Saturday, July 17, 2010

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The bioimplants industry, side effects and risks


is the Head of Unit Aging Research Institute Vall d'Hebron Hospital.
Alijotas The study of doctor-Reig and his team performed on 200 patients with different implants in recent years.
has the support of the English Society of Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery.
  • "cosmetic implants produce few side effects intolerable"

  • This doctor's hospital Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bis concerned. He and his team have confirmed their fears: Implants cosmetic fillers such as hyaluronic acid, can cause adverse reactions and injuries that appear months or even years later. Over 30 million people worldwide have been treated with these methods. We talked to him.

    dermal filler implants have revolutionized the war against wrinkles and other medical problems, including traumatic injury, breast cancer or birth defects. It is estimated that has dealt with these methods about 30 million people worldwide. Hyaluronic acid is the star implant anti-aging treatments. No surgery is required, just a shot, but the effect only lasts a few months. Other fillers, such as polyacrylamide polyalkylimide and are permanent. The manufacturers claimed that they present no risk, but studies of the Aging Unit Vall d'Hebron, supported by the English Society of Cosmetic Medicine and Surgery, have been shown to cause adverse reactions and injuries that appear months or even years after performing the implant.

    XLSemanal. His research have broken the myth that filled implants are harmless ... Jaume Alijotas-Reig.
    manufacturers insisted that there were no complications, but we showed that all implants currently there can cause problems.

    XL. What kind of problems?
    JA-R. Immunological changes that cause inflammatory responses: local reactions such as granulomas, hardening and angioedema. And distant lesions at points far from the injection, while less frequent. In addition, we have described complications rheumatic fever and other systemic disorders.

    XL. What is the risk?
    JA-R. The rate of adverse effects is variable. We do not have an exact figure because we do not know with certainty the number of people who have had reactions. Many patients hide their problems, doctors usually do and the industry does not spend enough information. The rate would range from one percent to one per thousand. In some cases it may be as high as five percent.

    XL. Is that high or low?
    JA-R. That is intolerable. We're talking about an implant cosmetic use. Health because it is taking some risks, but aesthetic must be very careful and we should aim to zero risk. Unfortunately, when implementing any type of material there is a risk, even if tested materials, which are supposed to be inert and biocompatible.

    XL. Can it be prevented?
    JA-R. there a genetic predisposition. We have located a marker on chromosome six. The risk of adverse reactions to an implant is 600 percent higher in people who have this marker. We have just patented a kit

    diagnosis to detect genetic risk bioimplants. If we find funding, could be on the market within a year. There is a test whose outcome is absolute, but that can guide patients, physicians and industry in assuming that risk or not.
    XL. "The industry is reluctant to such tests? JA-R. not believe. Laboratories have a dilemma. It is a booming market. In the U.S. last year got ten million implants, in Spain, some 350,000. We talked about a multi-billion business. And the industry is keen not to die the goose that lays golden eggs. Also, are increasingly disputed in court. It's bad for the image and every case they lose it can cost between 100,000 and 200,000 euros on average.

    XL. So you not recommend the implants?
    JA-R. No. But we can no longer argue they are completely safe. Manufacturers, doctors and patients assumed they were doing something that does not involve any risk. We have shown that yes it is very low, but it exists. In fact, most major manufacturers have already modified its technical information and acknowledges that can cause problems, albeit rarely. We won a battle for patient safety.

    XL. Have you had the impression of having stepped on too many corns to a powerful industry?
    JA-R. Yes, but we had to do it. It was my duty as a doctor. I have been told everything. Sometimes I had the sense of preaching in the desert. But we have gone from a period of unrest and aggression to one of tolerance and, perhaps, of collaboration. It seemed that we had a crusade against the industry and it is not. I never said you have to remove bioimplants market.

    XL. As the articles published in scientific journals are devastating ...
    JA-R. I think that in reality, they are saviors. We are laying the foundation stone for that do not run the business. They need an environment of tranquility and not have the client, the physician and the administration back. We never wanted to hurt the industry.

    XL. And the industry has worked?
    JA-R. No. Until 2010, no laboratory has sought to fund a euro all ours. Denotes a tremendous lack of vision. Research your idea is not to study these issues, of course. Why it was so important that an independent group working on this.

    XL. And doctors, what do you think?
    JA-R. The doctor makes a minimally invasive procedure and it is very frustrating to treat someone who is not sick and end up sick. Not to mention image problems, personal stress, court ... The doctors themselves led the study and provided the patients because they were very concerned. The labs are unconcerned.

    XL. Nevertheless, hyaluronic acid and the like are still very popular, especially when compared to other products, such as silicone.
    JA-R. Silicone is banned in our country. The implant that probably gives less problems. But when given, are recalcitrant.

    XL. It has a black legend to start trembling ...
    JA-R. Because she used what I call `truck oil ': purified silicone, not medical grade. And there has been much damage and death when it is used in large quantities. Source


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