers paid ... and this is undoubtedly marketing. Patients are also part of the fabric with subsidies to their associations and the publication of magazines and books. In addition, much of the information marketing is "overvalued" for new drugs which are more expensive to be protected by patents (no generic versions) although 80% of these medications do not provide anything new, are called "me too", by similarity to existing ones. Meanwhile, drug spending grew faster than other chapters, exceeding 30%, combined primary and hospital care, the total public health expenditure. If this trend continues in a few years is comparable to the costs of staff throughout the NHS. We are aware, when to publish the manifesto, that the malpractice and their persistence over time, have for most professionals consideration of "normalcy" of little ethical value. But there is sufficient evidence that the intervention of Industry interfere with adherence to clinical practice guidelines and quality pharmaceutical care.
The platform does not have a vocation to witness, his intention is include professionals
good practice, and not condemnation or confrontation, is to gather support within and outside the health sector, telling what happens with rigor and without sensationalism. The situation has bottomed out and we object to these "aids" that are short term, but eventually pose a high intellectual and economic cost to a society that wants maintain and improve their welfare.
Rubbermaid Store Ontario
is the Head of Unit Aging Research Institute Vall d'Hebron Hospital. Alijotas The study of doctor-Reig and his team performed on 200 patients with different implants in recent years.
has the support of the English Society of Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery.
This doctor's hospital Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bis concerned. He and his team have confirmed their fears: Implants cosmetic fillers such as hyaluronic acid, can cause adverse reactions and injuries that appear months or even years later. Over 30 million people worldwide have been treated with these methods. We talked to him. |
dermal filler implants have revolutionized the war against wrinkles and other medical problems, including traumatic injury, breast cancer or birth defects. It is estimated that has dealt with these methods about 30 million people worldwide. Hyaluronic acid is the star implant anti-aging treatments. No surgery is required, just a shot, but the effect only lasts a few months. Other fillers, such as polyacrylamide polyalkylimide and are permanent. The manufacturers claimed that they present no risk, but studies of the Aging Unit Vall d'Hebron, supported by the English Society of Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery, have been shown to cause adverse reactions and injuries that appear months or even years after performing the implant.
XLSemanal. His research have broken the myth that filled implants are harmless ... Jaume Alijotas-Reig.
manufacturers insisted that there were no complications, but we showed that all implants currently there can cause problems.
XL. What kind of problems? JA-R. Immunological changes that cause inflammatory responses: local reactions such as granulomas, hardening and angioedema. And distant lesions at points far from the injection, while less frequent. In addition, we have described complications rheumatic fever and other systemic disorders.
XL. What is the risk? JA-R. The rate of adverse effects is variable. We do not have an exact figure because we do not know with certainty the number of people who have had reactions. Many patients hide their problems, doctors usually do and the industry does not spend enough information. The rate would range from one percent to one per thousand. In some cases it may be as high as five percent.
XL. Is that high or low? JA-R. That is intolerable. We're talking about an implant cosmetic use. Health because it is taking some risks, but aesthetic must be very careful and we should aim to zero risk. Unfortunately, when implementing any type of material there is a risk, even if tested materials, which are supposed to be inert and biocompatible.
XL. Can it be prevented? JA-R. there a genetic predisposition. We have located a marker on chromosome six. The risk of adverse reactions to an implant is 600 percent higher in people who have this marker. We have just patented a kit
diagnosis to detect genetic risk bioimplants. If we find funding, could be on the market within a year. There is a test whose outcome is absolute, but that can guide patients, physicians and industry in assuming that risk or not. XL. "The industry is reluctant to such tests? JA-R. not believe. Laboratories have a dilemma. It is a booming market. In the U.S. last year got ten million implants, in Spain, some 350,000. We talked about a multi-billion business. And the industry is keen not to die the goose that lays golden eggs. Also, are increasingly disputed in court. It's bad for the image and every case they lose it can cost between 100,000 and 200,000 euros on average.
XL. So you not recommend the implants? JA-R. No. But we can no longer argue they are completely safe. Manufacturers, doctors and patients assumed they were doing something that does not involve any risk. We have shown that yes it is very low, but it exists. In fact, most major manufacturers have already modified its technical information and acknowledges that can cause problems, albeit rarely. We won a battle for patient safety.
XL. Have you had the impression of having stepped on too many corns to a powerful industry? JA-R. Yes, but we had to do it. It was my duty as a doctor. I have been told everything. Sometimes I had the sense of preaching in the desert. But we have gone from a period of unrest and aggression to one of tolerance and, perhaps, of collaboration. It seemed that we had a crusade against the industry and it is not. I never said you have to remove bioimplants market.
XL. As the articles published in scientific journals are devastating ... JA-R. I think that in reality, they are saviors. We are laying the foundation stone for that do not run the business. They need an environment of tranquility and not have the client, the physician and the administration back. We never wanted to hurt the industry.
XL. And the industry has worked? JA-R. No. Until 2010, no laboratory has sought to fund a euro all ours. Denotes a tremendous lack of vision. Research your idea is not to study these issues, of course. Why it was so important that an independent group working on this.
XL. And doctors, what do you think? JA-R. The doctor makes a minimally invasive procedure and it is very frustrating to treat someone who is not sick and end up sick. Not to mention image problems, personal stress, court ... The doctors themselves led the study and provided the patients because they were very concerned. The labs are unconcerned.
XL. Nevertheless, hyaluronic acid and the like are still very popular, especially when compared to other products, such as silicone. JA-R. Silicone is banned in our country. The implant that probably gives less problems. But when given, are recalcitrant.
XL. It has a black legend to start trembling ... JA-R. Because she used what I call `truck oil ': purified silicone, not medical grade. And there has been much damage and death when it is used in large quantities. Source
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Nfl Custom Football Visors
I read an interview with Mr. Pepe Cibrian Campoy struck me quite entitled "To take the monkeys." Can not be so strict on this issue and stressed that prevent gay adoption means the death of children. In 1 st place: the Adoption of Children is a law, not adults. A child who can express themselves is consulted by the judge, worth his word, and desire. Adoption is not a right of adults for the simple reason that every child has the right to stay with his biological family. When it is found that this is not possible only then can be adopted. Talk about it with very lightly and always from the interests of adults. If it raised by Mr. Cibrian then justify appropriations (illegal adoptions) because what matters avoid the child's true identity, change all your data, record it as your own child, total, in the name of love anything goes. I can assure you that you suffer a lot and invite him to go online and see the number of adults seeking their true identity of origin, some distressing messages. You look at the case of the transvestite, in Cordoba, where the judge granted the possession of some brothers who were abused. The judge listened to the children. Did you know that love on behalf of children separated from their parents by the fact poor? They are considered "at risk." Instead of creating the right conditions to keep the family together to choose the easiest solution all in the name of love. In these days of debates I was struck by a video of UNICEF on the Rights of the Child when it comes to the law to have a family picture shows a man and a woman with child. The same is observed in other videos on the Rights of Man. Appear not gay, or single women or single men. These videos talk about discrimination. Contradiction? I think we lose a change, it already became a confrontation between political-tinged adult supporters. Mr. Cibrian, declamation in the Senate crying "Marica" \u200b\u200bshowed their artistic quality (which never doubted) but to talk about making other preparation is required. And I would have liked to take me a monkey.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
A Church Letter Of Condolence
The World Cup brought an extra surprise: the paternity of Ronaldo. No details are known because they said it prefers to keep secret for the sake of the child. Now, do keep the secret when the child grows up and ask for your home? Plus it leaves a bitter taste to feel that what matters most is the need to have a child of their own blood. Why not adopt? There are so many children in need of love and family. And this new fashion for children includes the selection of certain characteristics: eye color, hair and even in some cases there is already talk of sex selection. One version says that it paid big money for the mother to stay away ever leaving Ronaldo with full custody. What decision is taken on behalf of the child! We are living in an age where raw selfishness of adults and do not take into account the rights of children, their welfare superior. It was decided by him but thinking about interests and personal convenience of the adult. Recall that the adoption guarantees the right to determine the identity of the child that the adoptive parents the child will not hide their status and that this, in its majority, may consult the file corresponding to ascertain their true origin. That is, these new ways of being fathers and mothers do not consider the child as a subject of law, much less consider their feelings. Already decided for him. Sometimes I think what authority we have to discuss human rights, equality or discrimination. We need to recover the spirituality. We are human beings, tratémonos as such.
Graciela Palma (Citizens without identity) DNI 16,496,527