Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Replacing Nordictrack Treadmill Belt

emblematic Iberian Fossil Record (1). Great

by Heraclius ASTUDILLO-POMBO, Dept. MACS-UdL

Introduction to the concepts of paleontology emblem "and" iconic fossil. "

Since we mentioned the use emblematic of the fossils, we begin by defining the meaning of the term "emblem" for which we have chosen to avoid confusion or misunderstanding. For the focus of our work and to the issue in palaeontological that

Be applied, we have chosen, considering the most appropriate, meaning that provides the second dictionary meaning of the RAE: "Which is another symbolic representation of" .
Therefore, an emblem is a kind of image of something. For example, a photograph of a person is a form of representation, without being itself or the flag of a territory, is a representation of the geographical area, its people and culture, etc.

In our particular case, because the specific object of the study of cultural Paleontology, always, are the fossils, therefore, for an emblem
is reason for our interest, must contain some element of Paleontological you have to consist of " a type representation, alluding to certain fossils are real, ie have been found somewhere in concrete and visible expression of which has been translated, using the mediation of a plastic art, graphic or visual, used as means to achieve the result desired expressive. "

We should note that representations paleontological, when they have a clear scientific purpose or / and an illustrative function, they can be extremely loyal and extremely realistic, with respect to the morphological characteristics , the proportions and dimensions of the original fossil remains, which should represent, so that in these cases, the degree of symbolism and descriptive inaccuracy, is very low, affecting only to the words of the volumes and the substitute material used. This is the case of the representations teniedo testimonial claims can not be "manipulated" formally, at least significantly. In these cases, representative or emblematic images, must be figurative and "hiperrrealistas" most appropriate technical means to make the representation will be photography, drawing or painting, of a scientific and documentary.

New logo or emblem of the company paleontological Castellon Vega del Moll Clays , which appears complete and articulated skeleton of Iguanodon, with whose representation is alludes to skeleton, almost complete, Iguanodon bernissartensis was found during the operation of clay work, supervised by the JM Gasulla paleontologist, in the quarry of "Mas de la Parreta" at the end of Morella (Castellón).
We warn people too imaginative that kind of "UFO" at the end of the skeleton of Iguanodon, there is such technological gadgets, but the silhouette is typical, at the base of the hill sits the town of Morella, whose part of the old crown crest Saracen castle.

Image: courtesy courtesy Clays morellana company Vega del Moll.

There are other occasions where paleontological representations, although they can be very realistic and even hyper, could be very little or no true with respect to the actual characteristics of the original fossil remains, which represent a very indirect or distorted. This happens when the representation is sought to acquire information associated paleontological but was not present in the original. This is the case of all representations that are "
paleobiological reconstructions or recreations paleoecological . " But despite all the artifice that it is always evident in these types of representation, it is fully justified, since in these particular cases of representation, the resulting descriptive images, but entirely ideal or imaginary and faithful little or no regard to original fossils, are very loyal to a set of performances conducted by teams of experts are well informed about appropriate assumptions that are fairly or very reliable, scientifically, at that time.

paleontological Such emblems are the result of applying the criteria and techniques of scientific illustration own paleontological, to represent things that are not in the model. In these cases, representative or emblematic images, must be figurative and "hiperrrealistas" either with the support they provide half as much of modern computer graphics or traditional and conventional techniques, such as drawing, painting or sculpture, figurative type and fully illustrative function.

The impressive mural Museum Dinosaurs sand or Areny Noguera (Huesca) 5 x 2.10 m. , Paleoartist excellent work of scientific illustrator, Madrid, Raúl Martín . Which has rebuilt the image of a self paleoenvironment of this locality, in the late Cretaceous, the dinosaurs for this habitat.
This type of representation are possible, from the synthetic interpretation of all data relevant field, results of the study and interpretation of skeletal remains and footprints of dinosaurs, as well as the remains of other organisms, plants and small animals com shared with dinos stratigraphic level in the site.

First, we can see a hadrosaur similar in appearance to the Maiasaura hadrosaurino , surprised by the attack of a pair of coelurosaurian one of their fellow herd. In the background, silhouetted against the horizon a couple of titanosaurs, stroll observed at some distance by a Tyrannosaur .

Image: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh3wyyl-tiqIS3ltxJtAReGXWX82hR9ZZweaLg5JjMw69tGTanA2jlJeUBkPxKoNiyLCKaan-MjVErmjvmgb9nh_B19wGQ56OrkbuO6cPtwarsAZccG8lIjPn0Ok-rYAVjCoecPaj2Y53k/s1600-h/206 . jpg

Interestingly, the mural is not represented no "typical" hadrosaur, with showy crest, but that is because when the museum was the mural was painted in 2007, it was decided to allocate the available time remains at a rate of non-crested hadrosaur, more like the hadrosaurinos, because at that time, studying the bones dinosauriólogos had no clear evidence to say that it was lambeosaurine dinosaur remains, that is typical hadrosaur, Crested. Now you know with certainty that there are remains of hadrosaurs Arén lambeosaurine, crested, as are the Arenysaurus which was published in 2009 and the B lasisaurus to be published in December 2010.

But we must keep in mind that in addition to the above two types of representations associated with fossil remains that we have described so far, there is also a third type of representation in the paleontological which integrates all those representations that have no scientific purposes, but art or advertising, can afford the freedom to apply formal distortions represented the original natural reality, ways of handling that in these cases, could be used are highly variable and not only result admissible, but even advisable to match the aesthetic tastes of the moment.
Logically, the more manipulation in a representation, higher degree of symbolism and descrptiva inaccuracies.

In the picture, the logo of the Dinosaur Museum of sand or Areny Noguera (Huesca), which f ue CEAM designed by the company of Zaragoza. This emblem, despite being very simple, it highly informative, because very few symbolic means, he communicates to the observer, the basic information at alluding to the place and content of the museum, concurrently.
has achieved an excellent visual effect, by emptying the silhouette of a dinosaur hadrosaurino rate, resulting in its negative image on a sheet of metal triangle, so that the whole looks like a capital letter, with the figure of a dinosaur hadrosaurin or without crest included.

This symbol refers to the initial letter of the word Areny Arena, which is the name of the bilingual population in which they are located, and installed the paleontological museum dinosauriológico. In addition, it also refers to the type of dinosaur remains more abundant in the two sites studied in this population of Aragon.

At this point, perhaps we should now define what we mean by "fossil emblematic" . In our opinion, a "fossil landmark" can be " any type of fossil that is sufficiently representative of a specific real environment, be it a field, a region or a much larger territory, as long as they provide biological or ecological uniqueness and revealed a clear geographical link with a locality or area, it will be a good candidate for election and appointment as the iconic fossil most appropriate for that location. "

As an example of good fossils emblematic moment, we could take some of the Iberian dinosaurs that prove to be the oldest, the most modern, the larger, those for the first time Peninsula or those defined for the first time for science,
from Iberian remains, etc., become good representatives of the fossil record of the place. But these criteria are valid for a specialized group of Mesozoic reptiles, are also valid for any other biological group, as might be the mammalian birds, common reptiles, amphibians, fish, many invertebrates such as ammonites, trilobites, sea urchins and some others ... and even trees, amber and invertebrates within it ... and of course , all kinds of footprints, associated with any fossil biological group.

logo Arouca Geopark (Portugal) which has chosen as a fossil em problematic to trilobites, although his own costs in this modern design recognized the ca characteristics typical of any real trilobites. The design has taken a lot of freedom in this r and presentation of a trilobite, but perhaps it is because it is not represent a "trilogy" belonging to the group of common trilobites and currents, but represents a symbol of l giant trilobites I discovered in the village of Canelas in a field, quite exceptional ( A Valério louseira ), being the largest trilobites, all caught up today all over the world.

We believe the statements contained in the above two points will help much @ s @ s patients of our readers and readers to understand more easily the various modalities and the different uses emblematic Iberian fossil record, more or less success, and success have been implemented in various areas of our peninsula and we will present, in the future, through successive deliveries.

After many hours of investigation, especially in cyberspace hispanoluso, we have found many fossils symbolic representations, made on very different media, with very different techniques and varied purposes that we have been studying , sorting and collecting as he often does any collectors. Thus, we were able to find representations of fossils in flags, and municipal, but also on t Sunday best and salenses football teams. We were able to discover and collect representations of fossils, the "logos" of private companies, associations and public museums palaeontology. We were surprised to find the silhouette of a dinosaur on the label of a lottery in Asturias, but also cut the sky, the vanes of some town houses, replacing the typical home guard rooster of yesteryear. We have found and collected representations signs for roads, urban signage and theme parks facilities, etc. We have been surprised by the visual effect produced by sculptures of various artistic or scientific validity, installed in public and private spaces that have been paid with money idem.

estanpado seal on the back of a lottery ticket, issued by a lottery of Colunga, town Asturian located in the so-called " Dinosaur Coast" shows as emblematic of this administration, a representation of a dark silhouette of a "dino" a very symbolic of the animal population closely linked to MUJA . Figure showing a resemblance to a typical dragon demo good story and a certain inclination towards children illustration of its author / s.

Anyway, if you're looking for, you really know what they want, knows how to do it, no questions are left confused by striking, but banality or marginal
is persistent, with early failures, and are not swayed by the rush finally almost always end to find what you were looking.

against the sky, on a roof of Cornago (La Rioja), three figures dinosaur (a ceratopsids and two titanosaurs ), dealing with the wind point to the neighborhood and, incidentally, to remind the tourists, with little information, which are in a privileged area in that there is a rich and important heritage dinosaurilógico, which can be accessed, through various activities and routes, designed to discover and enjoy.

We follow this procedure, so simple, we could be finding that, here in our Iberian peninsula, but also abroad, not only symbolic uses of various types of fossils, but in many cases, we reach make a clear abuse, and sometimes ridiculous, under the stimulating influence of the economic benefits of varying justification.

ad that raises the evolution of birds from big, lumbering dinosaurs, as a simile of economic evolution, which shows the process of transformation , through a series of intermediate forms smaller, lighter and progressively "more evolved", ie, better adapted to the changing environment. In this representation promotional compare different banking products from the competition, with beings that eventually be extinguished by obsolete (dinos) or not extinct creatures (birds modern ), thanks to its adaptive resilience to successfully face the changes occurring in their environment.
They "forgot" to mention, the major selective effect on all vertebrates of more than 25 kg. Had the impact of giant meteorite, fallen Chicxulub in the Yucatan peninsula (Mexico) around 65 million years, but this is science and we know that advertising is something else ...


We take this opportunity to recommend to everyone that we are reading, whether of lovers of paleontology, in its most scientific or people who are attracted to more ethnographic aspects that may have some free time and internet connection and, especially, who are profoundly curious and playful, to encourage them to explore "online" with the intention to locate some particular cases of paleontological and emblems iconic fossil that we do not mention. We also want to encourage these same people who, after enjoying their personal discoveries, to endeavor to share with others, since putting this into practice, it is now
extremely easy, thanks to the Internet and virtual programs to create publications and new technologies information and communication.


believe that it is not good for the progress of mankind or the advancement of knowledge that the "new knowledge" (discovery) remain entrenched in the minds of its producers and that only, leaving them to offer it to the highest bidder



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